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European capacity building initiativeecbi ADP WS2: Pre-2020 Ambition Overview of key issues, linkages to Adaptation and Finance SEYNI NAFO - AFRICA Group.

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Presentation on theme: "European capacity building initiativeecbi ADP WS2: Pre-2020 Ambition Overview of key issues, linkages to Adaptation and Finance SEYNI NAFO - AFRICA Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 european capacity building initiativeecbi ADP WS2: Pre-2020 Ambition Overview of key issues, linkages to Adaptation and Finance SEYNI NAFO - AFRICA Group european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités ecbi for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations pour un renforcement durable des capacités en appui aux négociations internationales sur les changements climatiques

2 european capacity building initiativeecbi OUTLINE Overview of key issues Background [Durban (2011) & Doha (2012)] Process in 2013 Review Parties Positions How to progress Linking with Adaptation Linking with Finance

3 european capacity building initiativeecbi Background – Durban & Doha Mandate: 1.CP17 launched a workplan on enhancing mitigation ambition… to identify and explore options for a range of actions that can close the Ambition Gap Elements of the Doha Decision 2.CP18: Underlies significant gap (8-13Gt vis-à-vis 2°c or 1.5°c both in the decision preamble) Endorsed arrangements for Bureau of ADP Confirms time-line for adoption at COP21 (2015) explore options and range of actions 2013 – 2014 Stressed importance of high level- engagement Welcomes UN SG leaders summit in 2014 Draft negotiation text no later than COP20 (2014) ensuring Negotiation text available before May 2015

4 european capacity building initiativeecbi Background – Durban & Doha Elements in the Co-Chairs’ conclusions Invitation for submissions (info, views, proposals, etc.) before each session Process is to be informed by IPCC AR5, 2013-15 Review, work in the SB’s On WS2: Submissions on 3 areas: (a) Mitigation and adaptation benefits, (b) barriers and ways to overcome them, incentives, (c) Fi, tech, c-b Workshops to identify and catalyze implementation of initiatives, actions… TP on mitigation benefits, initiatives and options to enhance ambition

5 european capacity building initiativeecbi Process in 2013 April Session: 2 Workshops : (1) Low-emission development opportunities and (2) Mitigation and adaptation benefits in the land-use sector (REDD, Climate-Smart Ag.) Roundtables June Session: 1 Workshop: Energy Transformation 2 Roundtables : Building a practical approach to increasing pre-2020 ambition and (2) Enhancing fi, tech, c- b

6 european capacity building initiativeecbi Review of Parties Positions Summary from developed countries submissions Need to clarify existing pledges and increase ambition Making pledges for those who have not pledged Stress the importance of ICI (HFC, short-lived climate pollutants, phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, bunkers, REDD+ initiatives, Ag, etc.) International carbon markets (NMM, etc.) Summary from developing countries submissions Emphasize in closing both Mitigation and Finance Gap Stress importance of implementing the agreed outcome pursuant to BAP (Adaptation is key, MOI vital, GCF and Tech Mechanism have to be fully operational, MRV of support, Comparability of efforts among AI, etc.) Supplementary actions outside Convention not substitute for action within – Need Transparency on actions and implementation Application of Convention principles and provisions

7 european capacity building initiativeecbi How to Progress Key Challenges Broad scope: vague mandate, broad scope in submissions Outcome of WS2: decision only call for identification and exploration Focus on ICI: MRV provisions, info on support available, etc Lack of a workplan: how long do we continue in explorative mode Lack of pre-2020 Ambition Way forward: Clear Workplan: linking activities and outcome, timeline, interim and final outcome Focused discussion: Concrete measures to increase mitigation ambition: Relationship between increased mitigation and finance ambition What is needed in COP19 decision (substance and process)

8 european capacity building initiativeecbi Linking with Adaptation, Loss & Damage Pre-2020Ambition, impacts and Adaptative capacity By COP19: TP on costs, benefits and opportunities for adaptation based on different drivers of CC impacts, including the relationship between adaptation and mitigation International Mechanism on L&D

9 european capacity building initiativeecbi Linking with Finance Adaptation Finance: Adaptation Fund in crisis GCF: Need for early capitalization 100 B$ Goal & LTF Workprogramme : Pathways to be established and sources to be agreed MRV of support: robust framework encompassing both individual and aggregated Measurement, Report and Verification Processes

10 european capacity building initiativeecbi THANK YOU

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