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Quiz One 10 True and False Questions Write out the word True or False.

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1 Quiz One 10 True and False Questions Write out the word True or False

2 Quiz One: Grading Policy “Do Now” assignments will be stamped daily. You will receive points for being on time. You will not lose points for swearing or misbehaving. Notebook checks will occur every Friday. Quizzes will occur every Wednesday. The big “3” rule violations are cell phones, swearing, and eating in class.

3 Quiz continued You do not receive a participation grade, but you should still participate. You will receive points for taking notes. You must include the date with your “Do Now” entry to receive full credit. The most important item for this class will be your notebook.

4 Etymology Notes 2 Greek Prefixes 1-13

5 Prefix a not Without lacking

6 Prefix amphi Both Around of both sides

7 Prefix anti Against Opposite Rivaling In exchange

8 Prefix dia Through Across Apart between

9 Prefix ec out

10 Prefix En Em El In into

11 Prefix epi Upon At In addition over

12 Prefix hyper Over Above Beyond excessive

13 Prefix hypo Under Below Less than

14 Prefix peri around

15 Prefix para Beside Contrary

16 Prefix pro Before In front of

17 Prefix Syn Syl Sym With Together like

18 Vocabulary Assignment 1 *You will turn this assignment in 1. Apathy-a 2. Amphitheater-amphi 3. Antitoxin-anti 4. Diameter-dia 5. Eccentric-ec 6. Endemic-en 7. Epidermis-epi 8. Hyperacidity-hyper 9. Hypodermic-hypo 10. Paradox-para 11. Perimeter-peri 12. Proscenium-pro 13. Synthetic-syn Directions: Define the word, use it in a sentence, and write down the language of origin!

19 Etymology Notes 3 Greek Prefixes 14-20

20 14 Prefix ana Up Upon Again back

21 15 Prefix apo From Away from Off

22 16 Prefix Cata cath Down Completely Concerning

23 17 Prefix ecto Outside of

24 18 Prefix Endo Ento within

25 19 Prefix Meta Met Meth Among With Beyond differently

26 20 Prefix pros To Toward In addition

27 Vocabulary Assignment 2 Directions: Define the following words, use it in a sentence, and tell me the origin! Analogy Apogee Catastrophe Ectoderm Endoparasite Metaphor Prosthesis Epitaph Antipodes

28 General Reminders Prefixes appear at the beginning of the words. Suffixes appear at the end of words. Roots usually appear in the middle of a word with either a prefix or suffix attached to the root Example: Megaphone Photosynthesis Orthography

29 21 Root Anthrop Man or mankind

30 22 phil Love Strong tendency toward

31 23 Root Miso Hate

32 24 Root Bibl biblio book

33 25 Root Graph Gram Write Draw Describe record

34 26 Root phon Sound

35 27 Root Scop Scept skept Look at examine

36 Vocabulary Assignment 3 Directions: write down the definition, use it in a sentence, and the language of origin. You will turn this assignment in! Anthropology Philanthropy Hemophilia Misogamy Misogyny Euphony Skeptical Periscope Aphonic Cacophony

37 “Special Sauces” Assignment Complete in your notebook Define the 5 words on the worksheet. Next, you will create words and tell me what they mean for the following categories… 1. 10 created words describing the high school. 2. 5 created words describing you. 3. 5 created words describing food. *20 total words and what they mean.

38 Notes 28-34 Write down on lined paper if you do not have your notebooks. Remember the prefix or suffix will usually be at the beginning or end of a word BUT sometimes if it moves around in the word it could also be a root!

39 28 Prefix Eu Good Well

40 29 Prefix Caco Bad ill

41 30 Prefix Mega Macro large

42 31 Prefix Micro small

43 32 Prefix Tele Far Distant

44 33 Suffix Mania Madness for… Excessive fondness

45 34 Suffix phobia Fear of…

46 New Note Section (100 Words) Look Up the language of origin 1. Abjure-To recant solemnly 2. Abrogate-To abolish or do away with. 3. Abstemious-Eating and drinking in moderation 4. Acumen-Quickness and keenness of judgment or insight. 5. Antebellum- Belonging to the period before the Civil War

47 Vocabulary Assignment 4 Eulogy Euphemism Euthanasia Cacophony Cacography Megalomaniac Megalopolis Microcosm Microbe Macroscopic Telepathy Telegenic Directions: ◦ Write down the language or origin ◦ Define each word ◦ Use the word in a sentence  If you do not finish today, it is homework!  You will turn this assignment in, be prepared to rip it out of your notebook or use a separate sheet of paper!

