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THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL.

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3 THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL

4 And now…here is the host of Jeopardy… Mr. Riso

5 Let’s Get Ready to play… Today’s Categories are:

6 Jefferson vs Adams

7 The year 1812 was a war?

8 Let’s compromise in the State of Missouri

9 Jacksonian Monarchy, I mean democracy

10 Western expansion of the western portion of the west

11 Not literally a Railroad and not literally underground

12 100 200 300 400 500 Jefferson vs Adams 100 200 300 400 500 The year 1812 was a war? 100 200 300 400 500 Let’s compromise in the State of Missouri 100 200 300 400 500 Jacksonian Monarchy, I mean democracy 100 200 300 400 500 Western expansion of the western portion of the west DD FJ 100 200 300 400 500 Not literally a Railroad and not literally underground

13 This purchase of land would create major issues over slave and non-slave states. Answer…

14 What is The Louisiana Purchase ? 100

15 Political party that Thomas Jefferson was part of. Answer…

16 What is the Republican Party? 200

17 The political Party that John Adams was part of. Answer…

18 What is the Federalist Party ? 300

19 This political leader believed in the following: more state power and rural, agricultural supporter. Answer…

20 Who is Thomas Jefferson? 400

21 What three Acts did John Adams pass in the House to help win the election of 1800 but actually backfired and caused him to lose. Answer…

22 What is the Sedition, Naturalization and Alien Acts ? 500

23 British, Canadian and Native success in taking Detroit from the Americans is best known as. Answer…

24 What is the Bluff of Detroit? 100

25 This battle gave the U.S. transportation advantages for the remainder of the war. Answer…

26 What is the Battle of Lake Erie? 200

27 The ultimate result of the War of 1812 was. Answer…

28 What is ? What is no clear winner with no land loss? 300

29 How the shipping states voted, when asked to go to war before the War of 1812. Answer…

30 What is voted against the war ? 400

31 How the farming states voted, when asked to go to war before the War of 1812. Answer…

32 What is voted for the war ? 500

33 An agreement passed in 1820 between the pro-slavery and anti- slavery factions in the United States Congress, involving primarily the regulation of slavery in the western territories. Answer…

34 What is the Missouri Compromise ? 100

35 Free state that was created in the north to help offset the creation of Missouri, a slave state, to keep the numbers between slave/free states equal. Answer…

36 What is Maine? 200

37 Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of this parallel. Answer…

38 What is 36°30 ʼ ? 300

39 The Missouri Compromise stated the following. Answer…

40 What is states to the north will be free states and states to the south will be slave states ? 400

41 Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery in the former Louisiana Territory north of this parallel. Answer…

42 What is 36°30 ʼ ? 500

43 This President was criticized for governing like a tyrant using his veto power more than any previous President. Answer…

44 Who is President Andrew Jackson? 100

45 This Republican leader and former President of the United States was one of the first to use mudslinging in a national election campaign in order to tarnish the names of his challengers in the election of 1828. Answer…

46 Who is John Quincy Adams? 200

47 Jackson was in favour of this system and claimed that he used it because he believed it was important to have a rotation in government employees to ensure new ideas and young blood. Answer…

48 What is The Spoils System ? 300

49 Jackson fought many of the Southern States on this issue that would have given states the ability to opt out of some federal laws. Answer…

50 What is Nullification ? 400

51 Jackson fought this institution after he was voted in for a second term. Answer…

52 What is The Bank of the United States ? 500

53 Term that was used in the 19th century to designate the belief that the United States was destined, even divinely ordained, to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean. Answer…

54 What is Manifest Destiny? 100

55 This law ensured that California would be a non-slave state and the settlers of New Mexico and Utah could decide whether they wanted slavery or not: Answer…

56 What is The Compromise of 1850 ? 200

57 This state was rejected by congress when attempting to join the union on their first attempt and would be known as the “Lone Star State” Answer…

58 What is Texas ? 300

59 This state was established by Mormons when they were unable to find a state where they could live without being persecuted for their religious beliefs: Answer…

60 What is Utah? 400

61 The Mexican government attacked an American colony in Texas when the American colonists tried to secede from Mexico. The result of the attack was over 200 dead American colonists and the event is now known as. Answer…

62 What is The Alamo? 500

63 Law that claimed that any slave escaping from the south to freedom in the north should be returned to their masters. Answer…

64 What is the ? What is the Fugitive Slave Act? 100

65 Slave that attempted to use the United States justice system to prove that he was a free man only to be told that he has no rights because he is a slave. Answer…

66 Who is ? Who is Dred Scott? 200

67 The slaves used various code words to help them plan their escape out of the south, which of the following codes meant to follow the North Star. Answer…

68 What is ? What is Follow the Drinking Gourd? 300

69 Former slave who taught himself how to read and write, escaped to the north and was an important advocate against slavery in the south. Answer…

70 Who is Frederick Douglas? 400

71 Former slave who escaped to the north and helped establish and run the underground railroad also known as the female Moses. Answer…

72 Who is Harriet Tubman? 500

73 Daily Double How much do you want to wager? Daily Double Daily Double


75 CATEGORY: U.S. Foreign Policy How much do you want to wager? Proceed…

76 This document stated that efforts by European countries to colonize land or interfere with states in the Americas would be viewed by the United States of America as acts of aggression requiring US intervention. Proceed…

77 What is The Monroe Doctrine? Proceed…

78 Thanks for PLAYING!

79 Credits Template Created by: Chad Kafka, Technology Support Teacher Franklin Public Schools Special thanks to the following people -my mother, who always said I was cool no matter what the other kids at school said. -my wife, who puts up with me. -my children, who think I am god because I keep telling them I am. -and my students who inspire me to keep teaching so that someday I might be able to teach them how to be as awesome as I am. -don’t forget to keep those pets spayed and neutered Jeopardy sound effects used solely for the purpose of fun, entertainment, and education and NOT for profit.

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