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Bucharest | June 2013 EBR Update ECRF; June 2013 Paul Farrell.

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1 Bucharest | June 2013 EBR Update ECRF; June 2013 Paul Farrell

2 Bucharest | June 2013 Outline How EBR works Benchmarks and traffic Coverage Developments on services The directive

3 Bucharest | June 2013 Business Registers Distributor Customer How it works

4 Bucharest | June 2013 Service#TransactionsAvg. Total Response Company Search 1,521,886 2.3s Company Profile 31,569 1.9s Company Appointments 11,849 3.0s Person Search 4,129 6.0s Personal Appointments 2,730 6.4s Product Search 171,992 2.7s Product Order 30,315 5.6s Retrievals past 12 months

5 Bucharest | June 2013 Service#TransactionsServer Latency Company Search 1,521,886.222s Company Profile 31,569.220s Company Appointments 11,849.225s Person Search 4,129.223s Personal Appointments 2,730.222s Product Search 171,992.219s Product Order 30,315.283s Platform performance past 12 months

6 Bucharest | June 2013 Charged searches 2012 2013

7 Bucharest | June 2013 Coverage New Members since ECRF 2012  Malta and Gibraltar Legislation passed 2013  Romania 28 partners 22 EU Jurisdictions – including Gibraltar Bucharest | June 2013

8 The BDS provides a web services interface that facilitates the subscription and notification of company status events Track each night the status of companies - usually to determine if the home company of a branch is dissolved Current participants  Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, UK  Over 13,000 registered watches on parent companies  ~6% watched companies reported inactive per annum Branch Disclosure Service (BDS)

9 Simple central parent company watch list Web service interface allows:  BRs to register an interest in parent companies  BRs of watched companies to notify the BDS of changes in company status  BRs to retrieve the latest status of watched companies (with date & time of status) Updates are pushed & pulled on a nightly basis BDS: Implementation

10 BDS: Norwegian Case Study Norway joined BDS in 2011 In 2011: 17,284 Norwegian registered branches May 2013: 13,784 Norwegian registered branches Based on BDS information 3,950 branches under investigation 3,089 struck off 861 in strike off process

11 BDS: Norwegian Case Study BDS information received Letter dispatched to branch Notice of strike off Branch struck off 10 weeks

12 Bucharest | June 2013 Service - Central Names Index Pan-European company search facility High quality, high performance multi-registry search Centralised and de-centralised data Transliteration of character sets Production system implemented Pilot (11 million records) Tested up to ~100 million records Scheduled for production release 1 October

13 Directive Gap Analysis Cross Border Merger Message Support Advanced Security Model BR 2 BR Message Inbox

14 Bucharest | June 2013 Messaging System Built on top of secure messaging Using message structures produced in ECRF Working Group Simple orchestration through push messaging Approach not limited to cross-border merger

15 Bucharest | June 2013 Integrated Messaging System

16 Bucharest | June 2013 Contact Paul Farrell Coordinator Simona Boscolo Bragadin Product Manager

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