48 35-45 Study your notes! Quiz Next Tuesday Remember the definition not the location of the prefix, root, or suffix!

49 35 Suffix logy The study of…

50 36 Root arch Rule or govern

51 37 Root Dem people

52 38 Root Gen Gon Kind Race Origin Descent

53 39 Root Gyn Woman Female

54 40 Prefix archa ancient

55 41 Prefix hetero Various Unlike

56 42 Prefix Homo Same

57 43 Prefix Olig few

58 44 Prefix Pan all

59 45 Prefix Poly Many

60 100 Words 6. Auspicious-favorable circumstances. 7. Belie-Misrepresent or to be false. 8. Bellicose-Hostile manner or temperament 9. Bowdlerize-To remove material that is considered offensive. 10. Chicanery- Deception by trickery.

61 Vocabulary Assignment 5 Hierarchy Oligarchy Demagogue Pandemic Eugenics Progeny Archaeology Homograph Panacea Polyglot Epidemic Directions: ◦ Language of origin ◦ Definition ◦ Sentence

62 Today’s schedule “Do Now” Quiz…50 points Notes 46-54 Workstations 1 and 2 Complete Workstation 3 and weekly vocabulary tomorrow.

63 Quiz #21 is H If you finish early, take out your worksheets from yesterday, and begin to work on them.

64 Note Cards 46-54 (Notes 7) Roots may appear throughout the word! Remember to look at context clues around the word if you are not sure what it means.

65 46 Root Path Feeling disease

66 47 Root Batho Bathy depth

67 48 Root Therap cure

68 49 Root Hem (em) Many times the “H” will drop and just “em” will be used in the word. blood

69 50 Root Rhea Rheo Flow Gush burst

70 51 Root Stat stas Stand Top

71 52 Root Erg work

72 53 Root Gno Gnos Know

73 54 Prefix Hemi Half

74 100 Words 11. chromosome-linear strand of DNA that carries the genes and functions of hereditary information. 12. Churlish-boorish or vulgar 13. Circumlocution-the use of wordy and indirect language. 14.

75 Notes 8 Roots may appear throughout the word!! Remember you only have one day to complete the vocabulary because of the 3 day week! Get it done!

76 55 Root theo god

77 56 Root geo earth

78 57 Root helio sun

79 58 Root Dyn dynam Power Force

80 59 Root chron Time

81 60 Root chrom Color

82 61 Root meter Measure

83 62 Root center Center Middle

84 63 Root cycl Circle

85 Notes 9… 64-73 Roots=Anywhere Prefix=Beginning Suffix=End Midterm on Thursday! This set of words deals mostly with the body. Many medical terms come from these roots. Think of the body, and these roots will be easier to remember.

86 64 Root tom cut

87 65 Root Ton Ten stretch

88 66 Root chir hand

89 67 Root pod foot

90 68 Root cephal head

91 69 Root dactyl Finger toe

92 70 Root Gloss Glot Tongue Language

93 71 Root Osteo bone

94 72 Root derm skin

95 73 Root Plas Mold Shape form

96 Announcements!!! Speech Presentations will start on Thursday! You can either handwrite(ink) or type your final copy! 200 potential points on the line this Thursday! If you were absent or added stuff to your rough draft, I will check that during the vocabulary work today!

97 Quarter 4 Notes One Your quizzes will start back at 1. We will continue to do reviews and exercises with the previous notes. Your final exam will still have some of the prefixes, roots, and suffixes from Quarter 3!

