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Charge to the Workshop (and a report from WWS) Hitoshi Yamamoto July 11, 2005 ACFA8, Daegu, Korea.

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Presentation on theme: "Charge to the Workshop (and a report from WWS) Hitoshi Yamamoto July 11, 2005 ACFA8, Daegu, Korea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charge to the Workshop (and a report from WWS) Hitoshi Yamamoto July 11, 2005 ACFA8, Daegu, Korea

2 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu Developments since ACFA7 (Taipei) 1. First ILC workshop (KEK, Nov. 2004) 2. LCWS05 (Stanford, Mar. 2005) 3. GDE (Global Design Effort) started, headed by Barry Barish (next talk) 4. Three detector concepts ‘established’ (GLD, LDC, SiD) 5. Machine Phys/Det joint workshop at Snowmass, Aug. 2005 - preparations undeway 6. ITER goes to France...

3 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu GDE structure (to be confirmed by the central team director) Proposed GDE structure (preliminary - see next talk)

4 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu GDE Schedule relevant to us (next talk) ■ Aug. 2005 (Snowmass) - begin to define machine configuration. ■ End 2005 - Machine configuration document. ■ Jan. 2006 - Baseline configuration under control. ■ End 2006 - Machine reference design report.

5 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu WWS ■ Recognize and coordinate studies on whole detector concepts, and work toward interregional detector TDRs. ■ Interface with GDI (Global Design Initiative), especially on MDI (Machine Detector Interface) issues. ■ Keep a register of R&Ds relevant to LC experimental programs, identify those that are vital or missing, and ensure peer review of R&D proposals. ■ Organize interregional meetings and workshops. (WorldWide Study on Physics and Detectors for Future Linear Colliders) Organizes/coordinates international activities on LC Physics/Detector Studies, in particular (endorsed by ICFA/ILCSC in Aug. 2004),

6 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu WWS and GDE ■ WWS currently reports to ILCSC and ICFA. Keeps a degree of independence representing the ‘user community’. ■ There will be a WWS representation in GDE. The 3 co-chairs (or their successors) in the central GDE (exact status to be defined). We would like to maintain some independence. More in the next talk.

7 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu WWS Timeline - Coordinated with GDE - ■ Aug. 2005 (Snowmass) - optimize detector parameters. Prepare inputs to machine. ■ End 2005 - A detector R&D document to go with the machine configuration document. ■ Spring 2006 - Detector outline document (one for each detector concept) ■ End 2006 - Detector CDR (one document with multiple concepts) to go with the machine reference design report. Input to the short glossy ILC document.

8 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu Detector Concept Studies (the parameters are the current defaults - may change) ■ SiD (American origin) Silicon tracker, 5T field SiW ECAL 4 ‘coordinators’ (2 Americans, 1 Asian, 1 European) ■ LDC (European origin) TPC, 4T field SiW ECAL (“medium” radius) 6 ‘contact persons’: (2 Americans, 2 Asians, 2 Europeans) ■ GLD (Asian origin) TPC (+Silicon IT), 3T field W/Scintillator ECAL (“large” radius) 6 ‘contact persons’: (2 Americans, 2 Asians, 2 Europeans)

9 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu

10 GLD Detector Concept Study (M. Thomson’s talk) ■ GLD: Large-radius ECAL for good separation of clusters to optimize PFA, while using cost-effective calorimeters. ■ Contact persons H.B. park, H. Yamamoto (Asia) M. Ronan, G. Wilson (America) R. Settles, M. Thomson (Europe) ■ Executive board S. Yamashita - Detector optimization A. Miyamoto - Simulation/Reconstruction Y. Sugimoto - Vertexing H.J. Kim - Silicon Tracker R. Settles - TPC tracker T. Takeshita - Calorimeters T. Tauchi - MDI H. Thomson - Space/Bandwidth

11 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu Snowmass 2005 ■ Originally American regional meeting hosted by ALCPG, developed to an international workshop with an international organization committee. ■ Held together (same time/place) with the 2nd ILC workshop (machine) - inputs to machine parameters MDI issues (bunch pattern, crossing angles...) Options (  e   e  e   Giga-Z...) 2 detectors or 1 detector (initially)? ■ Detector parameter optimization. ■ Begin to systematically address detector costs.

12 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu Detector Outline Documents ■ To be completed in Spring 2006 by each detector concept team. ■ Contents Description of the detector concept Performance estimates wrt physics benchmarks Required R&Ds and their status Rough costing estimate ■ Input to the detector CDR (end 2006)

13 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu ■ R&D panel 3 members from each region, balanced over expertice. (Chair: C. Damerell) Register the detector R&Ds (incl. MDI) Detector R&D document end 2005 Coordinate with regional review processes ■ MDI panel Existing LCWS/WWS MDI leadership as members for now (P. Bambade, T. Tauchi, M. Woods) Issued a list of MDI questions to the concept studies. To be answered by Snowmas 2005. ■ Costing panel To be formed in time for serious work by this summer Panels by WWS

14 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu ■ Benchmark panel Select a set of physics modes to be used in detector optimization - a report to come out soon. Chair : M. Battaglia The charge and membership to be re-defined at Snowmass05. ■ # IR panel Document the cases for 2 detectors initially - a report to come out soon. Chair : J. Brau ■ Physics case panel Input to EPP2010 (and HEPAP) - maybe also more ■ Software panel Manage software tools ■ Detector CDR editorial board To be formed

15 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu At This Workshop : ■ Inputs to Machine Design (GDE) Options (  e   e  e   Giga-Z...) (E. Asakawa) Number of IRs (T. Omori) MDI overview (T. Tauchi) Accelerator overview (K. Yokoya) ■ Detector Concepts Three concept talks Physics benchmarks (M. Battaglia) GLD task lists, parameter optimization ■ LC Physics Cases LHC and LC (S. Raychadhuri, G.N. Kim) Cosmology and LC (G. Belanger) New models (P. Ko) And related parallel sessions Plenaries

16 H.Yamamoto, ACFA8 Daegu Summary of Charges ■ ILC needs inputs from physics/detector studies #IR, crossing angle and other MDI issues... ■ GLD Detector optimization Evaluate detector capabilities on benchmarks Develop necessary tools for PFA Hardware R&Ds to realize such detector Start to think about cost ■ Never stop sharpening physics cases of LC New physics, LHC/LC, cosmology ■ Prepare for Snowmass and work toward Detector Outline Document and Detector CDR

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