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1914 - 1919 “War to End All Wars” The “War to End All Wars” The Aftermath of World War One All photographs used are believed to be in the public domain.

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Presentation on theme: "1914 - 1919 “War to End All Wars” The “War to End All Wars” The Aftermath of World War One All photographs used are believed to be in the public domain."— Presentation transcript:

1 1914 - 1919 “War to End All Wars” The “War to End All Wars” The Aftermath of World War One All photographs used are believed to be in the public domain

2 What can you see? Photos of The Great War -

3 Prior to WW 1 all the nations made preparations for it with an Arms Race. Were they prepared for this??? The death toll. United States had 1,300,000 serve but only 115,000 casualties

4 What can you see? Photos of The Great War - What effect would this level of devastation have upon the people of France and Belgium in particular?

5 Photos of The Great War - Who would be expected to pay for most of the damage caused during the war?

6 How did life change for women within those countries at war? What can you see? Women’s role in Industry INCREASED

7 Think of those soldiers who had had limbs amputated, or those who were suffering from Shell Shock.... How did life change for those that returned from the war with serious injuries or illness?

8 How was the World effected by WWI? Political Social Women gained support for 19 th amendment (right to vote) Women gained support for 19 th amendment (right to vote) African-Americans migrated north for jobs in factories African-Americans migrated north for jobs in factories ENDEconomic

9 How was the World effected by WWI? Political U.S returns to policy of ISOLATIONISM U.S returns to policy of ISOLATIONISM League of Nations formed to keep peace League of Nations formed to keep peace Schenk vs. U.S. doctrine of “clear & present danger” impacted Bill of Rights Schenk vs. U.S. doctrine of “clear & present danger” impacted Bill of Rights Social Women gained support for 19 th amendment (right to vote) Women gained support for 19 th amendment (right to vote) African-Americans migrated north for jobs in factories African-Americans migrated north for jobs in factories ENDEconomic

10 How was the World effected by WWI? Political U.S returns to policy of ISOLATIONISM U.S returns to policy of ISOLATIONISM League of Nations formed to keep peace League of Nations formed to keep peace Schenk vs. U.S. doctrine of “clear & present danger” impacted Bill of Rights Schenk vs. U.S. doctrine of “clear & present danger” impacted Bill of Rights Social Women gained support for 19 th amendment (right to vote) “Suffrage” Women gained support for 19 th amendment (right to vote) “Suffrage” African-Americans migrated north for jobs in factories African-Americans migrated north for jobs in factories ENDEconomic Many areas of Europe destroyed Caused economic problems in Europe Heavy financial burdens of war reparation$ for Germany cause resentment & anger U.S. prospered due to WWI= $$$ on increased imports/exports

11 What were REPARITIONS? Map of Europe AFTER WWI: What do you see? REPARATIONS REPARATIONS refers to the payments and transfers of property and equipment that Germany was forced to make under the Treaty of Versailles (1919 ).

12 Schenk vs. United States Context of the Case Congress passes Espionage Act– it is a crime to interfere with the recruitment of soldiers Charles Schenck is arrested and charged with violating the Espionage Act for distributing flyers urging young men to avoid the military draft Outcome of the Case

13 Schenk vs. United States Context of the Case Congress passes Espionage Act– it is a crime to interfere with the recruitment of soldiers Charles Schenck is arrested and charged with violating the Espionage Act for distributing flyers urging young men to avoid the military draft Outcome of the Case The Court stated that words were used in such a way "and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that… Congress has a right to prevent.”

14 Schenk vs. United States Context of the Case Congress passes Espionage Act– it is a crime to interfere with the recruitment of soldiers Charles Schenck is arrested and charged with violating the Espionage Act for distributing flyers urging young men to avoid the military draft Outcome of the Case The Court stated that words were used in such a way "and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that… Congress has a right to prevent.” Ruled not all speech was constitutionally protected & gave example of someone yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater.

15 Why Should This Matter to You??? Affected FREE SPEECH in America Established the doctrine of “CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER” Doctrine determines under what circumstances LIMITS can be put on FREEDOMS of SPEECH, PRESS & ASSEMBLY. These are YOUR 1 st Amendment rights….

16 Post WW 1 Economy Europeans resume farming and feeding themselves THE RESULT: This causes US food prices to be low due to all the excess food not being sent to Europe. Farmers begin destroying food to make prices rise to help pay their costs of farming High prices cause labor in city to have work strikes because their money doesn’t buy as much

17 Show What You Know – Quick Review 1)Which European country had the highest DEATH TOLL? GERMANY 2)Repayments used as punishment after war are called… REPARITIONS 3)What RIGHT did women gain after WWI with the 19 th amendment? RIGHT TO VOTE 4)Many ___ migrated north during WWI for factory jobs & more freedom. AFRICAN-AMERICANS 5)The U.S. returned to its policy of __________ after WWI. ISOLATIONISM

18 6)The ORGANIZATION formed to keep world peace was the _________ LEAGUE OF NATIONS 7)The Supreme Court case affecting FREEDOM OF SPEECH was ________ SCHENK vs. UNITED STATES 8)What constitutional amendment does this case (in #7) involve? FIRST AMENDMENT 9)The doctrine of “ _________ & _________ _________” determines what limits can be put on the freedoms of speech, press & assembly. CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER And…..

19 10) What is the most important thing you should know about WWI? Due to the: Harsh terms of the Treaty of VersaillesHarsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles ESPECIALLY the reparations of land & money from GermanyESPECIALLY the reparations of land & money from Germany German people were unhappy, angry & resentfulGerman people were unhappy, angry & resentful MADE ATMOSPHERE IN GERMANY RIPE FOR SOMEONE TO GAIN POWER & CONTROL, EVENTUALLY LEADING TO WWII JUST 20 YEARS LATER….

20 German Inflation How do you pay a debt back when your money is worthless?

21 BUT first…We have the ROARING 20’S & The 1930’s & the GREAT DEPRESSION I am waiting

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