98 Notes 74-93 74 Root bio life

99 75 Root phys Nature growth

100 76 Root psych Mind Soul spirit

101 77 Root soma body

102 78 Root lith stone

103 79 Root Petr peter rock

104 80 Root glyph carving

105 81 Root icon Image Idol

106 82 Root astr star

107 83 Root nom Arrangement law

108 84 Root Onoma Onym name

109 85 Root Ec Oec Not the prefix ec which means out! House environment

110 86 Root Ethn nation

111 87 Prefix paleo ancient

112 88 Prefix neo new

113 89 Prefix hier sacred

114 90 Suffix Clasm clast To break Destruction One who destroys

115 91 Suffix Lysis lyst Solution One who solves a problem

116 92 Suffix iatry iatrist Healing One who heals

117 Quarter 4 Notes 2 Roots may appear throughout the word. Continue to study your notes! Quiz next Tuesday! Vocabulary due tomorrow.

118 93 Root Cras Mix

119 94 Root Cosm Order World Universe

120 95 Root Polit Polis city

121 96 Root Top place

122 97 Root Thalass Thalatt sea

123 98 Root Nau Naus Ship sailor

124 99 Root Plut Wealth

125 100 Prefix idio One’s own Individual

126 101 Prefix ideo idea

127 102 Prefix auto self

128 103 Suffix Cracy Crat cratic Rule One who rules Pertaining to rule

129 Quarter Four Notes 3 Roots may appear throughout the word! Suffix=end Prefix=beginning Quiz Next Tuesday! 45 points (30 old plus 13 new).

130 104 Root Crit Cris Separate Judge Discern Example: Critical

131 105 Root Dendr Tree Example: Dendrology

132 106 Root Phyte Plant Example: Chlorophyll

133 107 Root Anth Flower Example: Polyanthus

134 108 Root Zo Animal zoology

135 109 Root hipp Horse hippopotamus

136 110 Root Drom Running Race hippodrome

137 111 Root Entom Insect Entomology

138 112 Root Etym True meaning Etymology

139 113 Root Ep Word Cacoepy

140 114 Root Pronounced: phayg Phag Eat zoophagous

141 115 Root Spor Scatter Spore

142 116 Suffix Oidism Oid Resemblance That which resembles Cycloid

143 Add these to the back of the worksheet! Oid Phag Etym Drom Hipp Anth Dendr Plant: Animal: Race/Running: Insect: Word: Scatter:

144 Quarter Four Notes 4 Quiz next Tuesday…60 points! All roots this week, may appear throughout the word. Progress Reports will be sent out Monday!

145 117 Root Gam marriage

146 118 Root Morph Form or shape

147 119 Root Thaum Wonder

148 120 Root Techn Art or skill

149 121 Root Mim imitate

150 122 Root Crypt Conceal, secret, or hidden

151 123 Root Phan Phen Show, appear, or shine

152 124 Root Trop Turn or respond to

153 125 Root Troph Feed, nourish, or growth

154 126 Root Stroph Twist Alter

155 127 Root Klin Clin Lean, lie, or slope

156 128 Root Ag To lead To go

157 129 Root Bas Bat Step or go

158 130 Root Bal Ball Bol bl Throw

159 Quarter Four Notes Five Final Notes of the year! #’s 131-150 One Weekly Quiz left…next Tuesday! Final Exam: Wednesday May 27

160 131 Root Aesth Esth Feeling Perception

161 132 Root Eth Habit Moral Character

162 133 Root Neur Nerve

163 134 Root Pneum Breath Wind Lung

164 135 Root Opt Sight View Eye

165 136 Root the Put Place

166 137 Root Thana Death

167 138 Root Necro Dead

168 139 Root Taph Tomb

169 140 Root Mnem Mne Memory

170 141 Root Soph Wise Wisdom

171 142 Prefix Dys Difficult Bad Impaired

172 143 Root Tax Arrangement Order

173 144 Root Tox Poison

174 145 Root dox Belief Opinion

175 146 Root Ped Child Instruction

176 147 Root Athl Prize

177 148 Root Kine Cine Movement Move

178 149 Root Palp Feel Touch

179 150 Prefix Proto First

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