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Role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the Grassroots Participatory Budgeting Process (Bottom-up Budgeting) Prepared by: Maweng Reblando Regional Consultant 2
CSO played different roles
Fiscalizer, vanguard, Co-opted by the government Critical participation & meaningful engagement 3
Legal Basis: 1987 Constitution ARTICLE XIII: Social Justice and Human Rights Role and Rights of People’s Organization Section 15: The State shall respect the role of independent people’s organizations to enable the people to pursue and protect, within the democratic framework, their legitimate and collective interest and aspirations, through peaceful and lawful means. People's organizations are bona fide associations of citizens with demonstrated capacity to promote the public interest and with identifiable leadership, membership, and structure. 4
Section 16: The right of the people and their organizations to effective and reasonable participation at all levels of social, political and economic decision- making shall not be abridged. The state, by law, facilitate the establishment of adequate consultation mechanisms. 5
Enacted Participation Mechanisms
Local Government Code (7160) CHAPTER IV Relations With People's and Non-Governmental Organizations Sec. 34 – Local government units shall promote the establishment and operation of people’s and non-governmental organizations to become active partners in the pursuit of local autonomy. 6
Sec. 35 – LGUs may enter into joint ventures and such other cooperative arrangements with POs and NGOs to engage in the delivery of certain basic services, capability building and livelihood projects and to develop local enterprises designed to improve productivity and income, diversify agriculture, spur rural industrialization, promote ecological balance and enhance the economic and social well-being of the people. Sec. 36 – An LGU may through its Local Chief Executive and with the concurrence of the Sanggunian concerned, provide assistance, financial or otherwise, to such POs and NGOs for economic, socially-oriented, environmental or cultural projects to be implemented within its jurisdiction. 7
RA 8425: Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act
An Act Institutionalizing the Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Program, Creating for the Purpose the National Anti-Poverty Commission, Defining its Powers and Functions, and For Other Purposes Enacted during the term of President Fidel V. Ramos Effective on June 3, 1998 Social Reform: continued activities that addresses social inequity/inequality [between the rich and poor] 8
Major Policy Declaration (RA 8425)
Adopt an area-based, sectoral and focused intervention to poverty alleviation wherein every poor Filipino family shall be empowered to meet its minimum basic needs; Actively pursue asset reform or redistribution of productive economic resources to the basic sectors including the adoption of a system of public spending which is targeted towards the poor; Institutionalize and enhance the Social Reform Agenda, hereinafter known as the SRA, which embodies the results of the series of consultations and summits on poverty alleviation; 9
Principles and Strategies (RA 8425)
Social reform shall be a continuing process that addresses the basic inequities in Philippine society through a systematic package of social interventions; The SRA shall be enhanced by government in equal partnership with the different basic sectors through appropriate and meaningful consultations and participation in governance; Policy, programs and resource commitments from both government and the basic sectors shall be clearly defined to ensure accountability and transparency in the implementation of the Social Reform Agenda; 10
The National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC)
Under the Office of the President Coordinating and Advisory Body for the implementation of the Social Reform Agenda Successor of: Presidential Commission to Fight Poverty (PCFP) Social Reform Council (SRC) Presidential Council for Countryside Development (PCCD) 11
NAPC Composition Chairperson – President of the Philippines
Head of NAPC Secretariat – Lead Convenor Vice Chairperson for Government (Designated by the President) Vice Chairperson for the Basic Sectors (Elected among the basic sector representatives) 12
NAPC Composition Basic Sector Representatives:
Heads of the following: Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR); Department of Agriculture (DA); Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE); Department of Budget and Management (DBM); Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD); Department of Health (DOH); Department of Education (DepEd); Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG); Department of Environment and Natural Resources(DENR); Department of Finance (DOF); National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA); People's Credit and Finance Corporation (PCFC); and Presidential Commission on Urban Poor (PCUP). Presidents of the Leagues of Local Government Units: League of Provinces; League of Cities; League of Municipalities; Liga ng mga Barangay Basic Sector Representatives: Farmers and landless rural workers; Artisanal fisherfolk; Urban poor; lndigenous cultural communities/indigenous peoples; Workers in the formal sector and migrant workers; Workers in the informal sector; Women; Youth and students; Persons with disabilities; Victims of disasters and calamities; Senior citizens; Non government organizations (NG0s); Children; and Cooperatives. 13
NAPC: Coordination Mechanism
