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To the Idea of Establishing the US-Russian Professional Network: International Education and Research Administrators Social Expertise Exchange Fellowship.

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Presentation on theme: "To the Idea of Establishing the US-Russian Professional Network: International Education and Research Administrators Social Expertise Exchange Fellowship."— Presentation transcript:

1 To the Idea of Establishing the US-Russian Professional Network: International Education and Research Administrators Social Expertise Exchange Fellowship March 7 – April 5, 2015 Ekaterina Petrianina and Polina Tazenkova The Higher Education Working Group Co-Chair: Svetlana Filiatreau, George Mason University 1 US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE)

2 Background: the USA 3 NAFSANCURA Established in 1948 as a governmental organization Established in 1959 as an initiative of a few professionals About 10 000 educators worldwide representing nearly 3 000 higher education institutions about 7 000 research administrators worldwide representing 800 higher education institutions Financial model: membership fees + annual conference participation fees + paid resources Financial model: membership fees + annual conference participation fees + paid resources and training/workshops Individual membership 5 Knowledge Communities Individual membership Global Community – free of charge Advocacy and engagement in public policy making; resources that help in everyday work of international educators; professional development and career opportunities Resources that help research administrators to know all most recent trends and changes in regulations; educational programs; professional development and career opportunities US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE)

3 Background: Russia 2 WeaknessesOpportunities Most of the decisions are done on the top level which makes the system rigid Russian government and universities’ leadership aim for internationalization Lack of experience, immature professional associations Young higher education professionals are willing to change old practices Leadership of Higher Education don’t understand the necessity for middle- management career development, old- fashioned management system International educators are among the most motivated and ambitious higher education professionals who are eager to learn and develop their careers Early development stage of “research administrator” profession – in many places professors often do research- associated paperwork themselves Universities both on the level of middle- management professionals and top- management are responsive to the new ideas on international cooperation ideas US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE)

4 Recommendations There is no reason to distinguish international educators from research administrators – both professional groups should be invited to the on- line network for those engaged in the international higher education activities Collect the contacts of the middle managers at Russian universities and promote the network as their potential career booster and a place where they could find resources that would help then in their everyday work The network could be started in the bilateral context, but in the future it should not focus only on Russian-US collaboration: it should be a network for Russian professionals that would link them to their foreign counterparts 6 US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE)

5 Eurasia Foundation impact UPP and SEE (HE WG) programmes can be a basis for developing the cooperation for both international educators and research administrators from both countries; Information - Research, post and promote “success stories” Communication - Add a Forum to the UPP website to provide the communication space for the US and Russian professionals Funding - Continue providing and looking for funding for the best Russian- US collaboration projects Strong team - Introduce annual meetings for the international higher education professionals starting from the Higher Education Working Group members as core participants 7 US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE)

6 Thank you for your attention! Ekaterina Petrianina US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE)

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