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Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Industry and Textbook Overview Qualis Design Corporation PO Box 4444 Beaverton, Oregon 97075-4444 USA Phone:

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Industry and Textbook Overview Qualis Design Corporation PO Box 4444 Beaverton, Oregon 97075-4444 USA Phone:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Industry and Textbook Overview Qualis Design Corporation PO Box 4444 Beaverton, Oregon 97075-4444 USA Phone: +1-503-670-7200 FAX: +1-503-670-0809

2 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Verification Process  Involves Methods Tools People

3 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Verification in Design Flow Architectural System Design Component Specifications Synthesis & Layout RTL Design & Coding C/C++ Paper Verilog, VHDL Simulation Proofs Simulation Proofs Physical Synthesis Physical Synthesis

4 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Verification vs Testing SpecHDL Design Testbench Synthesis Equivalence Checking Manufacture DFT GatesSilicon Testing Functional Verification Functional Verification

5 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation People in Verification  "We do not have the resources to have dedicated verification engineers" –Amount of work is the same –Slice it differently Design & Verification Design Verification

6 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation People in Verification  "I'm the best hardware designer. Therefore I know how to write testbenches" –Verification and design have different focus Design: meeting performance requirements –Optimism –Coding & design style –Implementation architecture Verification: make sure intent has been implemented –Paranoia –Requirement traceability –Controllability & observability

7 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation People in Verification  "I'm the best hardware designer. Therefore I know how to write testbenches" –Testbench design requires different skills from hardware design Design: timing closure –Scripting –Physical effects –Power, timing Verification: software engineering –Configuration management –Abstraction & Objected oriented –Random generation & coverage

8 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation People in Verification  "I want to be a hardware designer when I grow up" –Hardware design has all the glory Spread to verification effort –Properly-designed verification environments require more creativity than design –More freedom in verification No subset No performance constraints No technology constraints –All cool, new tools are in verification –Develop verification training & career paths

9 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation People in Verification  Supply industry aligning with task separation –P&L business units –Separate sales force –Specialized consultants and AEs –Verification-only companies EDA Services IP –Verification curriculum in universities

10 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Manual Checking  Unfortunately, very common  Use waveform viewer to interpret results  Non reproducible  Sensitive to misinterpretations  Cannot handle large number of transactions Stimulus DUT Vector file Simulator Viewer

11 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Golden Vectors  Natural extension of DFT & visual check  Compare results against known good results Stimulus Vector file Simulator Viewer Vector file Comparator DUT

12 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation  Compute expected results on-the-fly  Significant effort investment  Tolerant of non-functional variations  Typical for datacom On-The-Fly Self-Checking BFM (Compare) Stimulus DUT Scoreboard Transfer function Data Structure

13 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation  Response verified against reference model  Compare function must tolerate non-functional differences  Typical for DSP and CPU –C reference model part of spec Post-Processing Self-Checking File Simulator File Comparator Stimulus DUT REF Other

14 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Traditional Approach  Self-checking not a requirement  Used with HDLs, or C/C++  Large number of testbenches  Progress measured against check-list Time % Testcases Goal Stimulus

15 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Random Approach  Progress measured using functional coverage metrics Time % Testcases Goal Self-checking, random test environment development time Self-checking, random test environment development time Stimulus

16 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Random Vs Traditional Time % Testcases Goal Productivity gain Productivity gain

17 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Formal vs Random Vs Traditional Time % Testcases Goal Productivity gain Productivity gain Formal Verification (Assertions) Formal Verification (Assertions)

18 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation PPP Packet Scoreboard PPP Gen PPP Mon Testcases PPP Gen PPP Mon PPP Gen PPP Mon HDLC Ethernet SPI4.2 CSIX Network Processor Verification IP

19 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation PPP Packet Scoreboard PPP Gen PPP Mon Testcases PPP Gen PPP Mon PPP Gen PPP Mon HDLC Ethernet SPI4.2 CSIX Network Processor Verification IP

20 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Time % Testcases Goal Productivity gain Productivity gain Verification IP  Verification IP helps reduce time-to-first-test Earlier time-to-1st-test

21 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Industry Status Pop. Size LaggardsLeaders Self-Checking Ad-Hoc Specman, Vera Specman, Vera Specs Coverage Driven Coverage Driven Formal Verification Formal Verification Transactions Verification Plan Verification Plan Verification Engineers Custom Environment

22 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation My Book Pop. Size LaggardsLeaders Self-Checking Ad-Hoc Specman, Vera Specman, Vera Specs Coverage Driven Coverage Driven Formal Verification Formal Verification Transactions Verification Plan Verification Plan Verification Engineers Custom Environment

23 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation My Book

24 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Genesis of the Book  Self-checking transaction-level testbenches based on verification plan and behavioral model –Nortel Networks, 1992  Consulting services in verification –Self-employed, 1994  Advanced verification class (3 days) –Qualis Design, 1996  Book started –Dining room table, 1999

25 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Objectives of the Book  Functional verification is critical  There is a process to functional verification  Functional verification is different from design  Engineers don't know HDLs as well as they think they do  Improve software engineering skills

26 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation For Undergrad Class  Chapter 1: What is Verification? –Why should you care  Chapter 2: Verification Tools –What should you use  Chapter 3: Verification Plan –What should you do  Chapter 4: Non-RTL Coding –There is (better) life beyond RTL –Verilog is not that easy to learn well

27 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation For Undergrad Class  Chapter 5: Stimulus and Response –How should you stimulate –How should you observe –How do you know it's correct  Appendix A: Coding Guidelines –How you should write your code

28 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation For Graduate Class  Chapter 3: Verification Plan –What should you do  Chapter 4: Non-RTL Coding –There is (better) life beyond RTL –Verilog is not that easy to learn well  Chapter 6: Architecting Testbenches –How to minimize your effort –Wrestling with VHDL  Chapter 7: Simulation Management –Actually using the stuff

29 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation For Professional Class  Chapter 3: Verification Plan –What should you do  Chapter 4: Non-RTL Coding –There is (better) life beyond RTL –Verilog is not that easy to learn well  Chapter 5: Stimulus and Response –How should you stimulate –How should you observe –How do you know it's correct

30 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation For Professional Class  Chapter 6: Architecting Testbenches –How to minimize your effort –Wrestling with VHDL  Chapter 7: Simulation Management –Actually using the stuff

31 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation For Prelude to HVLs  Chapter 1: What is Verification? –Why should you care  Chapter 2: Verification Tools –What should you use  Chapter 3: Verification Plan –What should you do  Chapter 5: Stimulus and Response –How should you stimulate –How should you observe –How do you know it's correct

32 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation In Future Edition  Chapter 2: Verification Tools –Assertions –Formal verification tools –HVLs (Specman, VERA) –Functional Coverage  Chapter 3: Verification Plan –Coverage-driven plan  Chapter 4: Non-RTL Coding –HVLs

33 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation In Future Edition  Chapter 5: Stimulus and Response –Scoreboarding  Chapter 6: Architecting Testbenches –Constrainable Random Generation –Functional Coverage  Chapter 7: Simulation Management –HVLS as reference models –Seed management

34 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Support Material  Quiz – –3 questions per chapters –Answers supplied  Verification Project – –4-port ATM switch –Design specification –Behavioral model (Verilog, VHDL) –Partial solutions provided by contributors

35 Copyright © 2002 Qualis Design Corporation Notes

36 Notes

37 Industry and Textbook Overview Qualis Design Corporation PO Box 4444 Beaverton, Oregon 97075-4444 USA Phone: +1-503-670-7200 FAX: +1-503-670-0809

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