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Manatee grass (Angiosperm). turtle grass (Angiosperm)

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Presentation on theme: "Manatee grass (Angiosperm). turtle grass (Angiosperm)"— Presentation transcript:

1 manatee grass (Angiosperm)

2 turtle grass (Angiosperm)

3 turtle grass

4 Shoal grass

5 Shoal grass (Angiosperm)

6 surf grass (Angiosperm)

7 mat of hair-like strands of blue green algae

8 hair-like strands of Cyanophyta

9 Pencillus (shaving brush)

10 Pencillus (shaving brush) Chlorophyta

11 Penicillus (chlorophyta)

12 Acetabularia (mermaid’s wine glass ) Chlorophyta

13 Mermaid’s wine glass ( Acetabularia )

14 Halimedea (Chlorophyta)


16 Halimeda (Chlorophyta)

17 Caulerpa (Chlorophyta)

18 Caulerpa (feather algae) Chlorophyta

19 Udotea (Chlorophyta)

20 Ulva (sea lettuce)

21 Ulva (sea lettuce) Chlorophyta

22 Codium (green algae)

23 Fucus (Phaeophyta)

24 “tar spot algae” Phaeophyta

25 kelp fronds and stipe (brown algae)

26 float,stipe and fronds of Phaeophyta

27 hollow float of Phaeophyta

28 warm water Fucus ( Phaeophyta )

29 planktonic Sargassum ( Phaeophyta )

30 giant kelp

31 Kelp forest

32 Kelp forest blocks light


34 kelp bed on the surface

35 Padina (warm water Phaeophyta)

36 Giant kelp fronds and floats (Phaeophyta)

37 float and stipe of kelp (Phaeophyta)

38 Sargassum fronds and floats (Phaeophyta)

39 bull kelp stipe, float and fronds ( Phaeophyta )

40 Giant kelp (near the surface) (Phaeophyta)

41 Sargassum (warm water Phaeophyta)

42 Giant kelp fronds, floats and stipes (Phaeophyta)

43 Padina (Phaeophyta)

44 Goniolithon (Rhodophyta)

45 encrusting coraline algae (Rhodophyta)

46 holdfast and stipe of kelp

47 Kelp float and fronds

48 sea palms (Phaeophyta)

49 sea palms (brown algae)

50 holdfasts, stipes, and fronds of Phaeophyta in the littoral zone


52 Fucus (Phaeophyta)

53 floats of boa kelp (phaeophyta)

54 Rhodophyta (Mediterranean Sea)

55 small, warm water Rhodophyta

56 Diatom (Chrysophyta) golden algae

57 Coccolithophore (Chrysophyta)

58 Coccolithophore (Umbellosphaera irregularis)

59 Coccolithophore (Umbellosphaera tenius)

60 Coccolithophore (Chrysophyta)

61 Light blue coccolithophores

62 diatom (Chrysophyta) “golden algae”

63 diatom ( Chrysophyta)

64 diatoms (golden algae) Chrysophyta

65 diatoms

66 diatom

67 diatom

68 diatoms

69 diatom

70 diatom

71 diatom

72 dinoflagellates


74 dinoflagellate

75 dinoflagellates (Pyrrophyta)

76 bioluminescence of dinoflagellates

77 kelp and fucus (Phaeophyta)

78 dinoflagellate

79 dinoflagellate

80 dinoflagellate

81 Dinoflagellate showing flagella

82 red tide fish kill ( Florida 1996 )

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