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Egypt… Pow!(erpoint) By: Aziz, Chris, Mason and Zack.

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1 Egypt… Pow!(erpoint) By: Aziz, Chris, Mason and Zack

2 Slogan  Egypt: A great civilization. But most of you know it as the lands of Pharaohs, Gods, and Pyramids. Well, there’s a lot more to it then that. “ What else could Egypt be?” you say. Well, you’re about to find out!

3 Timeline 3500 BC 3100 BC 2700 BC 2600 BC 1400 BC 1100 BC 332 BC31 BC30 BC300 AD Early Settlers in the Nile valley Hieroglyphic script developed First stone Pyramid built Pyramids of Giza built Tutankhamun becomes Pharoh Upper and Lower Egypt split Alexander the Great conquers Egypt Battle Of Actuim Cleopatra VII dies Last known use of Hieroglyphic writing

4 The Pharaohs Pharaohs were the main leaders of the ancient Egyptian culture. They were seen as Gods in the eyes of the rest of the population, and they could get everything they wanted. The Pharaohs wore a deshret or ‘Red Crown’ to show their superiority. The most famous Pharaoh is most likely Tutankhamun, or King Tut. He began his rule over all of Egypt at age 9! He is probably famous because his tomb was the one of the best preserved out of all discovered Pharaoh's tombs.

5 The Pyramids One of the most recognized symbols of Egyptian culture is the Pyramids. To the four of you who don’t know what Pyramids are, a Pyramid is where the ancient Egyptians buried their fallen Pharoahs. The largest of these Pyramids is The Great Pyramid, which is approximately 480 feet tall, which is extraordinary considering that it is built entirely of 25 ton limestone blocks without the help of modern-day machines.

6 6 Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics were Ancient Egypt’s main written language. They were, most often, carved into stone or wood. It consisted mostly of drawn symbols that are meant to mean letters or words. Take a look at the chart below. Can you write your name?

7 7 Amenhotep IV  Known as Akhenaton: Servant of Aten  Reigned as Pharaoh from 1350-1334BC  Atens is only temple open  Eliminated priesthood  SHORT TERM  Made his son King Tut have all of the after affects  Son changed name to Tutankhamun, ( living image of Amon)  LONG TERM  Temples of other gods were destroyed  Moved capital to Armana

8 The Nile River The Nile river was undoubtedly one of the most important things in the success of the Egyptian civilization, as you can see by this map. Without the Nile, living in the desert would have been impossible because, in early times, there was no other way to get water where it was needed.

9 9 Why Does It Matter? SHORT TERM Chariots Used For War Style Of Architecture Bureaucratic For Government LONG TERM Great Pyramids Started A Writing Style Made Paper Started A Civilization Medical Anatomy Way Of Burial Monotheistic/Polytheistic

10 Works Cited "Egyptian Hieroglyphs." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.. "Egyptian Pyramids." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 22 Sept. 2010.. "NationMaster - Maps of Egypt (21 in Total).""NationMaster - Maps of Egypt (21 in Total)." NationMaster - Maps of the World. Web. 22 Sept. 2010.. Themselves, By. "Great Pyramid of Giza." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Sept. 2010..the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Sept. 20 "Tutankhamun." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 23 Sept.>.

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