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REA 0002 Chapter 10 Argument What is argument? Not an emotional exchange Not anger It is a rational discussion Advances and supports a point of view.

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2 REA 0002 Chapter 10 Argument

3 What is argument? Not an emotional exchange Not anger It is a rational discussion Advances and supports a point of view Two parties each present supporting evidence Who has the most solid evidence

4 What Critical Readers Do! Recognize the point the author is making Decide if the author’s support is relevant Decide if the author’s support is adequate

5 Point/Reasons Even though the apartment is nice, I don’t think you should move in. The closest washer and dryer are in a laundromat three miles away. Close to the apartment building is an all- night bar. Several bugs scurried into dark holes when the kitchen sink cabinet door was opened.

6 Point/Reasons You give the reasons. The Beef and Burger Shop is a poor fast-food restaurant. My neighbors are inconsiderate.

7 Examples Adding because can help you make sense between point and reasons. A. You are having trouble keeping your eyes open. B. You should take a nap. Point is B

8 Example A. A television is always blaring in one corner of the lounge. B. The student lounge is an impossible place to try to study. C. There is always people there talking loudly to each other. Point is B

9 Example A. The library should be kept open on Sundays and holidays. B. Many students save their studying for days when they do not have classes. C. Library facilities are overcrowded on weekdays. D. It’s difficult to find research materials during the week; other students are often using the books. Point is A

10 Relevant Support Does it apply to the point. Is it relevant to the support? Often bring in irrelevant materials which do not support the point. Isolate those items that support the argument.

11 Example Point: My dog Otis is not very bright. REASONS 1. He’s five years old and doesn’t respond to his name yet. 2. He cries when I leave for work every day. 3. He always gets excited when visitors arrive.

12 4. He often attacks the back-yard hedge as if it’s a hostile animal. 5. He gets along very well with my neighbor’s cat. 6. I often have to put food in front of him because he can’t find it by himself. What did you choose? 1, 4, 6

13 Example My neighbors are weird folks. A. Each family member, including the males, has purple fingernails. B. They call me if their dog gets loose. C. They have lived in the house for the past two years. D. They keep cows and goats inside the house.

14 E. On nights with a full moon, they sit on lawn chairs placed on their roof. F. Each member of the family has his or her own car. And the answers are: A. D. E.

15 Support to Point Unless you get to the video-rental store early, the best movies are all gone. Renting a movie requires two trips – picking up the movie and returning it. Many of the movies available for rent – and more – are eventually shown on cable TV. The Point is….

16 A. Rental movies simply cost too much. B. Video rental stores are a fad and will go out of business within a few years. C. The best movies can be seen only on cable TV. D. It’s better to subscribe to cable TV than to rent movies. The point is…D

17 Example Many day-care facilities have health and safety standards that are barely satisfactory. Long waiting lists exist at most good day-care centers. Day-care centers can’t get enough qualified help.

18 And the Point is?? A. Day care is unreasonably expensive. B. Mothers with young children should not work. C. Our present birthrate must be drastically reduced. D. Our present day-care system is inadequate. The point is….D

19 More Practice Practice 3 pp 392 – Which sentences does NOT support the argument. C A Continue with Review tests 1, 2, & 3. Pages 398 – 402. Home work…

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