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Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační.

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Presentation on theme: "Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0326 Political Science and International Relations Civil military relations

2 Aim of the presentation to briefly outline general characteristics of the army as a specific kind of organization; to outline opportunities and challenges in ensuring apolitical nature of the armed forces; to introduce basic models of the relationship between the military and society; to explain the concept of civilian control of the armed forces - its contents, characteristics and features.

3 Presentation contents Characteristics of the armed forces Problem of apolitical nature of the military organisation Relations between the military and society Civil – democratic control of the armed forces Features of civil – democratic control of the armed forces

4 Characteristics of the armed forces The army (military organisation) is the best organized, trained, armed group in the state designed primarily for use of state- organized violence Typical features of the modern armed forces were created and introduced at the end of the Middle Ages as an instrument of state power Modern armed forces are distinguished from medieval ones by certain typical organizational features. We consider them mainly for strict hierarchical division, centralization into a single entity, law enforcement principle and superiority official authority over the personnel Erving Goffman: military as the total institution

5 Characteristics of the armed forces The military organisation has especially much more centralized and hierarchical management structure than is typical for a civilian organization, which is significantly reflected in a much greater emphasis on discipline Also different is the role of authority, which is based on the dominance of the officer corps. It is characterized by somewhat different expert knowledge than civilian structures – it is the result of the fact that it is practiced in the use of organized violence The officer corps has also produced a special ethical standards of conduct different from the norms of civilian professions, with which compliance is strictly required

6 Problem of apolitical nature of the a.f. Every single state military organisation is inherently designed for the application of state power (violence) The armed forces of a democratic state are politically neutral (nonpartisan) - not associated with one particular political party, but to the state as its instrument, which, within the limits set by the constitution and laws

7 Relations between military and society Dominance of military power over civilian one Military regimes are characterized by a relatively independent decisions army on basic political issues, which are focused on a such method of regulation of social conflicts, which is advantageous in terms of the military Autonomy of both military and civilian powers Armed forces stand outside the social control and is relatively closed component, which is reflected among other things in the recruitment criteria and by seeking maximum independence army to companies in the economic field Civil structures are forced to consult their decisions with military representatives and take them in account during the regulation of social conflicts

8 Relations between military and society Dominance of one part of civil power over military power Typically military power is tied to one of the institutes of the civil power A classic example is the control of the army through political parties - focus on linking the governing party and the officers of the elite, which enables efficient interaction events in the army through party organizations Political parties create own control mechanisms designed for the armed forces regardless of the power state

9 Relations between military and society Military power subordinated to the whole society Typical for democratic states The military is treated as a politically neutral tool that society voluntarily builds to face potential risks, while giving up part of its rights and remedies The society has the right to control the armed forces through civil proceedings

10 Civil and democratic control Civil and democratic control of the armed forces is at the core of all democratic political systems and it is an integral part of civil military relations In the narrower sense, we can understand the concept of such control that the armed forces are supervised by the institutions of the civil sphere, but the formation of the armed forces is entirely at their discretion The broader concept is expanded to ensure the primacy of civilian sphere in the definition of the tasks of the armed forces

11 Civil and democratic control S. Huntington – goals of civil and democratic control: To ensure the subordination of the armed forces to the political objectives of the society To subordinate the building, organization and training of the armed forces to the national interests of the state To achieve the efficient and functional integration of the armed forces and society To ensure the political neutrality of the armed forces

12 Civil and democratic control - features A clear definition of the relationship between the armed forces, the society and the highest authorities in the legal system of state The subordination of the armed forces to the rule of law The primacy of society in formulating decisions regarding the armed forces through implementing the holders of sovereignty (parliament, president or other elected bodies) The primacy of civilian persons in enforcing the policy decisions expressed mostly by the civilian minister of defence Control of the armed forces through the free media

13 Operační program Vzdělávání pro konkurenceschopnost Název projektu: Inovace magisterského studijního programu Fakulty ekonomiky a managementu Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0326 Political Science and International Relations Civil military relations

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