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1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Location:Mystic Marriott Hotel Groton, CT Date:Thursday, June 17, 2010 Overview Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Location:Mystic Marriott Hotel Groton, CT Date:Thursday, June 17, 2010 Overview Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ILE Project Integrated Logistics Environment Kickoff Meeting Location:Mystic Marriott Hotel Groton, CT Date:Thursday, June 17, 2010 Overview Presented by: Dr. Burton Gischner

2 2 ILE Project Overview l Goals l Objectives l Project Administration l Technology Transfer Activities l Program Management, Technology Transfer, and Software Development Plans l Deliverables and Milestones l Schedule for Upcoming Meetings

3 3 Goals l Tools and Methods for Supporting Next Generation Shipbuilding IPDE (SCIM Evaluation) – –This task will demonstrate the capabilities of the NPDI SCIM as the means for supporting the next generation IPDE l l Completion of the Ship Common Information Model (SCIM Development) – –This task proposes to complete the remaining chapters of the Ship Common Information Model

4 4 Objectives l Tools and Methods for Supporting Next Generation Shipbuilding IPDE (SCIM Evaluation) – –This task will apply the tools and methods developed by the ISE team to two current shipbuilding requirements: VIRGINIA Class IPDE data migration and sharing of DDG 1000 structural design data with manufacturing systems across shipyards – –Moreover, this task will use the NPDI Ship Common Information Model (SCIM) as the basis for these two pilots – –As a result, this task will not only benefit current Navy programs but will also demonstrate the capabilities of the NPDI SCIM as the means for supporting interoperability of the next generation IPDE

5 5 Objectives cont’d. l l Completion of the Ship Common Information Model (SCIM Development) – –The Ship Common Information Model (SCIM) was defined as requiring fifteen chapters to specify the requirements for exchange of product model data among shipyards and the Navy. The development of eight of these chapters has been funded through NSRP under the Navy Product Data Initiative (NPDI). – –This effort will complete the SCIM and thereby will facilitate the data exchanges to be developed within the Integrated Logistics Environment

6 6 Project Administration l Project is administered and led by Electric Boat (EB) l Subcontractors: –Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding (NGSB) –Northrop Grumman Technical Services (NGTS) –Product Data Services (PDS) l Administration will be guided by a Program Management Plan to be developed in the next few weeks

7 7 Project Exploder l The Exploder established for the ISE-4, ISE-5, and ISE-6 Projects will continue to be used for ILE l It is entitled: –NSRP– l l In addition, a Bulletin Board remains available under the website – –Permits threaded discussions – –Automated Registration – –Ability to only retrieve messages when desired

8 8 Bulletin Board l Accessible from the ISE Tools website – »Click on Bulletin Board l Communicate with other registered members –Automated registration –Create new discussion topics –Reply to existing discussion topics –Include attachments with your message –Receive e-mail notifications of new replies, as desired

9 9 Technology Transfer Activities l Updates and Presentations during 1 st Year –Project Updates will be given at each System Technology Panel Meeting »Next Meeting: Washington, DCSept. – Oct. 2010 »Following Meeting: New Orleans, LA Dec. 2010 –Presentation at: Ship Production Symposium »Bellevue, WANovember 3-5, 2010 –Possible Presentation at: ShipTech 2011 »Biloxi, MSMarch 15-16, 2011

10 10 Program Management Plan Technology Transfer Plan Software Development Plan l These three deliverables will guide the execution of the project l Will be completed and delivered by June 30, 2010

11 11 Deliverables and Milestones l Each of the two tasks will have a set of Deliverables and Milestones at the end of each Quarter, and there will be a Wrap-up Meeting and Final Report in Washington, DC at the conclusion of Month 12 for the SCIM Evaluation Task (Task 1) and at the conclusion of Month 24 for the SCIM Development Task (Task 2) l There will also be a Business Status Report and a Technical Status Report issued as a Deliverable at the end of each Quarter l The list below provides a description of the deliverables for each task

12 12 Deliverables and Milestones cont’d. Task MonthDeliverable 1.12Report on Extraction of Piping Data in SCIM Format from VIRGINIA IPDE 1.15Report on Extraction of Structural Data in SCIM Format from VIRGINIA IPDE 1.18Analysis of SCIM Piping & Structural Models vs. Data Needed for VIRGINIA Migration 1.111Final Wrap-up Meeting & Report of SCIM Deficiencies in Piping & Structural and Recommendations 1.22Structural Model Import Requirements Report for DDG 1000 1.25SCIM Gap Analysis Report for DDG 1000 1.28SCIM Dataset Results Report for DDG 1000 1.211Final Wrap-up Meeting & Import Results Report for DDG 1000 214Complete SCIM Chapters for HVAC Functional & Physical Design 217Complete SCIM Chapters for Electrotechnical Functional & Physical Design 220Complete SCIM Chapters for Pipe Stress & Engineering Analysis 223Complete SCIM Chapter for Structural CAM (Lofting & Nesting) 224Final Report

13 13 Deliverables and Milestones cont’d. MonthDeliverable 21st Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports 52nd Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports 83rd Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports 114th Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports 145th Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports 176th Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports 207th Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports 238th Qtr Business & Technical Status Reports

14 14 Schedule for Upcoming Meetings l June 2010 – Kickoff Meeting – Groton, CT l Oct. 2010 –Technical/Design Review Meeting – Virginia Beach, VA l Nov. 2010 – Presentation at SPS – Bellevue, WA l Jan. 2011 – Technical/Design Review Meeting– Groton, CT l Mar, 2011 – Presentation at ShipTech 2011 – Biloxi, MS l Apr. 2011 – Team Meeting – Washington, DC l May 2011 – Kickoff Meeting for Task 2 – Groton, CT l Oct. 2011 – Technical/Design Review Meeting– Virginia Beach, VA l Nov. 2011– Presentation at SPS – Houston, TX l Jan. 2012 – Technical/Design Review Meeting– Washington, DC l Mar, 2012 – Presentation at ShipTech 2012 – Biloxi, MS l Apr. 2012 –Final Team Meeting– Washington, DC

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