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Manitoba Youth Health Survey Presentation to: Anyplace School Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Manitoba Youth Health Survey Presentation to: Anyplace School Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manitoba Youth Health Survey Presentation to: Anyplace School Division

2 ‘The Vision’ To build To build prevention capacity in Manitoba prevention capacity in Manitoba a province-wide chronic disease risk factor surveillance system that is integrated with community planning and best practices. a province-wide chronic disease risk factor surveillance system that is integrated with community planning and best practices. A sustainable system which fits into the planning cycles at all levels A sustainable system which fits into the planning cycles at all levels

3 Why The RHA Was Involved 1) To collect community level information - learn about risk factors associated with chronic disease development - learn about risk factors associated with chronic disease development - helpful in own program planning - helpful in own program planning - become part of ongoing & coordinated initiative. - become part of ongoing & coordinated initiative. 2) To support evaluation of MB Phys Ed policy - baseline data can be compared to future years to evaluate effectiveness of policy change - baseline data can be compared to future years to evaluate effectiveness of policy change

4 Most Importantly Provides a system of ongoing risk factor surveillance at the community level. Provides further opportunities for the RHA and the schools to work together

5 Survey Methodology

6 Methods Census of grades 9 to 12 in all schools (some schools incl. grades 6 to 8) Census of grades 9 to 12 in all schools (some schools incl. grades 6 to 8) Census chosen to provide local-level data for local planning Census chosen to provide local-level data for local planning School Division approval to conduct to conduct survey. School Division approval to conduct to conduct survey.

7 About the survey 4 pages, 51 questions Multiple choice, machine scan able Approximately 20-30 minutes to complete Includes questions on tobacco, nutrition, physical activity, self-esteem and school connectedness

8 Summary

9 Provincial Data Approximately 50,000 students were surveyed in Manitoba In total, there were 390 schools All 11 Manitoba Regional Health Authorities participated 265 of these schools included grade 9- 12

10 Demographics of Anyplace School Division


12 Physical Activity

13 Physical Activity Rates by Grade In Anyplace Division

14 Gender Breakdown of Active Students

15 Strength Training in Anyplace

16 Reading & Homework

17 Parental Encouragement

18 Parental Support

19 Satisfaction with quantity of school sports

20 Students’ Perceptions in Anyplace Division

21 Healthy Eating

22 Eating Habits in Anyplace Division

23 Healthy Body Weight

24 Smoking, Alcohol & Drug Use

25 Who smokes in Anyplace schools?

26 How students obtain cigarettes How do you usually get your cigarettes? % responding I buy them 31% Someone buys them for me 26% I get them from my friends 29% I get them from home 7% Other 14%

27 Where students obtain cigarettes If you buy your own cigarettes, where do you buy them? % responding Convenience store 36% Gas station 43% Grocery store/supermarket 17% Bar 7% Restaurant/diner/cafeteria 2% Friend or other person 9% Do not buy 38% *Note: column may exceed 100% as students were asked to select ALL that apply.

28 Plans to Quit Smoking

29 Alcohol Use In Anyplace Division

30 Well-Being

31 Feeling of Well-Being

32 Feelings of Well-Being

33 Feelings of Hopelessness

34 School Connectedness How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Percentage of Students Responding Agree/ Strongly Agree Disagree/ Strongly Disagree I feel close to people at this school 68%24% I feel I am part of this school 65%20% I am happy to be at this school 67%24% I feel safe in my school 64%23%

35 In Conclusion….

36 Conclusion Report provides a snapshot of student health There is growing evidence of the link between healthy child development and chronic disease prevention Opportunities exist within the school setting from K to Grade 12 to significantly and positively influence many domains of youth health

37 Conclusion Many resources are currently available and others in ongoing development to help support school level action to improve student health. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you.

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