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BIG RED Building Innovation Growth and Rigor through Enrichment at Deer Park Junior High Deer Park Independent School District.

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Presentation on theme: "BIG RED Building Innovation Growth and Rigor through Enrichment at Deer Park Junior High Deer Park Independent School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIG RED Building Innovation Growth and Rigor through Enrichment at Deer Park Junior High Deer Park Independent School District

2 Program Eligibility 8 th grade students enrolled in advanced academic courses for high school credit Deer Park Independent School District Building Innovation Growth and Rigor through Enrichment at Deer Park Junior High

3 Program Design In-depth learning Interest-based mini-courses Real-world, problem-solving projects Presentations and products with professional evaluations Deer Park Independent School District

4 Curriculum Increased technology integration Mini-courses Field experiences TPSP (Texas Performance Standards Project) Deer Park Independent School District

5 Technology Integration A different “thinking tool” to help students develop their critical thinking skills and to deepen their understanding of content Develops verbal expression in response to visual stimuli; less hesitation with visual first Increase engagement and interaction with content Wireless setting, college and professional level integration Bring Your Own Technology Deer Park Independent School District

6 Mini Courses Students choose among a variety of topics for in-depth study on relevant issues, including opportunities to apply what they have learned to real-world experiences. Not an “extra” elective Deer Park Independent School District

7 Field Experiences In-school and out-of-school opportunities for students to apply what they have learned in the real-world, or the opportunity to see how what they have learned is applied by professionals in real-world settings. Deer Park Independent School District

8 Texas Performance Standards Project Goal: Gifted students create work reflecting the professional quality required by the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students TEKS-based project with interdisciplinary connections Projects evaluated by professionals/experts Deer Park Independent School District

9 Courses (A Typical Day for a BIG RED Student) Deer Park Independent School District Single class periods of:  ELA  Math  Science  Social Studies  Mini-course  Elective 1  Elective 2

10 Social/Emotional Support Deer Park Independent School District Asynchrony Perfectionism Stress Time Management

11 Family/Community Involvement Deer Park Independent School District Volunteer and assist with various activities within BIG RED Share mini-course ideas Participate as an adjunct

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