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Tues Jan 20, 2015 Warm-Up 5 minutes: 1.The President’s Song 2.Review Test TODAY’s Activity 1.Tape/Glue 1801 - 1815 Timeline to notebook 2.Write Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Tues Jan 20, 2015 Warm-Up 5 minutes: 1.The President’s Song 2.Review Test TODAY’s Activity 1.Tape/Glue 1801 - 1815 Timeline to notebook 2.Write Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tues Jan 20, 2015 Warm-Up 5 minutes: 1.The President’s Song 2.Review Test TODAY’s Activity 1.Tape/Glue 1801 - 1815 Timeline to notebook 2.Write Learning Target 3.Portrait of a Nation (page 176) 4.War of 1812 (Causes, Description, Impact) OBJ: The student understands why various sections of the United States developed different patterns of economic activity Learning Target: I can describe the nation in the 1800s using ESP HomeworkDue DateComments End of the Week QuizJan 23 4 th 6 weeks Vocab TestJan 27 Journal Review QuestionsBe Ready

2 To World 1815 Battle of New Orleans is fought.1814 British attack Washington, D.C. 1812 War of 1812 begins. 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe is fought. 1808 James Madison is elected president. 1807 Embargo Act is passed. 1804 Jefferson is reelected. Lewis and Clark expedition begins. 1803 Louisiana Purchase is made. 1801 Thomas Jefferson is elected president.

3 Portrait of the Nation in 1800 Economic - Concerns money and wealth; the market; supply and demand Social - Involves how people organize themselves or live together Political - Concerns government, citizens’ rights and responsibilities Geography – concerns with elements as climate, elevation, soil, vegetation, population, land use

4 ________________________ is like the U.S. in 1800’s because _________________________________________________


6 Wed Jan 21, 2015 Warm-Up: 1.Journal Review TODAY’s Activity 1.Finish War of 1812 1.The War of 1812 led to economic changes in the nation during the 1800s because ____________________________________. 2.Era of Good Feelings OBJ: The student understands how various economic forces resulted in the Industrial Revolution in the 19 th century Learning Target: I can analyze the War of 1812 as a cause of economic changes in the nation HomeworkDue DateComments End of the Week QuizJan 23 4 th 6 weeks Vocab TestJan 27 Journal Review QuestionsBe Ready

7 James Madison (Democractic-Republican) 1808-1816 4th President Tecumseh Battle of Tippecanoe War Hawks WAR of 1812 (ends 1815) Era of Good Feelings (Nationalism)

8 Causes of the War of 1812

9 The White House is set on fire.

10 At the Battle of Fort McHenry, near Baltimore, Francis Scott Key watched the all night British bombardment. At dawn he noticed the US flag was still there!!! Key expressed his pride in a poem that later became the US National Anthem

11 Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

12 Treaty of Ghent ends the war of 1812-1815 Tie Game The Treaty of Ghent left things as they were before the war, no new land was acquired by either side.

13 1.Proved Americans could protect their independence. 2.Created unity and pride in the U.S. 3.U.S. forced to make their own products 4.U.S. and Great Britain entered a period of peace and friendship that still exists today.

14 Thurs Jan 22, 2015 Warm-Up 5 minutes: 1.Journal Review – Turn in TODAY’s Activity 1.Era of Good Feelings 2.Missouri Compromise of 1820 1.5 W’s and H HomeworkDue DateComments End of the Week QuizJan 23 4 th 6 weeks Vocab TestJan 27 Journal Review QuestionsBe Ready OBJ: The student understands the location and characteristics of places and regions of the U.S., past and present Learning Target: I can explain the cause and effect of the Missouri Compromise of 1820


16 Fri Jan 23, 2015 Warm-Up 10 minutes: 1.Quiz TODAY’s Activity 1.Monroe Doctrine Political Cartoons HomeworkDue DateComments End of the Week QuizJan 23 4 th 6 weeks Vocab TestJan 27 Journal Review QuestionsBe Ready Learning Target: I can identify Monroe’s foreign policy and explain its impact OBJ: The student understands the challenges confronted by the government and its leader in the early years of the republic

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