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Growth, Poverty and the Productivity Puzzle Prof. Rafi Melnick Herzliya Conference January 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Growth, Poverty and the Productivity Puzzle Prof. Rafi Melnick Herzliya Conference January 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth, Poverty and the Productivity Puzzle Prof. Rafi Melnick Herzliya Conference January 2007

2 GDP per in Israel )Rates of Growth, Percent) GDP per Capita in Israel )Rates of Growth, Percent) 1985

3 Actual and Potential per Capita GDP in Israel (U.S. Dollars, Constant 2000 Prices)

4 Relative per Capita GDP Israel/U.S.

5 Two Conclusions I.Sustained economic growth is necessary (but perhaps not sufficient) to reduce poverty. II.Policies that slow economic growth worsen the problem of poverty.

6 GDP per Capita in Israel )Rates of Growth, Percent) 1985

7 Testing Two Hypotheses: The Main Issues Discussed during the Last Economic Crisis in Israel (2001-2003) I.The policy needed to restore growth is increasing government expenditure and increasing the fiscal deficit. II.The Israeli economy cannot grow without a political horizon.

8 Government Consumption 2000-2006 (Rates of Growth, Percent) Control Experiment?

9 General Government Deficit 2000-2006 (Percent of GDP)

10 Public Debt 2000-2006 (Percent of GDP, Gross Debt)

11 Economic Outcome

12 GDP and Business GDP 2000-2006 (Rates of Growth, Percent)

13 Rate of Inflation 2000-2006 (CPI, Percent)

14 Unemployment 2000-2006 (Percent)

15 Current Account 2000-2006 )Percent of GDP(

16 Foreign Investment 2000-2006 (Million U.S. dollars)

17 Production Function Decomposition Labor Capital Total Factor Productivity Business GDP

18 Output and Total Factor Productivity 1961-2006 (Average Rates of Growth, Business Sector GDP, Percent)

19 Necessary Conditions for Growth and the Reduction of Poverty  Fiscal Retrain A prudent rise in government expenditure serving as the anchor for fiscal policy Low fiscal deficits Fiscal consolidation  Financial Stability Achievement of the inflation targets Credibility, transparency and effective regulation  Structural Reforms

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