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Peggy Maynes - Instructor

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1 Peggy Maynes - Instructor
Crisis Intervention Peggy Maynes - Instructor

2 My Family

3 Syllabus Have you looked at it? What is in it??? Questions??

4 Points Items for Class Seminars: 8 total at 25pts each = 200
Discussion Boards: 8 total at 40 pts each = 320 Assignments: 2 total at 90 pts each = 180 Midterm Project: worth 150 pts total Final Project: worth 150 pts total total points = 1000

5 Projects Due Unit 3: Analysis and Applications = 90 points
Unit 8: Analysis and Application =90 points Midterm Project: Crisis intervention Training Plan = 150 points Final Project: Analysis and Application = 150 points ALL OUTLINED IN SYLLABUS AND IN COURSE HOME

6 Unit 1 - Intro to Crisis Intervention
What do I have to do to complete this unit? Introduce yourself to your classmates (posting) Read Chapter 1 in Crisis Intervention Strategies Read "The Five Principles of Crisis Intervention" on the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation website Attend the weekly Seminar (tonight – yeah you made it!!!) Make postings to the Discussion Boards (two questions remember)

7 Seminar Topic Coping With a Crisis
This seminar will focus on how individuals involved in a crisis situation deal with their roles during and after the incident. How does a person deal with a crisis involving a family member? What happens to the individual after a crisis has occurred? What are the signs and symptoms of a crisis? Page 3

8 What you will learn this unit -
what is a crisis intervention what theories/models to explain crisis situations how to become an effective crisis worker knowledge on how to a have a successful outcome in a crisis situation crisis workers affects on community safety Page 4

9 Questions to Ponder How do you handle or deal with stress in your life?? Is crisis the same thing as stress? What are examples of crisis in our lives?

10 Crisis – What is it? Crisis is a perception or experiencing of an event or situation - as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the person’s current resources and coping mechanisms. Unless the person obtains relief, the crisis has the potential to cause severe affective, behavioral, and cognitive malfunctioning. Page 3 & 5 and page 11 for crisis intervention What is a paradox?? Crisis is filled with them… Fast responses needed yet there are no quick fixes Looking back on our crisis how does it now appear different than it was immediately after it happened? Many people will find that for the first time there is not just a bad side of the crisis but also a positive and growth/change that occurred from it.

11 Crisis is… a danger an opportunity leads to possible interventions
So what is Crisis Intervention? Danger (because person in crisis might hurt themselves or suicide/or hurt others Opportunity (a crisis can lead a person to seek help) Interventions then can be used to help people to see things needing changing (self growth) Page 11 for crisis intervention part

12 Active Listening Skills
What is this??? Do you feel it is important if not critical? Why or Why Not??

13 Why so many theories??? Types of theories in chapter???
Why do we study all these theories? Page 11 on Basic crisis intervention theory Expanded crisis theory Psychoanalytic theory Systems theory Ecosystems theory Adaptational theory Interpersonal theory Chaos theory Developmental theory Applied crisis theory (Janosik, 1984, p. 11)

14 Crisis Intervention Models
What models were listed in our chapter? Which one do you agree with the most and why? Page 14 on Equilibrium model Cognitive model Psychosocial transition model Developmental ecological model Contextual ecolological model

15 Equilibrium Model What does this type of crisis intervention look like?

16 Equilibrium Model Probably most popular crisis intervention model
Think of a balance beam…. All the crisis is makes it severely titled on one side (feelings, thoughts, behaviors) Now how do we make it balanced??? What would it take to make it balanced??? What would you put in the other pan??? Think in terms of not just things, but people as well… Page 14

17 Crisis Intervention Worker
What would you do prior to contacting the client in a crisis situation???

18 Crisis Intervention Worker
What would a crisis intervention worker look like? Other than skills what would you have to process? Do you have these attributes we listed? Page skills, technical skill Theoretical knowledge and life experiences, poise, creative and flexibility, energy and resiliency, quick mental reflexes, tenacity, ability to delay gratification, courage, optimism, reality orieantion, calmness under duress, objectivity, a storng and positive self concept, abiding faith that human beings are strong resilient and capable of overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds,

19 Crisis Examples How would you attempt to intervene with the following crisis? Note this can be somewhat graphic and difficult situations. Bob and Mary have been married for 2 years and had their first baby a month ago. The baby unexpectedly died in its crib. The medical examiner determined the cause of death to be Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Both parents and their parents are completely devastated. What would be your approach?

20 Crisis Example Karen, eighteen years of age, was kidnapped from her house and held captive by an individual for six days in his root cellar a short distance from her neighborhood. He repeatedly raped and molested her and threatened her life. On day seven, she escaped and fled home. Her parents reported the incident/crime to local authorities. How would you intervene with Karen? PDST??? Deal with only Karen? Who else might you have to deal with???

21 Crisis Example Cliff came home to find his wife and three children shot to death in the living room by burglars that were apprehended by local law enforcement while fleeing the scene after the shootings. The children, three girls, were ages 2, 4, and 7. How would you intervene?? Suicide concerns!!!!!

22 True or False Crisis embodies both danger & opportunity? True

23 True of False Understanding crisis is usually fast, simple and uncomplicated? False

24 True or False In the disequilibrium that accompanies crisis, anxiety is always present, and the discomfort of anxiety provides an impetus for change? True

25 True of False Transcrisis states are identical to posttraumatic stress disorder? False

26 True of False Existential crises have to do with the struggle to continue to exist after a disaster? False

27 True or False Each crisis encapsulates a process leading to the potential for constructive change for the client. True

28 True or False Eclectic crisis intervention involves the intentional and systematic selection and integration of valid concepts and strategies from all available therapeutic approaches. True

29 This Unit! Introduce Self Read chapter 1
Read “The Five Principles of Crisis Intervention” Review Key Terms HAVE FUN!

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