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AP Language and Composition – 3/10/14 Bell ringer: Please read and comprehend Devil in the White City independently for the next 10 minutes. Discuss today’s.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Language and Composition – 3/10/14 Bell ringer: Please read and comprehend Devil in the White City independently for the next 10 minutes. Discuss today’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Language and Composition – 3/10/14 Bell ringer: Please read and comprehend Devil in the White City independently for the next 10 minutes. Discuss today’s objectives and agenda for the rest of the week: Monday – Share rows from handout about “A Hotel for the Fair” and read sources for tomorrow’s AP practice test – Q1 Tuesday – test prep day: Full-length test over Q1 Wednesday – practice ACT passage, discuss DitWC, volunteer to create discussion questions and analyze the chapter rhetorically? Thursday – Journal, current event: (TBD) Friday – ACT prep day

2 AP Language and Composition – 3/11/14 Bell ringer: 2007 – Q1 – Read sources and begin writing your essay. Discuss today’s objectives and agenda for the rest of the week: Tuesday – test prep day: Full-length test over Q1 Wednesday – practice ACT passage, discuss DitWC, volunteers to create discussion questions and analyze the chapter rhetorically? – create a schedule for next week Thursday – Journal, current event: (TBD) Friday – ACT prep day

3 AP Language and Composition – 3/12/14 Bell ringer: ACT Passage #28 Discuss today’s objectives and agenda for the rest of the week: Wednesday – practice ACT passage, peer review yesterday’s test, Thursday – Journal, discuss DitWC, ( volunteers to create discussion questions and analyze the chapter rhetorically? – create a schedule for next week), current event: Ms. Robin Friday – ACT prep day

4 AP Essay – Q1 from 2007: Peer Review 1.Sign your name at the top of your peer’s essay. 2.Read their introduction – underline/highlight his/her thesis statement. 3.In each body paragraph, underline/highlight each source he/she used. 4.In the margins of each body paragraph, please answer: YES/NO if this body paragraph clearly defends the thesis statement and explain your answer. 5.Does your writer have a conclusion? Write at least one sentence in the margin about whether or not it sufficiently wraps up the essay.

5 Exam link – sample score = 8 /repository/ap07_englang_op_q1.pdf

6 AP Language and Composition – 3/13/14 Bell ringer: Journal Focus word – HASTY (acting too quickly) Discuss today’s objectives and agenda for the rest of the week: Thursday – Journal, discuss DitWC, ( volunteers to create discussion questions and analyze the chapter rhetorically? – create a schedule for next week), current event: Ms. Robin Friday – ACT prep day

7 “The Landscape of Regret” 1.Reread the first sentence in paragraph two on p. 94. What can we say about how the author wrote this sentence in regard to style and syntax? 2.What do the architects think of Jackson Park? Cite one piece of evidence from the text (with a page number) that supports your answer. Let’s make the schedule for questions/analysis going forward. HW for Monday: Read to p. 122

8 Current event – Ms. Robin Read the article. Then discuss: 1.Are sons raised solely by mothers “deficient” in your opinion? 2.Should young men be encouraged to be the providers for their families more so than young women? 3.Is it wrong to set expectations differently based on race and gender?

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