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Recycling in the SL District An overview of an Internship Project Dina Freedman GEOG 6950 12.13.11.

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Presentation on theme: "Recycling in the SL District An overview of an Internship Project Dina Freedman GEOG 6950 12.13.11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recycling in the SL District An overview of an Internship Project Dina Freedman GEOG 6950 12.13.11

2 Pop Quiz How much trash do we each generate a day? 4 lbs How much garbage in the curbside trash bins in SL county do you think is recyclable? (%) Audits found up to 60% – From and

3 The Problem School recycling was at 50% No formal program Calculations had previously not been made to show the improvements from recycling – Cost reduction/Savings – Environmental Improvements (CO2) – Trash Reduction (quantity)

4 Previous Work SLD is considered Energy Star Leader by the EPA (Press Release, 2011) 50% of the schools were recycling mixed materials Successful implementation of paper recycling at 40+ tons a month

5 Deficiencies/Problems Custodial pushback of “too much work” Administration roadblocks/confusion Lack of student green teams/participation

6 Problem Questions How do we decrease the amount of trash removal and increase the amount of recyclable material? Why isn’t every school involved? What are the obstacles? – Perceived workload – All schools haven’t been reached yet – Time to work with schools/parents/admin

7 Methods Use existing data on price and volume – Cost savings & projections Survey administered to collect opinions and ideas – Custodial, administrative, kitchen staff Network with schools to communicate benefits of recycling Donor meetings/proposals

8 Deliverables/Methods A “Best Practices Guide” Increased school participation Administered surveys Figure 1: A sample of the survey data from The Custodial Survey. Question in regards to trash bag usage.

9 Model The district wished to have a prediction model – Cost – Volume – Changes – CO2 – Weight Figure 3: Cost savings for all 35 schools since implemented savings based on a 39 week school year.

10 Significance Recycling in schools now has more of a procedure with in the SLD SLD can accurately predict savings in cost, volume and CO2 Schools can use mathematical and scientific lessons Increased student awareness/stewardship

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