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Word Clues Greek Word Parts. 1.Write “Word Clues” and the lesson number at the top of the page. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Clues Greek Word Parts. 1.Write “Word Clues” and the lesson number at the top of the page. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Clues Greek Word Parts

2 1.Write “Word Clues” and the lesson number at the top of the page. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 2. Write name and date in upper right corner. 3. Fold paper in half lengthwise. You are going to create an outline. 4. Roman numeral 1 should be on the left side of the pink line. 5. The word “Root” should be on the right side of the pink line. 6. Capital ‘A’ should be under the ‘R’ in ‘Root’. 7. Write the root next to the capital ‘A’. 8. Write the definition of the root on the right side of the paper.

3 1.On the Word Clues handout, you will notice numbers in parentheses on the left side of the capital letters. This number indicates how many derivatives have that word part in them. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition (Part of Speech) 1. anthropophobiac Definition 2. There are four derivatives that have ‘anthrop’ in them. These words will go under the word part. You will number them consecutively. 3. Numbers in an outline are indented. Write a number 1 under the ‘a’ in anthrop. 4. Now, write the first derivative that goes under the root, anthrop. 5. The definition of anthropophobiac will go on the right side of the page. 6. Put the part of speech under the derivative.

4 1.Now, you are ready for the next derivative that goes under the root anthrop. 2.ALL roman numerals will line up, all letters will line up, and all numbers will line up. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition (Part of Speech) 1. anthropophobiac 2. anthropophagi Definition (Part of Speech) 3. Write the number 2 directly in line under the number 1. 4. Now, write the second derivative that goes under the root anthrop. 5. Write the part of speech under the derivative. 6. Write the definition on the right side of the paper.

5 1.Write the number 3 directly in line with the number 2. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition (Part of Speech) 1. anthropophobiac 2. anthropophagi Definition (Part of Speech) 3. philanthropy Definition (Part of Speech) 2. Write the third derivative that has ‘anthrop’ in it. 3. Now, write the part of speech under the derivative. 4. Finally, write the definition of philanthropy on the right side of the paper. 5. You have one derivative left. Write the fourth derivative that has ‘anthrop’ in it. Include the part of speech and the definition. 4. misanthrope Definition (Part of Speech)

6 1.You have all of the derivatives that have the word part anthrop in them. 2.Skip a line after the part of speech. 3.Now, you are ready for letter B. Write the letter B directly in line with letter A. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition (Part of Speech) 1. anthropophobiac 2. anthropophagi Definition (Part of Speech) 3. philanthropy Definition (Part of Speech) B.philDefinition 4. Write the root that is next to the letter B. The letter B should line up with the letter A. 5. Write the definition of phil on the right side of the paper. 6. Now, look at the number on the left side of the letter B. There are 2 derivatives that have the root phil in them. 4. misanthrope Definition (Part of Speech)

7 1.Remember, you MUST number consecutively and all numbers should be lined up with each other. 2.So, you will write the number 5 directly under the ‘p’ in phil. 3.Some derivatives may go under more than one word part because they are a combination of word parts. 4.Find the first derivative that has the root phil in it and write it next to the number 5. 5.Put the part of speech under the derivative and write the definition on the right side of the page. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition (Part of Speech) 1. anthropophobiac 2. anthropophagi Definition (Part of Speech) 3. philanthropy Definition (Part of Speech) B.philDefinition 5. philanderer Definition (Part of Speech) 4. misanthrope Definition (Part of Speech)

8 1.Now, you are ready for the next derivative. 2.Write the number 6 in line with the number 5 3.Write the next derivative that has ‘phil’ in it. 4.Place the part of speech under ‘bibliophile’ and write the definition on the right side of the paper. 5.Continue this format for the rest of the root words and derivatives that go underneath them. Word Clues 1 Name Date I.Root A.anthrop IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition (Part of Speech) 1. anthropophobiac 2. anthropophagi Definition (Part of Speech) 3. misanthrope Definition (Part of Speech) B.philDefinition 5. philanderer Definition (Part of Speech) 6. philanthropy Definition (Part of Speech) 4. anthropophagi Definition (Part of Speech) 7. bibliophile Definition (Part of Speech)

