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Local Children’s Partnerships 27 September 2010. Delivery Plans 50% received to-date Most still in draft Positive features: –Good local profiling –Sound.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Children’s Partnerships 27 September 2010. Delivery Plans 50% received to-date Most still in draft Positive features: –Good local profiling –Sound."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Children’s Partnerships 27 September 2010

2 Delivery Plans 50% received to-date Most still in draft Positive features: –Good local profiling –Sound understanding of local issues –Clarity of vision –Relevant success measures –Clear about roles and contribution of partners

3 Volker Buck Support for Families Proposed structure and model for delivery

4 Strong families give children a secure base from which to explore and enjoy life as they grow up. They help to build resilience and mutual respect across the generations, thus helping to strengthen communities. Confident, supportive parenting has a significant beneficial effect on children’s outcomes Why supporting the whole family?

5 What happens within the family has more impact on children’s wellbeing and development than any other single factor[1 ].[1 ] The relationships parents have with their children are strongly associated with the children’s outcomes[2 ][2 ] Positive and consistent discipline and ongoing parental involvement and support are associated with better behavioural and educational outcomes in children[3 ].[3 ] Children with highly involved fathers develop better friendships and more empathy and have higher levels of educational achievement and self esteem[4 ].[4 ] [ 1][ 1] Sylva et al 2004, Desforges 2003 [2][2] O’Connor, T. and Scott, S., 2007. Parenting and outcomes for children. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation. [3][3] London Economics, 2007. Cost Benefit Analysis of Interventions with Parents, London: DCSF-RW008 [4][4] Flouri, E., 2005. Fathering and Child Outcomes. West Sussex: John Wiley & Son Why supporting the whole family?

6 Be welcoming, build on strengths. See parents as partners. Focus on increasing family resilience. Address the needs of all the key adults in a child’s life (parenting, adult-child and adult-adult relationships). Be matched to rigorously assessed need. Timely, targeted and outcomes based. Co-ordinated so that services work together in the interests of the whole family. Key values and principles for supporting families

7 Delivered by well trained, supervised and knowledgeable staff. Start as early as possible to create the best environment for the child to thrive. Be available across a broad spectrum of need. Be accessed through a variety of routes. Focus on shared multi-agency processes.

8 The role of LCPs Ensure universal services are delivered in a preventative and whole family approach. Co-ordinate an outcomes based early intervention offer to meet locally identified needs. Ensure activities are evidence based and evaluated. Provide regular outcome updates related to parent and family activities.

9 0-8 Years 8-13 Years13-19 Years 1 UNIVERSAL 2 TARGETED 3 COMPLEX 4 ACUTE LCPs Children’s Centre Portage, Home Start Locality Teams BSTYISP PRISM YOT Integrated Youth Support Service FE Colleges Extended Services PSA, HSLW Children in Care Teams, Specialist CAMHS Children in Need Teams, Family Intervention Projects National telephone help lines and web based support, FID, FIS, Voluntary Sector Hampshire Learning The context of the support model

10 Local delivery partners LC P








18 Resources Based on ‘£/fte per unit’ basis. Takes the total resource and breaks down to an individual unit amount and then builds back up to LCP allocations eg Number on Roll = £ per pupil unit. Uses published national data sets and Pupil Census data. Not affected by number of LCPs in a district.

19 Resources - example

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