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Refresher Quiz RPd Refresher Quiz For each question slide, click on the mouse to reveal the correct answer(s) or click through the slides using the forward.

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Presentation on theme: "Refresher Quiz RPd Refresher Quiz For each question slide, click on the mouse to reveal the correct answer(s) or click through the slides using the forward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refresher Quiz RPd Refresher Quiz For each question slide, click on the mouse to reveal the correct answer(s) or click through the slides using the forward buttons to see all of the questions without revealing the answers.

2 Refresher Quiz RPd 1 What is the nearest star to the Earth ? the Sun

3 Refresher Quiz RPd 2 Why is the weather hotter in the summer? Sun higher in the sky or longer days

4 Refresher Quiz RPd 3 What is a galaxy? a group of millions of stars

5 Refresher Quiz RPd 4 Which planet is closest to the Sun? Mercury

6 Refresher Quiz RPd 5 Why can we get better pictures of the planets from a telescope in orbit? no air or clouds in the way

7 Refresher Quiz RPd 6 What does a communications satellite do? passes on phone calls or TV pictures

8 Refresher Quiz RPd 7 Which way is the North Pole tilted in summer? towards the Sun

9 Refresher Quiz RPd 8 Which has the strongest gravity: Jupiter or the Earth? Jupiter

10 Refresher Quiz RPd 9 What is a natural satellite? a moon (a satellite that is not man-made)

11 Refresher Quiz RPd 10 How many planets are there in the Solar System? eight

12 Refresher Quiz RPd 11 How long does it take the Earth to spin on its axis once? one day or 24 hours

13 Refresher Quiz RPd 12 What are the asteroids? small pieces of rock orbiting the Sun

14 Refresher Quiz RPd 13 What is a lunar month? 28 days, or the time it takes the Moon to orbit the Earth once

15 Refresher Quiz RPd 14 Which planet has the longest year? Uranus

16 Refresher Quiz RPd 15 What are the phases of the moon? the different shapes the Moon appears to be

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