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Parental employment in London. Why parental employment? -Parents tell us that they want to work -Work can provide a route out of poverty… -…but concerns.

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Presentation on theme: "Parental employment in London. Why parental employment? -Parents tell us that they want to work -Work can provide a route out of poverty… -…but concerns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parental employment in London

2 Why parental employment? -Parents tell us that they want to work -Work can provide a route out of poverty… -…but concerns about in-work poverty -Increasing pressure on parents to work – and to work more hours “We are restoring not only the incentive to get a job, but what’s more, to progress onwards and upwards towards self-sufficiency” Ian Duncan-Smith, Child Poverty Strategy “Of the 1.5 million children in poor working families in 2011/12, only 100,000 were in families where all parents (including both lone parent and couple families) were in full time work.” Child Poverty Strategy 2014

3 Lone parent employment rates Lone parents in London are less likely to be working and less likely to be working part time Massive decrease in lone parent worklessness

4 Mothers in couples employment rates Mothers in couples in London are less likely to be working, particularly part time Very little change in employment rates

5 Explaining the figures -Lone parent obligations (but parents with U5s also starting work) -Employment support to lone parents – but not to mothers in couples -Childcare 28% more expensive than rest of UK -Longer, and more expensive, commutes SLIDE TITLE / DATE DD/MM/YY / SLIDE NUMBER

6 In work poverty Wage levels alone are not enough to reduce poverty! But – gains to treasury from higher wages can be invested in children Income

7 Part time pay -Reduced London premium for part time work -> full time work is better paid

8 How many hours is it reasonable to work per week? -Polling -Parent’s views -In order not to be in poverty… AllAge of youngest child 0-23-45-1314-18 Single parent2520 2535 Couple Parent 137 39 Parent 2201620 30

9 How many hours is it reasonable to work per week? – Parent’s view -“It depends….” -On needs of family (not always related to age of children!) -Availability of childcare -Hours of work – when as well as how many -Values of parents -Wanted to work – and not just about money -Felt there was more pressure on low income parents

10 Examples of good practice -Employment services: -Recognising needs and barriers specific to parents -Benefit take up as part of employment -Councils using purchasing role to spread good practice -Timewise Council -Negotiating with employers around flexible working

11 Ideal solutions… -Parents able to make genuine choices on what works best for their family and same choices for families whatever their income -To enable that… -Affordable, suitable childcare -Family-friendly jobs -Employment support -In-work benefits supporting part time work for parents

12 Megan Jarvie London Campaign Coordinator 020 7812 5210

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