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Human Exploration Slide 1 SAE Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee Meeting Salt Lake City, Utah March 4, 2005 Linda Fuhrman

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1 Human Exploration Slide 1 SAE Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee Meeting Salt Lake City, Utah March 4, 2005 Linda Fuhrman 617-258-3259 The NASA Human Exploration Program

2 Human Exploration Slide 2 “Audentes Fortunas Juvat.” (Fortune favors the bold.) - Virgil

3 Human Exploration Slide 3 Overview l The Vision for Space Exploration l NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate and NASA’s Implementation Strategy l Preliminary Architectures for Human Lunar Exploration l Q&A

4 Human Exploration Slide 4 NASA Vision A New Future for US Civil Space Programs l On January 14, 2004, President Bush articulated a new Vision for Space Exploration in the 21st Century l This Vision encompasses a broad range of human and robotic missions, including the moon, Mars and destinations beyond l It establishes clear goals and objectives, but sets equally clear budgetary ‘boundaries’ by stating firm priorities and tough choices l It also establishes as policy the goals of pursuing commercial and international collaboration in realizing the new vision

5 Human Exploration Slide 5 NASA’s Exploration Concept A modular, extensible, sustainable, affordable, reliable “System-of-Systems” approach to enable human exploration of the moon, Mars, and other destinations. “Go as you pay” instead of “Pay as you go.”

6 Human Exploration Slide 6

7 Human Exploration Slide 7 Major Milestones l 2010: Complete ISS and retire STS l 2014: First crewed flight of the CEV l 2015: JIMO / Prometheus l By 2020: First crewed return to the moon l ?: First crewed mission to Mars

8 Human Exploration Slide 8 l NASA Reorganization takes into account CAIB recommendations as well as NASA Vision directed by the President l “Codes” eliminated and major reorganization into “Mission Directorates” l Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) headed up by Adm. Craig Steidle (Navy, ret.) has responsibility for implementing Exploration aspects of the Vision Implementing the Vision

9 Human Exploration Slide 9 New NASA Organization

10 Human Exploration Slide 10 “Spiral” Implementation Approach PRE-ACQUISITION ACTIVITIES

11 Human Exploration Slide 11 Spiral 1: Five Potential Acquisitions DESIGN FY 04 FY 06 FY 08FY 12 FY 14 FY 10 STUDYDESIGN STUDY DESIGN BAA CEV LV GROUND SYSTEM IN-SPACE SYSTEMS BUILD, TEST, LAUNCH BUILD, TEST STUDY CEV BUILD, TEST, LAUNCH RFP Risk Reduction 2008 Demo OPERATE (SOMD) DESIGN Risk Reduction 2008 Demo DESIGN Non Traditional Approach ETO POTENTIAL COMMERCIAL SERVICE l CEV: Two Designs to PDR Followed by Downselect l ETO: Alternate Approach Incorporating Commercial Solution l CEV Launch Vehicle: Human Rated Lift l Ground System: Processing, Communications, Command & Control l In-Space Systems: Primarily Communications PHASE A: STUDY PHASE B: DESIGN PRE-SPIRAL ACTIVITIES PHASE C: BUILD, TEST, LAUNCH DESIGN

12 Human Exploration Slide 12 CEV Master Schedule

13 Human Exploration Slide 13 RFP / CEV Spiral 1 FY 05 Q1Q2Q3Q4 ONDJFMAMJJAS FY 04 Q3Q4 AMJJAS FY 08 Q1Q2Q3Q4 ONDJFMAMJJAS FY 06 Q1Q2Q3Q4 ONDJFMAMJJAS FY 07 Q1Q2Q3Q4 ONDJFMAMJJAS CEV RFP RFP Awards 2008 Demo Dev/Spiral 1 (2014 Manned Flight) Preliminary Design Contractor A MS B - Program Initiation CEV Level 1 Requirements Iteration: 1 23 4 CEV Level 2 Req’s Industry Support Government Requirements Development BAA / Project Constellation Exploration & Refinement 2008 Demo Dev/Spiral 1 (2014 Manned Flight) Preliminary Design Contractor B AwardRelease BAA/ Tech Maturation/ ASTP - Tech Development / Risk Reduction Tech Development / Risk Reduction MS A CEV 2008 Demo/PDR: Down-select to Single Contractor & Concept BAA RFP Release BAA AwardRelease Detailed Design & Dev SRR SDR PDR CE&R BAA Award Release Exercise Option Release RFI / Exploration Systems Center Tasks Tech Maturation & SBIR 2004/5 Solicitation SBIR/STTR 2004 Solicitation/ Tech Development - Repeats until 2009 04 Ph I Award04 PH I Release 04 Ph II Award BAA 05 Ph I Award05 PH I Release 05 Ph II Award BAA Today Near-Term Acquisition Strategy

