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“SCIAFETA” “Little Slap” Italian team. "TREVISO" PLAYING CARDS To play “Sciafeta” in Italy we use a type of cards from the city of Treviso: the "Trevigiane"

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Presentation on theme: "“SCIAFETA” “Little Slap” Italian team. "TREVISO" PLAYING CARDS To play “Sciafeta” in Italy we use a type of cards from the city of Treviso: the "Trevigiane""— Presentation transcript:

1 “SCIAFETA” “Little Slap” Italian team

2 "TREVISO" PLAYING CARDS To play “Sciafeta” in Italy we use a type of cards from the city of Treviso: the "Trevigiane" playing cards. These cards have four symbols: swords, sticks, money and cups. The cards are numbered from 1 to 10. The card which has the score 1 is called ”Asso”. On these cards there are phrases in ancient Italian: these are ancient Italians proverbs.

3 From 2 to 7 there are cards that for name have the number that they rapresent. The card number 8 has a man called “Fante”, that is “foot soldier”. The card number 9 is called “Cavallo” (that is “Horse”) because there is a man on top of a horse. The last card, the card number 10, is called “Re”, that is “King”.

4 HOW TO PLAY: What do you need: -a deck of cards -more than 2 people Proceeding: - Divide the deck of cards between the players in equal parts.

5 -You must hold your cards with the back side towards you. -Someone starts and takes the first card in the top of the deck. -The person who launches the first card must say “One”, the second says “Two” and so on until “Ten”.

6 -If the number that you say is the same of the number on the card, you have to beat with your hand the table or the floor where you are playing. -The last that beats the hand must take all the cards launched until that moment and add them to his deck.

7 -If you beat the hand but the number isn’t right, you take the card on the table and you must add them to your deck. -The game continues until the person who finished the cards first is also the first to beat his hand and wins.

8 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Elena-Deborah-Catia-Aroa

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