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Kaplan turbine. Jebba, Nigeria *Q = 376 m 3 /s *H = 27,6 m *P = 96 MW D 0 = 8,5 m D e = 7,1 m D i = 3,1 m B 0 = 2,8 m.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaplan turbine. Jebba, Nigeria *Q = 376 m 3 /s *H = 27,6 m *P = 96 MW D 0 = 8,5 m D e = 7,1 m D i = 3,1 m B 0 = 2,8 m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaplan turbine


3 Jebba, Nigeria *Q = 376 m 3 /s *H = 27,6 m *P = 96 MW D 0 = 8,5 m D e = 7,1 m D i = 3,1 m B 0 = 2,8 m

4 Machicura, CHILE *Q = 144 m 3 /s *H = 36,7 m *P = 48 MW D 0 = 7,2 m D e = 4,2 m D i = 1,9 m B 0 = 1,3 m


6 Hydraulic efficiency  h Flow rate Q Runner blade angle  = constant Hydraulic efficiency


8 Hill chart

9 c1c1 v1v1 u1u1 c2c2 v2v2 u2u2

10 Pressure distribution and torqueLiftDrag Torque Arm LD c

11 L Chord 4  F Lift F Drag v

12 Blade profile data Angle of attack Average relative velocity  vv

13 Pressure distribution and torque Pressure side Suction side Cord length, l 0,24 · l Single profile Cascade The pressure at the outlet is lower for a cascade than for a single profile. The cavitation performance will therefore be reduced in a cascade.

14 Radial distribution of the blade profile C L =Lift coefficient for a cascade C L1 =Lift coefficient for a single profile The ratio t/l influences the lift coefficient in a cascade. The cord length for a blade will therefore increase when the radius becomes increase

15 Radial distribution of the blade profile

16 Flow in the axial plane The figure shows blades with two different design of the blade in radial direction. This is because it will influence the secondary flow in the radial direction

17 Main dimension of a Kaplan turbine

18 Diameter of the runner  

19 Height of the guide vanes and runner diameter

20 Gap between hub and ring and the runner blades Gap between the blade and hub Gap between the blade and ring Efficiency Gap

21 Runaway speed Cavitation coefficient Runaway speed The figure shows different runaway speed at different runner blade openings. The runaway speed is dependent of the cavitation as shown in the figure

22 Hill chart

23 Example P = 16,8 MW H = 16 m Q n = 120 m 3 /s n = 125 rpm Find the dimensions D, d and B o Given data:

24 Speed number:

25 Diameter, D:

26 Diameter, d:

27 Height, B:

28 Number of vanes, z: Number of blades z

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