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Type Date Here Type Presenter Name/Contact Here June 29, 2011 Boston School Committee Meeting Boston Public Schools 26 Court Street Boston, MA 02108 New.

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Presentation on theme: "Type Date Here Type Presenter Name/Contact Here June 29, 2011 Boston School Committee Meeting Boston Public Schools 26 Court Street Boston, MA 02108 New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Type Date Here Type Presenter Name/Contact Here June 29, 2011 Boston School Committee Meeting Boston Public Schools 26 Court Street Boston, MA 02108 New Principals’ Institute 2013: Evaluation Onboarding: Part I Jerome Doherty Director of Performance Management Office of Human Resources

2 Overview 2 How HR Supports You With Evaluations Employee Groups Reporting to Principals/Headmasters Evaluations and Staffing of Provisional Teachers Evaluations and Staffing of Permanent Teachers Key Dates Leaves of Absence: Policy, Process, and Implications on Evaluation Q&A

3 How HR Supports You With Evaluation Boston Public Schools 3

4 How HR Supports You With Evaluation Boston Public Schools 4

5 Employee Groups Reporting to Principals/Headmasters DESE-Licensed Educators: BASAS Administrators (Academic Roles) “Teachers” (Can include Strand Specialists, Guidance Counselors, Nurses, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, and Pupil Adjustment Counselors) Paraprofessionals Other non-DESE-licensed members of BTU and BASAS E.g. – Registrars, OTs/PTs, Clinical Coordinators Managerial Employees Non-unionized, at-will employees Administrative Guild Members Lunch Monitors Bus/Cab Monitors and Attendants Circulars are your friends! Updates will be available by 9/1/13 ( Boston Public Schools 5 *SEE HANDOUT WITH EVALUATION DEADLINES*

6 Evaluations and Staffing for Provisional Teachers 1 st Year Provisional Teachers 90-Day Probationary Period – A critical time for observation and feedback. Reasonable Assurance or Non-Renewal HR will not issue RA without a Formative Assessment completed by Probable Org 2 nd Year Provisional Teachers Reasonable Assurance or Non-Renewal HR will not issue RA without a Formative Assessment completed by Probable Org 3 rd Year Provisional Teachers Permanent Appointment or Non-Renewal – Proficiency Overall and in All Four Standards in the Third Year is Required for an Educator to Become Permanent! Boston Public Schools 6

7 Evaluations and Staffing for Permanent Teachers Brief Overview of Permanent Teacher Assignment Processes: Transfer Process (HR can help you make informed hiring decisions) Post-Transfer Placement Process (New process replacing Excess Pools) Administrative Placement (For unplaced teachers after PTPP) Recall Process (For teachers affected by layoffs in program areas) Open Posting (Current Year vs. Future Year) We will work with you to avoid/minimize classroom disruption. Finish the Work You Started: Underperforming educators may not be excessed HR will be monitoring next year’s Excess List Principals/Headmasters will be held accountable if it occurs Boston Public Schools 7

8 Key Dates for both Evaluation and Staffing DateEventImportance September 13, 2013Deadline for meeting with Teachers about EvaluationContractual requirement November 15Deadlines: At least one observation per teacher must be completed; Interim Evaluation for new Guild members or those under new supervision Contractual requirements November 27, 2013Fill teacher vacancy with preferred Long-Term SubLast day for Long-Term Sub to start and be granted Provisional Contract Winter RecessOpportunity to complete Formative AssessmentsAvoid being overwhelmed by putting them off January 23, 2014Day 89: Probationary Period ends for 1 st Year Provisional Teachers Statutory threshold to dismiss teachers without Professional Teacher Status Last week in JanuaryProbable OrgFormative Assessments must be completed for provisional and excessed permanent teachers prior to this February 1Deadline: Complete Interim Evaluation for Guild MembersContractual requirement February RecessOpportunity to complete Formative AssessmentsAvoid being overwhelmed by putting them off April RecessOpportunity to complete Provisional Summative EvaluationsAvoid being overwhelmed by putting them off April 30, 2014Deadline: Summative Evaluations for Provisional TeachersMay 1-14 is the Superintendent’s review period for permanent appointment special consideration May 15Permanent Appointment Letters Sent to 3 rd Year Provisional Teachers after this date This secures a significant portion of our workforce for the following school year May 30, 2014Effective deadline for Non-Ac BASAS & BTU, Guild, Lunch Monitors, and Managerial staff evaluations (6/1 is Sunday) Contractual and Payroll requirements May 30, 2014Deadline: Submit Managerial Evaluations to OHRSalary step increases will not take place on time if this deadline is missed Boston Public Schools 8

9 Leaves of Absence (LOA) Approved LOA vs. AWOL ­ Multiple Types of LOA ­ AWOL procedure(PS03 – Rose Santos) Form PS03 can be found at: >> Central Admin >> HR >> Personnel Records, Policies and Forms ­ Contact HR Immediately LOA Application Process ­ Hub or PS03? (If PS03, send to Arlene Witt in HR) ­ Correct Doctor’s Note ­ Return From Leave (Doctor’s Note AND PS03 to Arlene Witt) ­ Contact HR Immediately Circulars are your friends! ( ­ HRS-PP05 (Attendance Monitoring System) ­ HRS-PP12 (Employee Sick Leave Policy) ­ HRS-PP13 (Family & Medical Leave Act & Small Necessities Leave Act) Evaluations and LOA Boston Public Schools 9 *SEE HANDOUTS WITH LOA INFO*

10 Contact Information Please ask for help! Jerome Doherty Director of Performance Management BPS Office of Human Resources 26 Court Street, 3 rd Floor Email: Phone: (617) 635-9627 Fax: (617) 635-7956 >> Central Admin >> HR Educator evaluation and EDFS information may be found at: Boston Public Schools 10

11 Q & A Boston Public Schools 11

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