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Structure Homeblogservicesaboutcontacttbc Website Brief... Create a WordPress template – or adapt an existing (preferably free) theme - for a start up.

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Presentation on theme: "Structure Homeblogservicesaboutcontacttbc Website Brief... Create a WordPress template – or adapt an existing (preferably free) theme - for a start up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure Homeblogservicesaboutcontacttbc Website Brief... Create a WordPress template – or adapt an existing (preferably free) theme - for a start up business. It’s a marketing consultancy aimed at small and medium sized businesses and needs to have a web2.0 feel to it. A simple typographic logo needs to be created (I’ve made a start, but it needs to look more ‘designed’ and professional i.e. better typeface and good colour scheme). Style: Modern, clean uncluttered home page, a bit like or a clean theme like but with the colour and impact of I like the simplicity of this site And I like this site with its rotating banner and singular messaging.www.timeetc.com Competitor sites include:;; Other requirements Create/design 2 or 3 home page SLIDER designs (bold text and stylised image). I will provide copy and image (eg istock) but you will need to render the image nicely into the design – ie avoid it looking too amateur. Install WP onto a hosting server (e.g vida host) In page optimisation for SEO (eg Yoast?) Facility for creating landing pages in future for PPC and email campaigns

2 We’re here to grow your business! Outsourced marketing management to help busy business owners grow their business and make more money. “Businesses that win in a downturn are those that invest in marketing.” Welcome to Tactical Results, a Hampshire-based marketing service for businesses wanting to grow. We cater for clients who are short on time, short on budget and short on modern marketing know-how, but who know they need to ‘up their game’ to be competitive and to grow. No contracts, just pay-as-you-go implementation for: Low budget, high return marketing tailored to your needs Recession beating marketing strategies, ‘a little often’ ‘New Rules’ inbound marketing to increase leads and sales Social media for business - set up, advice and management Slider banner – maybe three versions rotating? A striking library image About | Services | xxxxxx | Blog | Contact Call to action email form. from strategicmarketing Marketing Planning Lorem ipsum as sad;sd;lkjsd;lsd;l sd asd;lasd;lkj sa...more Marketing Management Asdf ae wrdgasdf asdf sa asasd as dfdasddf...more Inbound Marketing Services Asdf ae wrdgasdf asdf sa asasd as dfdasddf...more 01111 000000 Latest from our blog Why now is the time to up your marketing game: By Mark Bradley xxxxxx xxxxx It’s commonly accepted among entrepreneurs that you must market more aggressively during downturns. Customers are more hesitant about buying, and businesses simply have to work harder to get the same pound …more For a free no-obligation critique of your website Links to Services page Mark Bradley’s Site map footer etc Why now is the time to up your marketing game: By Mark Bradley xxxxxx xxxxx It’s commonly accepted among entrepreneurs that you must market more aggressively during downturns. Customers are more hesitant about buying, and businesses simply have to work harder to get the same pound …more

3 About What we do | Who we are | ‘New Rules’ Marketing What we do Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne dico vero concludaturque est. In tacimates patrioque qui, voluptua eloquentiam et usu. Ex qui fugit lucilius, duo ei alia aeterno voluptaria. Ne nec libris albucius, duo no adipisci ocurreret, has iuvaret gloriatur no. Volumus electram incorrupte sit eu, et epicuri appellantur vim. Id eos meliore eloquentiam, menandri constituto ne eam. Te singulis consulatu dissentiet sea, mel no posse equidem docendi, case modus maiorum duo ut. Nec an suas purto apeirian, debitis theophrastus sed in. Duo putent euripidis at, ad homero doctus duo. Erat dolore sea no, et vim persius dolorum, in probo assum definitionem mei.. About | Services | xxxxxx | Blog | Contact Call to action email form. through strategicmarketing 01264 000000 Links to Services page Mark Bradley’s Home > Topic > Node Twitter feed

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