Basic Sectors: National Sectoral Assembly (NSA) Sectoral Councils (SC) Sectoral Representatives (SR) Government Side: Human Development and Poverty Reduction Cabinet Cluster Lead Covenor / Secretary (Secretariat) 14
DILG-MC : Accreditation & Selection of CSO Representatives to Local Special Bodies Definition of Terms: Civil Society Organization (CSO)- a non- state and non-profit organization that works to improve society and human condition (ref. Global Edge). Basic types CSOs include: NGO, PO, civic, Cooperative, social movements, professional group & business group 15
Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs)- a non-stock, not for profit organization that works with different sectors & communities, promoting their general welfare & development, provide a wide range of services for peoples’ organization & tend to operate with full time staff. Organization such us social development organizations, foundations, independent research institutions 16
Peoples’ Organization (POs)- an association of residents in a barangay or barangays, established to promote public interest & with an identifiable leadership structures & membership. POs are often formed among the disadvantaged sectors of the society such as the farmer-peasant, artisanal fisherfolk, workers in the formal & informal sector and migrant workers, indigenous people & cultural communities, women, PWDs, senior citizens, victims of calamities & disasters, youth & students, children & urban poor as defined RA 8425 (SRA-NAPC) 17
Indigenous Peoples’ Organization (POs)- private, non-profit, voluntary organizations of members of indigenous cultural communities (ICCs) or Indigenous People (IPs) which are accepted are representatives of ICCs or Ips (reference: Rule II Sec.1 RA 8371 or Indigenous People’s Rights Act) Cooperative- an autonomous & duly registered association of persons with a common bond of interests who have voluntarily joined together to achieve their social, economic & cultural needs & aspirations by making equitable contributions to the capital required, patronizing products & services, & accepting fair share of risks & benefits 18
Business Group- a non-stock corporation composed of business in the same industry established to pursue the interest of the industry i.e. chambers of commerce & industry Recognize Organization- an organization allowed by the Sanggunian to participate, for purposes of meeting the minimum requirement for membership, in the local special body provided it meets all the criteria except for the registration 19
Registered/Accredited Organization- an organization that obtains registration from SEC, CDA, DOLE or any national government agency that is empowered by law or policy to accredit or register such organizations such as: DSWD, DA, DAR, NHA, HLURB, DOH, NCIP, NAPC, Insurance Commission & Phil. Regulatory Commission Accreditation- the process of granting authorization, within 60 days from the organization of the newly elected Sanggunian, to an organization for purposes of representation to a local special body 20
Inventory- the process of gathering CSO information from CSO networks, the local government academy CSO map, the national government agencies empowered to accredit or register. The output of this process is the Directory. Directory- a document which contain profile of CSO in a local government Local Special Body- refer to the Local Development Council, Local Health Board, Local School Board, & Local Peace & Order Council 21
Local Development Council-
Women sector representative or at least 40% shall be composed of women IP representative RA 8371 IPRA Farmer/Fisher folk representative RA AFMA CSO representation not less than ¼ of LDC Business Group representative Local Health Board- the organization is involved in health services Local School Board- representative organization shall be limited to parents-teachers associations, teachers’ organizations & organizations of non-academic public schools & other organizations involved in education services 22
Local Peace & Order Council- the 3 representatives shall come from the CSOs upon acquiring appropriate security clearances, & as defined in the DILG MC. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE INVENTORY OF CSOs 2nd to 4th week July CALL FOR ACCREDITATION 1st to 3rd week August ACCREDITATION PROPER 3rd to 4th week August SELECTION OF CSOs TO LSBs 1st to 2nd week Sept RECONSTITUTION & CONVENING OF LSB 3rd week Sept 23
DBM-DILG-DSWD-NAPC Joint Memo Circular (JMC) # 4
Convening the CSO Assembly Election of CSO representatives to Local Poverty Reduction Action Team (LPRAT) 50% CSO & 50% Gov’t. Election of 3 CSO signatories/endorser of the Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP) Election of Co-Chairperson in the LPRAT Identification of Priority Poverty Reduction Programs, Projects & Activities (PPAs) 24
Joint Memo Circular (JMC) # 4
The CSO members of the LPRAT Actively participate in the formulation of LPRAP and identification of the priority poverty reduction projects; Active participation in the final preparation & submission of LPRAP; Through their elected representatives, endorse the LPRAP for approval of the Sangguniang Bayan/Panlungsod 25
Joint Memo Circular (JMC) # 4
The CSO members of the LPRAT Advocate for the local sanggunian’s adoption of the list of the priority poverty reduction projects, when necessary; Remind & demand that the LCE convene the quarterly meeting to report on the status of the implementation of the priority poverty reduction projects; and To monitor the implementation of the projects jointly or undertake monitoring activities independent of the the LGU 26
Crafting & Finalization of the GPB Process
MUNICIPAL LPRAP Crafting & Finalization of the GPB Process 27
Thank you Happy New Year! 29
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