9 1.Your outline should look like this. 2.Make sure you have numbered consecutively. 3.Make sure you have skipped a line between letters. 4.Make sure ALL letters are next to the pink line. 5.Make sure ALL numbers are indented and in line with one another. 6.Even when you switch to another page, you need to make sure all letters and numbers are in line. C.miso IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 8. misanthrope (Part of Speech) Definition 9. misoneism (Part of Speech) Definition D.Biblio, bibl Definition 10. bibliomaniac (Part of Speech) 11. bibliotheca (Part of Speech) Definition 12. bibliophile Definition (Part of Speech) 13. euphonious Definition (Part of Speech) E.phonDefinition

10 1.Outline for Roman numeral I continued. 2.Make sure you have followed the correct format!! F. graph, gram IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 14. (Part of Speech) Definition 15. cacophony Definition (Part of Speech) Definition 16. megaphone (Part of Speech) Definition 17. symphony (Part of Speech) Definition 18. aphonic (Part of Speech) Definition phonograph 21. 20. 19. graphology cacography phonograph (Part of Speech) Definition

11 G. scop, scept, skept IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 22. telegraphy (Part of Speech) Definition 23. microscopic (Part of Speech) Definition 24. macroscopic (Part of Speech) Definition25. skeptical (Part of Speech) Definition 26. scope (Part of Speech) Definition 1.Outline for Roman numeral I continued. 2.Make sure you have followed the correct format!!

12 1.You are now ready to begin Roman numeral II. 2.Skip a line after the part of speech. 3.Remember, ALL Roman numerals should line up. So, Roman numeral II will go on the left side of the pink line. G. scop, scept, skept IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 22. graphology (Part of Speech) Definition 23. microscopic (Part of Speech) Definition 24. macroscopic (Part of Speech) Definition25. skeptical (Part of Speech) Definition II.Prefix 4. Then, write ‘Prefix’ on the right side of the pink line. You are now ready to begin the prefix word parts. 5. The next letter is H. So, write the letter H under the ‘P’ in Prefix. 6. Write the prefix eu- next to the letter H and write the definition on the right side of the paper. 26. scope (Part of Speech) Definition

13 G. scop, scept, skept IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 22. graphology (Part of Speech) Definition 23. microscopic (Part of Speech) Definition 24. macroscopic (Part of Speech) Definition25. skeptical (Part of Speech) Definition II.Prefix 26. scope (Part of Speech) Definition 1.There are derivatives that go under eu-. 2.You should continue to number consecutively! 3.Write number 27 under the ‘e’ in the prefix eu-. 4.Continue to complete the prefix section just as you did the root section. 5.Your outline should like this one. 27. euphonious (Part of Speech) Definition

14 1.Outline for Roman numeral II continued. 2.Make sure you have followed the correct format!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition28. euphoria (Part of Speech) DefinitionI.caco Definition 29. cacography (Part of Speech) 30. cacophony (Part of Speech) 31. megaphone Definition (Part of Speech) 33. microscopic Definition (Part of Speech) J.Mega, megaloDefinition K.micro Definition megalomaniac 32. (Part of Speech) Definition

15 1.Outline for Roman numeral II continued. 2.Make sure you have followed the correct format!! L.macro IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 34. macroscopic (Part of Speech) Definition N. teleo, tel, telio, telo (Part of Speech) macron 35. M.tele, tel, teloDefinition 36. telegraphy Definition (Part of Speech) Definition

16 1.You are now ready to finish the outline with Roman numeral III. 2.Write Roman numeral III on the left side of the pink line. Place the word ‘Suffix’ on the right side of the pink line. 3.Complete the remaining portions of the outline. L.macro IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Definition 34. macroscopic (Part of Speech) Definition N. teleo, tel, telio, telo (Part of Speech) macron 35. M.tele, tel, teloDefinition 36. telegraphy Definition (Part of Speech) Definition III.Suffix O.-maniaDefinition -maniacDefinition -maniacalDefinition 37. bibliomaniac (Part of Speech) Definition

17 You finished the outline!! Great job!! IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 38. megalomaniac Definition (Part of Speech) P. -phobiaDefinition -phobiacDefinition -phobicDefinition anthropophobiac 39.Definition (Part of Speech)

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