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By Alex Oliver D IGITAL A CCESS Digital access is the ability for people places of the world to access digital technology. People in all societies should.

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2 By Alex Oliver

3 D IGITAL A CCESS Digital access is the ability for people places of the world to access digital technology. People in all societies should have the right to access technology whether or not they are handicapped, are old or are young, are male or female, and no matter who or where they come from. Example is. Schools having computers for kids to use or a dynabox for kids who aren't able to use the computers at school or at home.

4 Digital Communication Digital Communication the electronic way to exchange information. In the 19th century the ways to communicate were limited. Now in the 21st century communication have expanded widely throughout the world. The expanding communication is allowing you to keep in constant communication. Example: Emails, instant chat boxes, cell phones

5  The ability to use technology for different reason such as communication (E-Mail), and the effects it has on us. It can lead to changes in society and impacts more personal issues.  Example: Communicating on computers and other technology.

6 Digital Security and Safety  Protecting yourself on line so that you don’t get hacked or cause harm toward yourself. But the internet is not safe no matter what it says.  Example: Some people have been bullied online and end up committing suicide.

7  IT is a set of rules you should follow to make the internet a better place. It’s important to treat people the same online as you would in real life. When communicate with someone over the Internet, they can’t see your face to tell if you’re teasing them or just joking around. Treat them they way you would want to be treated. People know these rules don’t follow them when on the Internet  Insulting people online can end up making them commit suicide if your not careful.

8 Digital Rights and Responsibilities A set of rules put on to affect by net owners which restricts the ways in which the network or site may be used. As well as limiting what we can and cant do it is also what we should do to help make our life online and others as safe as possible. Example: there are rules used at schools and work places and in some cases entire countries

9  It is defined as the responsibility for actions, which is either ethical or unethical. Digital responsibility deals with the ethics of technology. Unethical use is hacking or stealing stuff off line. Ethical manifests itself in the form of abiding by the laws of society. It is basically about what you are and are not allowed to do while using the Internet  Example: Hacking – Unethical Talking politely - Ethical

10 Digital Health and Wellness It is keeping people away from danger of physical and psychological harm. Many problems can be influenced by electronic devices. People need to be aware of the dangers of digital predators that they may meet online. It is crucial that People are informed of the problems of digital life and how to keep healthy and safe. And to prevent them from becoming addicted to the computer. Some people may become addicted to the computer and when they leave it will have the same withdrawal as some would from a substance addiction.

11 Digital Commerce Digital Commerce aka Ecommerce is the selling and buying of objects over the internet. Example: EBay, Kijiji.

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