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Implementing the Mathematical Practices through TEAMwork Amy Hunter, PhD LEAD Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the Mathematical Practices through TEAMwork Amy Hunter, PhD LEAD Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the Mathematical Practices through TEAMwork Amy Hunter, PhD LEAD Public Schools

2 Entering Activity Please answer the questions posed on the posters around the room

3 Introduction

4 Learning Objectives Describe the characteristics of high-quality mathematics instruction as described by the TEAM rubric and CCSSMP. Identify connections between TEAM indicators for effective instruction and the CCSS Mathematical Practices; citing evidence from each text. Describe the TEAMwork coaching model being implementing at LEAD public schools.

5 TEAM and CCSSMP in Action Objective: Describe the characteristics of high-quality mathematics instruction as described by the TEAM rubric and CCSSMP.

6 Setting the Stage 6.RP Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

7 Productive Struggle Work independently for 5 minutes to complete the Sharing Gasoline task Don’t worry about being correct This is about experiencing productive struggle with complex problems

8 Targeted Feedback Examples of targeted feedback on papers- – Does this method consider the entire trip? To and From School? How do your calculations change? How might your equation change? – Does your method consider sharing the cost between all passengers in the car at one time? NO SCORES

9 Collaboration and Exploration Steps for how you will work as a team: – Take turns explaining your method and how you think your work could be improved. – Listen carefully to each other. Ask Questions if you don’t understand. – After each person in the group has explained, plan a joint strategy that is better than each of your separate ideas. – Make sure that EVERYONE in the group can explain your reasoning. – Write a brief outline of the PLAN; tell the steps you would use to solve this problem

10 Summary of Big Ideas Share your plans- What are the things you must consider in this problem?

11 Focused Revision Students revise their work, improving their own answers using: – Targeted feedback – Group collaboration – Summary of Big Ideas

12 Connecting TEAM to CCSSMP Objective: Describe the characteristics of high-quality mathematics instruction as described by the TEAM rubric and CCSSMP.

13 TEAM and CCSSM Connections Directions and Guiding Questions- – Read SMP 1, 2, and 3 – Review TEAM domains – Cross-reference both documents highlighting connections using the lesson as the context. – What part of the lesson exemplified ____TEAM indicator? – What part of the lesson exemplified _____SMP? – What is the relationship between descriptors? Give an example of the relationship.

14 Sharing a Model Objective: Describe the TEAMwork coaching model being implementing at LEAD public schools.

15 Coaching Model Observe/InvestigateCollaboration/PlanningImplement/DoMeasure/Reflect

16 Observe/Inves tigate

17 Collaboration /Planning


19 Measure/Refl ect

20 Lesson Model Productive struggle Targeted Feedback Collaboration and exploration Summary of Big Ideas Focused Revision

21 Coaching Model Observe/MeasureTargeted FeedbackCollaboration/PlanningImplement/DoMeasure/Reflect/Revise

22 Learning Objectives Describe the characteristics of high-quality mathematics instruction as described by the TEAM rubric and CCSSMP. Identify connections between TEAM indicators for effective instruction and the CCSS Mathematical Practices; citing evidence from each text. Describe the TEAMwork coaching model being implementing at LEAD public schools.

23 Please contact me with any questions regarding the presentation!


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