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How can we use our skills to help others?.  Based on suggestions made during authorization of all HCPS IB schools a change was made to C & S at all sites.

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Presentation on theme: "How can we use our skills to help others?.  Based on suggestions made during authorization of all HCPS IB schools a change was made to C & S at all sites."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can we use our skills to help others?

2  Based on suggestions made during authorization of all HCPS IB schools a change was made to C & S at all sites.  Focus is changed to learning about community then developing personal skills to use as service to the community.  Progressive program preparing students for Community, Action, and Service.

3 2011 - 2012 DIRECTIONS2012 - 2013 DIRECTIONS  20 hours of service required  10 (1/2) hours during summer  Community taught through classes and seminar  Focus on community then service  Hours given to IB Enrichment teacher, documented quarterly  Reminders sent via school space and given in class  Reflections required on C & S log due dates  20 hours of service required  5 hours required during school year  Community taught through classes  Focus on community then service  Hours given to IB Enrichment teacher, documented three times  Reminders sent via school space and given in class  Goals due on collection date  Reflections from card due on log due dates

4  Participate in the C & S lessons.  Find or plan and participate in C & S hours.  Complete C & S logs and turn in to IB Enrichment teacher on due dates. All information must be completed or it will be returned to the student without hours counted.  Turn in reflection with the C & S log or it will be returned to you for completion. Students with no C & S hours must also complete a reflection.  Complete a total of 20 hours of C & S during the school year.

5  The due dates are listed on the C & S logs.  The due dates are listed on C & S calendar on FMS IB Web Page.  Announcements will be made through school space BEFORE C & S logs are due.

6  C & S logs are distributed through the central office location of IB. They MUST be on particular paper of a certain color every year. We receive ONE per student per quarter.  Print the back page of the C & S log and make sure that all information is completed. Submit the paper to your teacher. It will be attached to an existing log for documentation.  Letters of service from organization can also be submitted. These will also be attached to an existing log.  New C & S logs will be distributed quarterly.  Check the following site for all documents.

7 YES! REFLECTION WITH C & S LOGYES! REFLECTION WITHOUT C & S LOG  Reflection for Community and Service   In approximately 100 words, write a well-structured reflection to answer the following questions.   Who will I help? (Choose an activity that would mean a lot to you or a group of people that you are interested in helping.)  How will I help? (Explain your contribution or role to make a difference in this activity.)  What inspires me to serve? (Describe your thought process in choosing a group, organization, or community to help. Maybe it was something that impacts you or your friends and family, or maybe it is something you heard about on the news. There are lots of reasons behind our inspiration.)  What could I learn and will I change? (Our service to the community is supposed to help others in need, but it often benefits us as well. Think about what you might learn and how you might change as a result of an activity.)  What are my new goals? (Consider how you will continue to serve others, whether you need more hours or not.)

8  Reflections must be completed and submitted WITH your C & S log. The log is not complete without the reflection.  No hours, no log? You are still required to complete and submit a reflection on the C & S log due date.  Reflections are posted on the FMS IB MYP Blog and listed on this PPT.  Reflections may be written neatly on paper or typed and printed.

9  The activities below can be used  Please check with your teacher to verify any hours.  Activities that benefit the school or community  Non ‐ Profit Organizations  Activities that serve individuals who cannot otherwise provide for themselves  The activities below can not be used.  Religious activities involving education, evangelism, or worship.  Activities tied to a grade or other type of compensation.  Activities for school sports and clubs

10  Events that are not part of the church service and are not part of evangelism generally count.  Example: Collecting food for a shelter or food bank that is staged from a church would count.  Not sure? Email Ms. Edwards at for pre-approval.  This is a change from last year… many more (but not all) activities now apply. Please check!

11  Falcon Focus Form- sponsor your own C & S event by completing the form (Rachel’s Challenge Events can count).  FMS IB Community Day- participate in the once monthly day of service at FMS.  C & S Calendar of Community Events- list community events for student service, send ideas to Ms. Edwards.  IB Service Events- join the HCPS IB team in county-wide IB service projects.

12  FMS IB School Space announcements.  FMS IB MYP Blog C & S calendar.  Announcements through School Space.  Teacher-presented opportunities in IB Enrichment.  FMS IB MYP Parent Notes.

13  Turn in your C & S log to your IB Enrichment teacher.  Attach your reflection to the log (for paper copies)  Email your reflection to Ms. Edwards (for digital copies)

14 EVENTS AT FMS…EVENTS IN THE COMMUNITY…  IB Open House- Students gave tours of the school to future FMS IB students.  FMS Community Garden Clean up- Date will be announced soon.  Bryan Park Clean-up- A personal project of a HHS student. Help us participate! October 1, 9 am  Evergreen Cemetery FMS IB Clean-up- October 27 from 9 am – 12 pm. Families welcome. Check C & S calendar for more!

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