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 Sit somewhere and by people that will make you successful. I reserve the right to move you at any point (no questions)  Starting activity: As a class,

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Presentation on theme: " Sit somewhere and by people that will make you successful. I reserve the right to move you at any point (no questions)  Starting activity: As a class,"— Presentation transcript:

1  Sit somewhere and by people that will make you successful. I reserve the right to move you at any point (no questions)  Starting activity: As a class, read the biography of Sojourner Truth.  Sojourner Truth Sojourner Truth  Make sure you are caught up on all assignment, progress reports go out next Monday.  Turn in 9.1 (10 pts hw grade)  Today, I will be able to describe S. Truth’s contribution to society. Also, I will be able to identify the problems that Washington’s administration had to overcome.  There will be a quiz on Thursday (9.1/9.2).

2  Monday 16 Feb. OFF  Tuesday 17 Feb. S. Truth and review of 9.1 (collection of 9.1), homework pending behavior  Wednesday 18 Feb: Discussion of 9.2  Thursday 19 Feb: Quiz 9.1/9.2: Homework 9.3  Friday 20 Feb: Review 9.3 (Activity)

3  Washington’s precedents  Being sworn in on a Bible and added “…so help me God” to the oath of office.  How should the president be addressed? Mr. President  Selection of the cabinet. Highly qualified individuals to serve as personal advisors.  Giving an inaugural address (about 5 minutes)  Using potential force to ensure domestic tranquility (Whiskey Rebellion)  Remaining neutral with foreign conflict  Avoid permanent alliances with foreign countries  Term limit: 2 is enough  Farewell Address: Advice to incoming President and citizens

4  How to act and what to do? Every action would be considered a precedent.  Tension in his cabinet between Hamilton (Treasury) and Jefferson (State)  National Debt (77 million dollars in debt) with limited revenue.  Unifying the 13 states as one nation  Foreign Policy: Get involved with chaotic Europe or remain neutral?  Domestic Insurrection (Whiskey Rebellion).

5  The U.S. owes a lot of money to: Private individuals (bonds) and foreign nations; also, states owe money to the federal government.  Hamilton’s plan  Buy back bonds and issue new ones  Pay off all state debt  Protective tariffs to protect young American industries  Charter a Bank of the United States  Opposition: Jefferson and Madison  Plan rewards speculators  Not fair to Southern states that paid off debt  Not fair to Southern states that relied on purchasing cheap goods from Europe  Too much power to the federal government (Constitution doesn’t say a National bank can be created).

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