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By: Saad Khalid, Carlin Nguyen, Logan Jensen. Welcome to the Twisty Path of the Gahiji Safari!

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Presentation on theme: "By: Saad Khalid, Carlin Nguyen, Logan Jensen. Welcome to the Twisty Path of the Gahiji Safari!"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Saad Khalid, Carlin Nguyen, Logan Jensen

2 Welcome to the Twisty Path of the Gahiji Safari!

3 Hippopotamus Their name is often shortened to "hippo.“ They are large, mostly plant-eating African mammal. They are semi-aquatic as they inhabit rivers and lakes in large groups of up to 40 hippos. During the day they remain cool by laying in the water or mud. They are recognized for their barrel-shaped torso, enormous mouth and teeth, hairless body, stubby legs, gray color, and tremendous size. They can easily outrun a human. They among the most dangerous and aggressive of all animals. There are only 125,000 to 150,000 hippos remaining throughout the whole Sub-Sahara African region. They are threatened by poaching for their meat and ivory canine teeth and by habitat loss. They have now become endangered. Their lifespan is typically 40 to 50 years. They usually end up killing a human if the human does something to anger them.

4 Gazelles They are known as the swiftest animals as they are able to reach speeds as high as 50 mph for long periods of time. They are mostly found in the grasslands and savannas of Africa. They tend to live in herds and will eat less coarse and easily digestible plants and leaves. They exhibit a distinctive behavior of sotting, running slowly and jumping high before fleeing, when they are threatened by predators. There are approximately 14 types of gazelles. They are threatened by habitat loss, hunting, and climate change. They are extinct in some countries.


6 The Trees are Plentiful in the Wanjala Safari!

7 Rhinoceros They are capable of reaching one ton or more in weight. They have herbivorous diets. They have a thick protective layer of skin which is usually 1.5 to 5 cm thick. They have relatively small brains for mammals their size and they have a large horn. Some rhinos even have 2 horns instead of one. The rhino is prized for its horn, which is worth a lot of money in the black market. Their horns are used in traditional Asian medicine and for dagger handles in Yemen and Oman. They also have acute hearing and sense of smell, but poor eyesight sometimes slows them down. They tend to live for about 60 years or more. Poachers tend to hurt or sometimes kill the rhino just for their horns.


9 Get Ready for Some Double Takes in the Takiyah Safari!

10 Zebra They are best known for their distinctive white and black stripes. They are seen in small to large herds. They weigh around 300kg. They feed mainly on grasses but will also eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves, and bark. They have well adapted digestive systems. Attempts have been made to train zebras for riding, however most of these attempts failed due to the zebra’s more unpredictable nature and their tendency to panic under stress. They were, and still are, hunted mainly for their skins. Habitat loss challenges their growing population. They are endangered in some areas, and venerable in others.

11 Leopards They are the smallest of the four big cats. They were once distributed across southern Eurasia and Africa, from Korea to South Africa and Spain. Now they are mainly found in Sub-Saharan Africa. Their numbers are greater than that of any other cat species. They consume virtually any animal they can catch and live in anywhere from rainforests to deserts. They are able to take large prey given a massive skull that well utilizes powerful jaw muscles. Their body is comparatively long for a cat and their legs are short. Graceful and stealthy, they are famous for their ability to go undetected. They are mainly nocturnal but they can be seen at any time of day and will even hunt during daytime on overcast days. They stalk their prey silently and at the last minute pounce on their prey and strangle their throat with a quick bite. They are threatened by poaching and are prized by hunters. If they corner a human they will attack. They are currently stated as threatened.


13 The Lions Might Bite Your Head off at the Unika Safari!

14 Lions They are the second largest living cat after the tiger. They live for approximately 10 to 14 years in the wild. They have powerful legs, a strong jaw, and long canine teeth and they can bring down and kill large prey with a swift motion. They generally lie between 150 to 250 kg for males, and 120 to 180 kg for females. A lioness is a female lion. Lionesses are powerful animals who usually hunt in groups and stalk their chosen prey. Their preference is the wildebeest, impalas, zebras, buffalos, and warthogs. They numbered between 16,500 and 47,000 in 2002 to 2004. The mane of the male lion is one of the most distinctive characteristics of the species. They are killed because they kill farmers livestock. They are currently listed as vulnerable.


16 Welcome to the Jungle of the Yohaness Safari!

17 Elephants They have powerful trunk. They can swim considerable distances and use their trunks like snorkels. They use their tusks to uproot trees and then use it again to chisel the bark off. Their eyes are relatively small compared to the huge size of the animal. Their ears are very large, flat, and roughly the shape of the African continent. Their ears help bring down the huge beast's body temperature. In the summer grass forms the bulk of their diet and is replaced in the winter by woody plants. Their water intake is 120 liters a day and 150 kg of food weight per day. They are threatened by poaching and their prized ivory is sold on the black market. They trample the farms of villagers to look for food. They are currently listed as endangered.

18 Monkeys (Chlorocebus) They are found only in Sub-Saharan Africa. The hair ring around their face has a whitish yellow color. Their face, hands, and feet are hairless and black, although their abdominal skin is bluish. They spend most of the day on the ground feeding and then sleeping at night in the trees. They must drink each day and are dependent on water, so they are never far from rivers or lakes. Facial expressions and body posturing serve as additional communication tools. The majority of their diet consists of grasses and fruits and occasionally they might also eat small vertebrates and insects. They commonly steal brightly colored alcoholic drinks left behind by tourists on the beach. They deliver a powerful bite if they are cornered or threatened. Their life expectancy is 10 to 12 years in the wild. They attract many tourists from all around the world.


20 Watch out for the Thorns on the Roads of the Wanjiru Safari!

21 Cape Buffalo They are also known as the African Buffalo. This powerful animal has few natural enemies. Their power and size enables them to defend themselves. They kill lions, hyenas, humans, and other wild predators. Another name for them is The Black Death because of their color and their aggressive behavior. They are one of the most successful grazers in Africa. They are endangered by poaching as they are a prized kill because they are so dangerous. They will sometimes attack humans if provoked. They are not currently listed as endangered or extinct.

22 Giraffe They are the tallest of all land living animal species. They can inhabit savannas, grasslands, or open woodlands. They drink large quantities of water and, as a result, they can spend long periods of time in dry, arid areas. They have spots covering their entire bodies, except their underbellies. They obviously have long necks, which they use to reach the the leaves of tall trees. They are a difficult and dangerous to prey on. When they are attacked they defend themselves by kicking with great force. They have one of the shortest sleep requirements of any mammal. They are threatened by poaching and habitat destruction. They raid farms and eat peoples crops. They are in low risk of danger, but they are extinct in some countries.


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