14 Human Exploration Slide 14 Human Exploration Architectures: How will we get there?

15 Human Exploration Slide 15 Human Exploration Architectures Drivers l Optimize overall number of vehicles / modules n “Parts attract cost” l Reuse of Lunar design for Mars missions n Moon as a testbed for Mars missions l Mass n Number of crew, mission duration, modularity n Propellant makes up 50 – 70% or more of mass to LEO n Examples: wDeliver 1 kg to LEO from Earth surface needs 32 kg propellant; and from LEO to Lunar surface and directly back to Earth surface takes additional 11-60 kg: i.e. ~40 kg propellant for 1 kg payload wFor Mars this number becomes 65 – 75 kg propellant for 1 kg payload l Launch vehicle lift capability n Currently in the 25 mT range

16 Human Exploration Slide 16 HLE studies l NASA funded 11 teams to study HLE n “Concept Exploration and Refinement” (CE&R) n Initial 6-month studies just completed; option phase starting n Recommend architectures for HLE with eye towards Mars n Focus to define HLE / HME requirements on CEV l Draper / MIT team using value-driven optimization approach n Value key to sustainability

17 Human Exploration Slide 17 HLE Architecture Impacts on CEV l Architecture defines primary operational modes and environments for CEV l Destinations and mission scenarios (durations) can greatly drive CEV functionality l Optimal CEV design balances mass and complexity with cost, modularity, extensibility and flexibility

18 Human Exploration Slide 18 Initial Findings – Test Architectures l LV s can drive the architecture n No Saturn-V “one-launch” scenarios n Rendezvous and Docking clearly needed n LEO vs L1 vs LMO preference not yet clear l Mars missions enabled by n Aerocapture at Mars n In Situ Resource Utilization wCombined, these two can reduce IMLEO from 1000+ mT to ~ 600 mT l Long duration Mars missions show mass benefit over short-stay missions n Short (60 day surface stay, 535 day total) requires more significantly delta-V for Earth return n Long (600 day surface stay, 930 day total) allows extensive Mars exploration ES LS CEV OTV DAV

19 Human Exploration Slide 19 Example: IMLEO = f(Trajectory, technology) To keep IMLEO below 1000t requires: Aerocapture, which supports both abort to orbit and free return, or Rendezvous in a Highly Elliptical Mars Orbit (HEMO), which supports abort to orbit, but not free return 020004000600080001000012000 AC to LMO Prop to HEMO, AB to LMO Prop to LMO Prop to HEMO Transfer trajectory and MOI mode IMLEO [t] 2 year free return conjunction Fast conjunction Min energy conjunction HEMO = Highly Elliptical Mars Orbit LMO = Low Mars Orbit AC = Aerocapture Prop = Propulsive capture AB = Aerobraking

20 Human Exploration Slide 20 GN&C Challenges – Initial Assessment l Lunar South Pole – Far Side missions n Real-time downlink for all critical events comm satellite n Limits on module mass constrains landed mass n Long duration stays need multiple landings n Pinpoint landing accuracy (~10s of m) simplifies surface ops l Crewed Mars Missions n Real-time downlink of critical events problematic w20+ minute round-trip light time depending on planetary alignments n “Anytime Abort” not possible wAlternate crew safety scenarios must be found n Pinpoint landing of extremely large masses unsolved as yet wLandings to date 100 km accurate; ~1 mT or less wMay need <100m accuracy; 10+ mT wAtmospheric uncertainties major design driver

21 Human Exploration Slide 21 Fortune Favors the Bold

22 Human Exploration Slide 22 Backup Charts and Reference Material

23 Human Exploration Slide 23 Acknowledgement l Work presented in this package was conducted under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

24 Human Exploration Slide 24 Bibliography / Reference Material l Presidential Policy Direction: l Vision for Exploration: l Office of Exploration Systems General Overview

25 Human Exploration Slide 25 Graphics and Images: Credits l Cover slide: NASA Apollo 15 photo: Astronaut Jim Irwin sets up the first Lunar Roving Vehicle. NASA ID AS15-86-11603. l Slide 2: Exploration Systems Mission Directorate logo; available at l Slide 4: Cover art for the NASA Vision for Space Exploration document; available at l Slide 5: Montage of Exploration vehicle and mission concepts; cover art from NASA briefing “New Space Exploration Vision”, Jan. 16, 2004; image available electronically at l Slides 6&7: Exploration schedule roadmap; from the NASA Vision for Space Exploration document; available at l Slide 8: Cover art for the NASA Exploration Systems Interim Strategy document; available at l Slide 9: NASA organization chart; available at l Slides 10 & 11: Definition of Exploration “spirals;” from “Spiral 1 Acquisition Strategy,” November, 2004; available at l Slides 12 & 13: CEV master schedule and near-term acquisition strategy; from Pre-Proposal Conference, Human and Robotic Technology Broad Agency Announcement, July 2004; available at l Slide 14: NASA concept artwork by Pat Rawlings, SAIC; available at l Slide 17, 18, 19: Graphic generated by Draper-MIT Concept Exploration and Refinement Study Team, 2004. l Slide 21: Cover art for numerous NASA presentations, including “Spiral 1 Acquisition Strategy,” November, 2004; available at

