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Chapter #3 Classification. Chapter 3.1 Notes Classify- means to group thing together based on similarities. Trait- is a feature (look or behavior) that.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter #3 Classification. Chapter 3.1 Notes Classify- means to group thing together based on similarities. Trait- is a feature (look or behavior) that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter #3 Classification

2 Chapter 3.1 Notes Classify- means to group thing together based on similarities. Trait- is a feature (look or behavior) that a thing has. Traits are things like eye color, hair color, tooth color, hand shape, size of foot, being a tongue roller or not, finger shapes.

3 Chapter 3.2 Notes Aristotle one of the 1 st people to classify things. He put everything into two groups Plants and Animals ShrubTrees Herbs LandSeaAir

4 1735 Carolus Linnaeus- developed new classification system. Changes 1.Plants and animals into more groups. 2.Based on specific traits. 3.Gave organisms names that described their traits.

5 7 Levels of Classification 1.Kingdom – Largest King 2.Phylum Phillip 3.ClassCame 4.OrderOver 5.FamilyFrom 6.GenusGermany 7.Species – SmallestSwimming

6 Human Classification Kingdom- Animals Phylum- Chordates Class- Mammals Order- Primates Family- hominidae Genus- Homo Species- sapiens

7 A rare owl not much bigger than a human fist was spotted for the first time in the wild in the Peruvian jungle last week (March 20, 2007). The bird with long, wispy feathers around its eyes was first discovered in 1976. Ornithologists believe only between 250 and 1,000 of the tiny animals, which occupy their own genus "Xenoglaux”, exist on the planet. Long-whiskered owlet

8 Chapter 3.3 Notes Scientific Name- is the genus + species. Genus is always CAPITILIZED and species is lower case. This poison arrow frog's scientific name, Dendrobates azureus, means blue tree-walker!

9 5 kingdoms 1.Plants- many cells, have chloroplast. Tree, flowers… 2.Fungi- have cell wall, no chloroplast. Mushroom, mold… 3.Animals- many cells, can move. Dog, cat, insects…. 4.Protist- 1 cell have nucleus, some have chloroplast. Amoeba, euglena. 5.Monerans- I cell, no nucleus. Bacteria.

10 Work Cited “Kingdoms”. March 15, 2007. “Traits”. March 15, 2007. set/science_is_here/Images/traits.gif set/science_is_here/Images/traits.gif “Photo of traits”. March 15, 2007. “Aristotle”. March 15, 2007. “Linnaeus”. March 15, 2007. of-antiquarian-technology/worthies/famous-men-science-linnaeus-1200-scale1000.jpg of-antiquarian-technology/worthies/famous-men-science-linnaeus-1200-scale1000.jpg “Scientific Name”. March 20, 2007. “Human Classification”. March 20, 2007. “Five Kingdoms”. March 20, 2007. 5kingdoms.png 5kingdoms.png “Long whiskered owl”. March 28, 2007.

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