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GIS for Poverty Mapping by Mounia Bedran Saba Khatib & Alami, CEC Lebanon Middle East & Africa Conference for ESRI Users December 6-8, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS for Poverty Mapping by Mounia Bedran Saba Khatib & Alami, CEC Lebanon Middle East & Africa Conference for ESRI Users December 6-8, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS for Poverty Mapping by Mounia Bedran Saba Khatib & Alami, CEC Lebanon Middle East & Africa Conference for ESRI Users December 6-8, 2005

2 Agenda ESFD Overview Business Process & GIS Application Conclusion Q & A

3 Overview

4 ESFD The Economic and Social Fund for Development (ESFD) is part of Euro-Med Partnership. It’s an institution mobilizing intermediary partners (like NGOs, Banks) to implement poverty alleviation action in job creation and community development. Its purpose is to make an effective contribution to the development process by enabling individuals, families, small enterprises and low-income groups to work and to be productive

5 Job Creation The “Job Creation Unit” targets the individual; it stabilizes employment, create new jobs and generates income. It provides and manages LOANS to SMEs and micro enterprises.

6 Community Development The “Community Development Unit” strengthens the group initiative in deprived areas. It improves the access of the poor to basic social services and their living conditions. It provides GRANTS to formulate & Local Development Plans & Projects.

7 Community Development Business Process

8 TARGETING Targeting is the process of identifying poverty pockets It involves spatially combining socio- economic data (indicators) in order to identify poverty pockets. It uses indicators such as: Telephone consumption (from utility bills), Number of Commercial units in the area Construction activity

9 TARGETING GIS allows the Creation of a dynamic Poverty Map that allows ESFD to: Re-generate the ECI poverty map whenever new data is made available (for the same indicators used to create the ECI map); Refine the poverty map by adding (or deleting) new indicators with the availability of new data.

10 TARGETING Market Study & Investment Opportunity

11 CALL FOR PROPOSALS No GIS function identified within this activity.

12 ZOOMING IN This would be the starting point of getting to know a community before actually going to the site. Information such as location, population, schools, relief, local infrastructure, roads, existing utilities can be “read” on a map.


14 PLANNING PHASE The Planning Phase involves: Getting to know the community; Identifying its needs in collaboration with its local population Developing a Local Development Plan to alleviate its poverty.

15 PLANNING PHASE GIS Application: Map the Problems & Suggest Solutions

16 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE Consists of closely managing the contracts with the communities, following-up and monitoring of projects Contracts database is in an independent MS SQL database GIS Application Milestone Monitoring Budget Distribution

17 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE Milestone Monitoring

18 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE Budget Distribution

19 IMPACT ASSESSMENT Impact assessment is the process of evaluating the performance of poverty reduction efforts

20 Investment Distribution IMPACT ASSESSMENT

21 Loans classified by Economic Sector IMPACT ASSESSMENT

22 Conclusion

23 GIS provides a geospatial dimension to poverty Integrates multiple databases from different sources (Geodatabase & the Contracts database) Measures the impact of investments on poverty Evaluate the performance of poverty reduction efforts. GIS provides good support for good judgment.

24 …Thank you for your time… GIS for Poverty Mapping Middle East & Africa Conference for ESRI Users

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