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F. Richard LAL/Orsay CLIC-ILC connections on Detectors PAC Paris meeting October 20, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "F. Richard LAL/Orsay CLIC-ILC connections on Detectors PAC Paris meeting October 20, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 F. Richard LAL/Orsay CLIC-ILC connections on Detectors PAC Paris meeting October 20, 2008

2 F. Richard LAL/Orsay Introduction Our starting point: Barry and the GDE had discussions with the CLIC management There was a CLIC request that the Detectors be part of these common efforts S. Yamada and FR representing the ILC side at the first phone meeting held on February 8 th Positive reactions from the 3 concepts with the designation of 3 contacts persons (software tools): Norman Graf for SiD Mark Thomson for ILD Corrado Gatto for the 4th concept

3 F. Richard LAL/Orsay What happened Various positive steps as underlined by D. Schlatter at the last CLIC-ILC phone meeting on September 19 with the following visits of the CLIC team SiD meeting, Oxford, April 2008 FCAL meeting, Krakow, May 2008 ECFA LC workshop, Warsaw June 2008 with a plenary presentation given by A. de Roeck ILD meeting, Cambridge, September 2008 CERN intends to define a detector for CLIC within a CDR due in 2010-2011 This effort starts from scratch but with this help and collecting manpower it is hoped that work can start at the end of the year

4 F. Richard LAL/Orsay CLIC08 Workshop CERN, 14-17 October 2008 Parallel sessions on Detectors & Physics had on average 25-30 participants at all times, 50-60 in total Twice the normal, many from ILC The summary stressed ‘Excellent ILC/CLIC interaction ‘ on detectors

5 F. Richard LAL/Orsay What are the issues? Although there are specific CLIC aspects (time structure, coherent e+e- background at high energy and hadronic  backgrounds) one can hope that the ILC concepts can be adapted to perform the physics goals relevant for CLIC (which however are not well defined until LHC results become available) If confirmed, this would imply developing common activities on the various ILC sub- detectors proposed within the concepts

6 F. Richard LAL/Orsay ZZ/WW Recall that for ILC we use ZZ/WW+ separation as a benchmark to define PFLOW performances This type of channel in SI scenarios can be of crucial importance for CLIC and could also serve as a benchmark to set the criteria for PFLOW at higher energies Two methods are developped within the concepts : pure calorimetry (4th) or PFLOW with separation of individual particles

7 F. Richard LAL/Orsay PFLOW Can PFLOW (SiD, ILD) be used at CLIC energies ? A recent work from ILD study by M. Thomson presented at CLIC08 indicates that a constant accuracy up to 500 GeV which, naively, seems satisfactory e.g. for WW/ZZ separation Issue of energy leakage At such energies one needs to worry about W/Z partons overlapping <100 mrad @ 1 TeV (intrinsic confusion)

8 F. Richard LAL/Orsay Tracking Are tracking techniques proposed by the concepts adequate at very high energy (e.g. two track separation) + increased background ~  (10) What kind of momentum resolution is needed ? At ILC, ZH recoil mass accuracy is used to define momentum performance which leads to dp/p²~few10 -5 GeV -1 (at 1.5 TeV this gives dp/p~5%) To answer such questions the CLIC group, using the software tools provided by ILC, needs to define its own reference reactions: e.g. H->µµ

9 F. Richard LAL/Orsay What benefits could result for ILC detectors ? Access to CERN expertise on construction and installation of large detectors, help on push pull studies Test of our concepts well beyond 500 GeV which we need to do anyhow for a TeV upgrade of ILC Improved algorithms for calorimetry e.g. to reduce leakage effect (cost saving) Definition of common R&D which would have very positive effects not only in Europe (EU contracts) but also in the US (and the UK) who are directed towards ‘generic detector R&D’ before the LHC results confirm that ILC is the right choice

10 F. Richard LAL/Orsay What benefits could result for CLIC detectors ? Better integration in the WWS organisation of workshop Access to the ILC R&D collaboration Access to the concept tools for defining CLIC performances Common discussion of the physics topics A lot has already happened at the CLIC08 workshop

11 F. Richard LAL/Orsay Conclusions Promising exchanges between the two communities have started Several common interests have been identified First results are already coming out showing that PFLOW could be performed up to CLIC energies CLIC is gathering forces to perform the studies needed for a better definition of its detector requirements

12 F. Richard LAL/Orsay Back up slides

13 F. Richard LAL/Orsay ZZ/WW separation

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