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MASTER’S THESIS LET masters’ programme 35 cr, 413008S Pirkko Hyvönen Home:

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Presentation on theme: "MASTER’S THESIS LET masters’ programme 35 cr, 413008S Pirkko Hyvönen Home:"— Presentation transcript:

1 MASTER’S THESIS LET masters’ programme 35 cr, 413008S Pirkko Hyvönen Home: ©Ellaveera Hyvönen

2 SUPPORT from peers and supervisors Board a train and keep your goal! There will be a destination. The journey will be interesting. Kuva ESS-arkisto

3 … IS A COGNITIVE, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL PROCESS. Pick up one or two pictures, which represent your current feelings and expectations about the process.

4 … IS A LEARNING PROCESS You develope as a learner and as a researcher. Thesis is an end result, but the process is important. Each process is unique, but includes similar elements. You are responsible for the process, but you are not alone.

5 WHAT IS IT? It is a scientific written document -It is needed in the scientific field (LET) -It is structured certain way -It includes theoretical framework, which is a lens to look through the phenomena -It includes empirical data (qualitative / quantitative / mixed methods) (theoretical thesis is possible) -Instead of opinions, research is scientifically or empirically evidenced -It is a ticket to the doctoral studies!!

6 YOU NEED TO DECIDE Solo or pair Monograph or compiled thesis (electronic publication) Research focus, theoretical frame & methods WE OFFER Possibility to be a part of the research team - Ernesto will tell more about this Guidance (group & individual)

7 … WHAT IT DEMANDS? Time Self-regulation Curiosity Ability to focus to find and choose relevant litterature to perceive and interpret to use the recourses that are available

8 APA 6 Manual Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition. Washington: American Psychological Association, cop. 2001.

9 SYLLABUS of the course  The cource is linked to the contents of previous modules  The cource will provide support for completing the process of the master’s thesis.  Students carry out their master’s thesis as a research process with real demands and challenges. LEARNING PROCESS  Completing a master’s thesis is a self-regulative process, where collaboration plays a crucial role.  Doing your thesis is learning expertise in the particular domain.

10 CONTENT of the course  LET research themes  Research process  Research plan (structure, schedule)  Methodologies  Collaboration in a research team Implementation Contact teaching 30 h, research teamwork 40 h and independent study 998 h. Qualitative and quatitative research courses © Ellaveera Hyvönen

11 LEARNING OBJECTIVES You can  write a reseach plan and complete a master’s thesis Future research (eg., PhD), funding proposals  plan and master a data collection  categorize and analyse data kvali or quant  find relevant literatur for your thesis topic, method  master referencing practices  evaluate research scientific, methodological, ethical, literature, writing  collaborate  use relevant technologies and adaptations for collaboration, and research purposes

12 SELF-REGULATED LEARNING (SRL) -Solo or collaborative -Emotion-regulation -Motivation-regulation -Cognition-regulation -Strategies -Self-efficasy (beliefs) Zimmerman, Pintrich, Wolters, Pajares, Winne, Perry, Chunk, Azevedo, Moos, Hadwin, Järvelä, Järvenoja, Malmberg, Mykkänen & Määttä SELF-REGULATED LEARNING (SRL) -Solo or collaborative -Emotion-regulation -Motivation-regulation -Cognition-regulation -Strategies -Self-efficasy (beliefs) Zimmerman, Pintrich, Wolters, Pajares, Winne, Perry, Chunk, Azevedo, Moos, Hadwin, Järvelä, Järvenoja, Malmberg, Mykkänen & Määttä CREATIVE COLLABORATION - How to design learning and learning environments for promoting creative collaboration? - How to use technologies for enhancing creative collaboration? Franken, Amabile, Bereiter, Scardamalia, Eteläpelto, Lahti, John-Steiner, Sternberg, Lubbart, Torrance, Hyvönen, Romero, Vuopala CREATIVE COLLABORATION - How to design learning and learning environments for promoting creative collaboration? - How to use technologies for enhancing creative collaboration? Franken, Amabile, Bereiter, Scardamalia, Eteläpelto, Lahti, John-Steiner, Sternberg, Lubbart, Torrance, Hyvönen, Romero, Vuopala EXPERT LEARNING -Collaborative problem-solving -Transfer from/for working life Bereiter, Scardamalia, Bransford, Hatano, Inagagi, Lajoije, Zimmerman, Chi, Tynjälä, Hyvönen & Impiö (manuscripts) EXPERT LEARNING -Collaborative problem-solving -Transfer from/for working life Bereiter, Scardamalia, Bransford, Hatano, Inagagi, Lajoije, Zimmerman, Chi, Tynjälä, Hyvönen & Impiö (manuscripts) COLLABORATIVE LEARNING / CSCL -Structuring learning -Roles in learning -SRL in collaborative learning -Collaborative learning + learning environments Dillenbourg, Fisher, Kirschner, Näykki, Laru, Vuopala, Hämäläinen, Weinberger COLLABORATIVE LEARNING / CSCL -Structuring learning -Roles in learning -SRL in collaborative learning -Collaborative learning + learning environments Dillenbourg, Fisher, Kirschner, Näykki, Laru, Vuopala, Hämäläinen, Weinberger Learning with or without technologies LET RESEARCH THEMES

13 METHODOLOGICAL MAP, 1 The aim is to 1)reflect your previous experiences of research processes: what kind of research have you done; what was your role in the process; how did you feel the process and what have you learned (topics, methods etc) 2)To find out and be aware your strengts and expertise as a group In small groups, discuss with your peers and make your spesific methodological map, which represents your previous experiences as resources for progressing the thesis.

14 MY INTRESTS AND COMPETENCE, 1 © Ellaveera Hyvönen

15 MY INTRESTS AND COMPETENCE, 1 The aim is to in start a thinking process about the possible topic of the thesis. 1.Discuss and share thoughts within your group ii.which areas of reseach you are at the best iii.which theoretical frameworks you are interested in iv.which contexts you are interested in v.which topics you are interested in 2. Once you discuss, formulate your topics in brief sentences and place them into the theoretical platform. What are your three conclusions about the result. 3. Place your topics into the collective (entire class) theoretical platform.

16 LITERATURE SUGGESTIONS APA6 Manual Corbin, J. & Strauss, A. Basucs of qualitative research Miles, M.B. & Huberman, A.M.: Qualitative data analysis Lazar, J et al., Research methods in human-computer interaction Salkind:, N.J. Statistics for people who think they hate statistics Menetelmäopetuksen tietovaranto: (in Finnish only)

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