26 Human Exploration Slide 26 Excerpts from Jan. 2004 Speech Bringing the Vision to Reality The Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration will be responsible for the plans, programs, and activities required to implement this vision, in coordination with other agencies, as deemed appropriate. The Administrator will plan and implement an integrated, long-term robotic and human exploration program structured with measurable milestones and executed on the basis of available resources, accumulated experience, and technology readiness. To implement this vision, the Administrator will conduct the following activities and take other actions as required: A. Exploration Activities in Low Earth Orbit Space Shuttle Return the Space Shuttle to flight as soon as practical, based on the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board; Focus use of the Space Shuttle to complete assembly of the International Space Station; and Retire the Space Shuttle as soon as assembly of the International Space Station is completed, planned for the end of this decade; International Space Station Complete assembly of the International Space Station, including the U.S. components that support U.S. space exploration goals and those provided by foreign partners, planned for the end of this decade; Focus U.S. research and use of the International Space Station on supporting space exploration goals, with emphasis on understanding how the space environment affects astronaut health and capabilities and developing countermeasures; and Conduct International Space Station activities in a manner consistent with U.S. obligations contained in the agreements between the United States and other partners in the International Space Station. B. Space Exploration Beyond Low Earth Orbit The Moon Undertake lunar exploration activities to enable sustained human and robotic exploration of Mars and more distant destinations in the solar system; Starting no later than 2008, initiate a series of robotic missions to the Moon to prepare for and support future human exploration activities; Conduct the first extended human expedition to the lunar surface as early as 2015, but no later than the year 2020; and Use lunar exploration activities to further science, and to develop and test new approaches, technologies, and systems, including use of lunar and other space resources, to support sustained human space exploration to Mars and other destinations.

27 Human Exploration Slide 27 Excerpts from Jan. 2004 Speech (cont) Mars and Other Destinations Conduct robotic exploration of Mars to search for evidence of life, to understand the history of the solar system, and to prepare for future human exploration; Conduct robotic exploration across the solar system for scientific purposes and to support human exploration. In particular, explore Jupiter’s moons, asteroids and other bodies to search for evidence of life, to understand the history of the solar system, and to search for resources; Conduct advanced telescope searches for Earth-like planets and habitable environments around other stars; Develop and demonstrate power generation, propulsion, life support, and other key capabilities required to support more distant, more capable, and/or longer duration human and robotic exploration of Mars and other destinations; and Conduct human expeditions to Mars after acquiring adequate knowledge about the planet using robotic missions and after successfully demonstrating sustained human exploration missions to the Moon. C. Space Transportation Capabilities Supporting Exploration Develop a new crew exploration vehicle to provide crew transportation for missions beyond low Earth orbit; « Conduct the initial test flight before the end of this decade in order to provide an operational capability to support human exploration missions no later than 2014; Separate to the maximum practical extent crew from cargo transportation to the International Space Station and for launching exploration missions beyond low Earth orbit; « Acquire cargo transportation as soon as practical and affordable to support missions to and from the International Space Station; and « Acquire crew transportation to and from the International Space Station, as required, after the Space Shuttle is retired from service. D. International and Commercial Participation Pursue opportunities for international participation to support U.S. space exploration goals; and Pursue commercial opportunities for providing transportation and other services supporting the International Space Station and exploration missions beyond low Earth orbit.

28 Human Exploration Slide 28 Acronyms and Abbreviations l ABAerobraking l ACAerocapture l ASTPAdvanced Space Technology Program l BAABroad Agency Announcement l CAIBColumbia Accident Investigation Board l CE&RConcept Exploration & Refinement l CEVCrew Exploration Vehicle l ESEarth Surface l ESMDExploration Systems Mission Directorate l ESRTExploration Systems Research and Technology l ETOEarth to Orbit l FYFiscal Year l HEMOHighly Elliptical Mars Orbit l HLEHuman Lunar Exploration l HMEHuman Mars Exploration l HSRTHuman Systems Research and Technology l IMLEOInitial Mass to LEO l ISSInternational Space Station l JIMOJupiter Icy Moons Orbiter l L1LaGrange Point number 1 l LEOLow Earth Orbit l LMOLow Mars Orbit / Low Moon Orbit l LPLaGrange Point l LVLaunch Vehicle l MITMassachusetts Institute of Technology l MSMilestone; Mars Surface; Surface of planet “M” l mTMetric Ton l NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration l NEONear Earth Orbit l PDRPreliminary Design Review l PNSTPrometheus Nuclear Systems Technology l PropPropulsive Capture l Q&AQuestions and Answers l RFIRequest for Information l RFPRequest for Proposal l SAESociety of Automotive Engineers l SDRSystem Design Review l SOMDSpace Operations Mission Directorate l SRRSystem Requirements Review l STSSpace Transportation System (Space Shuttle)

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