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Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Q-Cards: Rational Numbers The Q-Card game has 8 starter cards, 28 playing cards,

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Presentation on theme: "Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Q-Cards: Rational Numbers The Q-Card game has 8 starter cards, 28 playing cards,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Q-Cards: Rational Numbers The Q-Card game has 8 starter cards, 28 playing cards, and 4 wild cards for a total of 40 cards. 1.Each player is dealt 4 cards. The remaining cards are placed face down in the center of the table. This is the draw pile. There is no discard pile. 2.Play begins with the person to the left of the dealer and continues clockwise around the table. 3.The first player can start a stack with the appropriate stack starter card. The starter card for a stack will always be in red. In Variables, the starter card shows the variable with answer. This is NOT his/her stack. Any player can play on any stack. Once a stack has been started, the other cards in the stack may be played in any order.

2 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Q-Cards: Rational Numbers 4.After playing his/her card, the first player draws a card from the draw pile ending his/her turn. If the player does not have a stack starter, then he/she must PASS. 5.The next player has the option of playing on any stack laid on the table or beginning a new stack. In Variable, the additional cards in a stack all have the same value as the variable on the starter card. Only ONE (1) card can be played at each turn. Players need to verify the accuracy of the play. Decide as a class, what the penalty would be for playing a card incorrectly. After playing his/her card, the player draws a card from the draw pile ending his/her turn.

3 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Q-Cards: Rational Numbers 6.Play continues in this manner with each player either playing on a stack or beginning a new one. Player must play if they are able. Otherwise, they must pass and lose their turn. Players must also remember to draw after they play their card. 7.A completed stack contains the total number of cards as identified on the starter card. If the starter card has “Quad Stack” on the bottom of the card, then there are 4 cards in the stack. If “Quint Stack” is identified, then there are 5 cards in the stack. The player who completes the stack by playing the final card wins that stack. 8.Each deck has 4 wild cards. They may be played for any playing card but cannot be the last card in a stack. Keep in mind, a wild card will add one more card to a stack.

4 Catch the Spirit of Mathematical Practices Mathematics Investigations Q-Cards: Rational Numbers 9.Once all cards have been drawn, play continues until no more cards can be played. The game is over when the last stack has been completed. 10.Record each player’s score (1 point per card). The player with the most cards is the winner of that round. 11.The winner of the game is the player with the largest total.

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