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Presentation on theme: " Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants Biodiesel in Germany/Europe SPZO-28th international conference HLUK meeting Hluk/Moravia/CZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants Biodiesel in Germany/Europe SPZO-28th international conference HLUK meeting Hluk/Moravia/CZ November 24-25, 2011 Dr. Norbert Heim, UFOP/Berlin

2 Regulatory Framework for Biofuels EU RED (EU Directive 2009/28/EC); -10% target for energy from renewable sources in the transport sector by 2020 -Sustainability requirements for biofuels Fuel Quality Directive (EU Directive 2009/30/EG); -Binding GHG mitigation target of 6% for fuels until 2020 -Target could be achieved by the use of biofuels Germany: Federal Emission Control Act (BImschG) -Definition of a biofuel quota (6,25% energetic until 2014) -From 2015 this quota will be replaced by a GHG-mitigation target of 7% until 2020 2

3 F.O.Licht Source: F.O.Licht

4 F.O.Licht Source: F. O. Licht


6 Prognosis Biodiesel 2020 D & EU

7 Certification systems  Germany acknowledgement (working systems): REDcert ISCC System 28 Certification companies and Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels (RSB/Switzerland)  EU acknowledgement for all memberstates: Biomass Biofuels Sustainability voluntary scheme (2BSvs/France) Bonsucro EU (Brazil/Ethanol) Greenergy Brazilian Bioethanol verification programme (Brazil/Ethanol) International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) Abengoa RED Bioenergy Sustainability Assurance (Spain/Ethanol) Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB EU RED) Roundtable for Responsible Soy (RTRS EU RED)  EU acknowledgement (in preparation): REDcert others

8 Who is behind REDcert? Leading trade organizations of the agri- and biofuel-business

9 System structure

10 Participants in the REDcert-System (Nov 2011) total registrations1.051 Contractors1.006 - thereof in EC member states 127 Type of operations (Multiple denominations) Primary distributor 836 Oilmill 124 Sugarfactory 11 Biofuel producer Ethanol producer 24 14 Distributor / Trader (liquid bm) others 87 14 about 2.350 operating sites Certificates: 952 Certification bodies: 21

11 Participants in EC member states (Nov 2011) Belgium Denmark Germany Finland France Italy Luxembourg Austria Poland Slowenia Czech Republic United Kingdom 20 8 879 19 1 1 1 66 1 3 1 2 3 1

12 Farmers „Self-Declaration“ in Germany 1.All biomass or limitation for certain cultures 2.Reference January 2008 for arable land / Definiton grassland with high biodiversity expected 3.Restrictions in protected areas? 4.Receiver of direct payments / farm is subject to Cross Compliance 5.Land register and photos of used farm land are available on the farm 6.Default values should be used in NUTS II areas  The declaration applies to all biomass produced on my farm. The declaration is submitted for the following types of crops: ______________________________________________________________________________ (please list!)  The biomass under 1 originates from cropland that was already cropland prior to 01.01.08. It also does not originate from protected areas (Article 17 the Directive 2009/28/EC and accordingly Articles 4-6 of the Biomass Sustainability Ordinances) that were converted to cropland after 01.01.2008.  The biomass originates from areas within protected areas where farming is permitted. The requirements for protected areas have been complied with.  I am subject to cross compliance as a recipient of payments from direct support schemes. The biomass thus satisfies the requirements for agricultural management (Article 17 the Directive 2009/28/EC and accordingly Articles 7 and 51 of the Sustainability Ordinances).  I participated during the last calendar year in EU direct support schemes. The notification of participation in such schemes is available.  I have applied/will apply for aid this calendar year.  The documentation on the location of biomass cultivation (verification by means of polygon pursuant to Article 26 of the Sustainability Ordinances or similar verification of the area via field blocks, plots or parcels)  is available and can be viewed at any time  is kept with the primary distributor of the biomass I supply.  The default value – if exist - (Article 17/19 of the Directive 2009/28/EC and accordingly Article 8 and Annex 2 of the Sustainability Ordinances) or the officially approved estimate is to be used for calculating the greenhouse gas balance.

13 New Challange for Farmers I Minimum GHG savings GHG savings (EU 35%, 2017 50%, 2018 new 60%) GHG-Reduction-Quota (Germany from 2015 on) Implementation iLUC (expected EU from 2013 on)


15 greenhouse gas-based biofuel quota from 2015 in germany


17 Commission Report of iLUC – four policy options A. Monitoring and developing expertise on iLUC B. Increasing GHG savings thresholds C. Introducing additional sustainability criteria for biofuels D. Introducing differentiated iLUC factors per biofuels type

18 New Challange for Farmers II Optimising GHG balance on farm! and industrie!

19 19 RED Default Value – Recalculation Cultivation Calculations based on: JRC values, DBFZ 2010

20 20 RED Default Value - Sensitivity Analysis Cultivation Calculations based on: JRC values, DBFZ 2010

21 RED Default Value - Results  Cultivation The recalculation of the cultivation default value shows the strong influence of the fertiliser production and field emissions  Processing I Emissions from milling process are driven by heat and electricity supply  Processing II Emissions from refining and trans-esterification are driven by heat and methanol supply

22 RED Default Value - Summary Results Comparison of different GHG reduction approaches 22

23 Summary & Conclusions  The implementation of certification systems is neccessary to continue the biofuel policy, to get the acceptance by politicans and public  A GHG related quota in combination with the GHG mitigation requirements of the FQD will lead to a strong relation between the biofuel price and its GHG reduction potential  this could lead to an intense competition  The results from different studies (UFOP, FOP, Canola, Soy, …) represent a theoretical potential for reduction the GHG emissions, they underline the importance for farmers, crushers and biofuel producers to investigate their cultivation and process chain for possibilities to reduce GHG emissions  We need a political answer at the iLUC hypothesis - but not a global iLUC factor or a risk adder! 23

24 Thank you for your attention! Biodiesel racingcar 2010 – Nürburgring – fuel: B30

25 Contact Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. Claire-Waldoff-Straße 7 10117 Berlin Tel.: +49 (0) 30/31904-202 E-Mail: Web:

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