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Writing Thesis Statements. So, you’ve been given an essay topic… Read all the instructions! Underline key words Think of examples Write down ideas Organize.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Thesis Statements. So, you’ve been given an essay topic… Read all the instructions! Underline key words Think of examples Write down ideas Organize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Thesis Statements

2 So, you’ve been given an essay topic… Read all the instructions! Underline key words Think of examples Write down ideas Organize your ideas Write a ‘working’ thesis


4 What is a thesis statement? What is a strong thesis statement?

5 A thesis statement must answer What, How and Why... What the topic or incident to be examined How the means by which the topic will be examined examples, themes, key images, etc. (i.e.,the major discussion points of your essay) Why interpretation of the events, topic, etc. significance of examining the topic from the angle you have chosen conclusions to be drawn (i.e., the "SO WHAT?" of your argument).

6 Thesis Checklist What Is the thesis related precisely to the assigned topic or to the assigned literature? Does my thesis articulate a particular argument, stance or viewpoint?

7 How Have I identified the specific aspects that I plan to discuss in the body of the essay? Rather than simply listing the evidence that I will use to support the argument, does my thesis show how the points that I will discuss in my essay support the overall argument?

8 Why Have I explained the relevance/significance of my argument? Is my thesis original? Have I avoided repeating what was said in lecture or borrowing from secondary sources?

9 And... Is the thesis clearly expressed in a sentence or two? Is my thesis specific and focused?

10 Example Thesis Statements

11 Weak The Artists of the Group of Seven focussed on the Canadian Landscape.

12 Better Through their use of vibrant colour and bold shapes, the Group of Seven revitalized the art of landscape painting in Canada.

13 Best Through their innovative use of colour and shape, the Group of Seven not only revitalized the art of landscape painting but also redefined the Canadian vision of both the landscape and the nation itself.

14 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

15 Ernest Hemmingway uses water as an important symbol in the novella The Old Man and the Sea.

16 The imagery, tone and metaphors all contribute to the theme of the poem “The Skater.”

17 Roberts’ poem “Tantramar Revisited” reflects the anxieties of its time concerning memory, history and nature.

18 In “Sonnet 130,” the persona creates a realistic portrayal of his mistress through imagery, tone, and his use of comparisons.

19 By ironically juxtaposing the inaccuracy of conventional poetic imagery against the realism of his description of his mistress, the persona in “Sonnet 130” renders his final profession of love more credible.

20 One Man Band Topic: Analyze the shape symbolism in the short film One Man Band. Or Discuss the portrayal of gender roles in the short film One Man Band.

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