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Code of Behavior Supplement for Grades 2-3 Prince William County Schools Created by Karen Levitt, ITRT & Robin Hudspeth, School Counselor 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Code of Behavior Supplement for Grades 2-3 Prince William County Schools Created by Karen Levitt, ITRT & Robin Hudspeth, School Counselor 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Code of Behavior Supplement for Grades 2-3 Prince William County Schools Created by Karen Levitt, ITRT & Robin Hudspeth, School Counselor 1

2 Supports Objectives: Guidance Objectives: 2P.2: Demonstrate awareness of our diverse differences. 2P.3: Understand how to make and keep friends. 2P.4: Recognize how personal behavior affects group dynamics and show how to work cooperatively. 3P.3: Describe the importance of accepting responsibility for individual behavior and its affects on others. 3P.6: Explain the skills needed to function effectively in groups. 3P.8: Identify and demonstrate respectful behavior characteristics towards students in a diverse population. Language Arts: 2.8: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND PROCESSES: describe characteristics of folk tales, and fairy tales. 3.5: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional text and poetry. ESSENTAIL KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND PROCESSES: gain meaning before, during and after readying by: understanding the basic lessons of morals of fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends and fables. Social Studies: 2.10 Civics: The student will explain the responsibilities of a good citizen, with emphasis on a) respecting and protecting the rights and property of others; b) taking part in the voting process when making classroom decisions; c) describing actions that can improve the school and community; d) demonstrating self-discipline and self-reliance; e) practicing honesty and trustworthiness 2.12 Civics: The student will understand that the United States is a land of people who have diverse ethnic origins, customs, and traditions, who make contributions to their communities, and who are united as Americans by common principles. 3.10 Civics: The student will recognize why government is necessary in the classroom, school, and community by A) explaining the purpose of rules and laws; B) explaining that the basic purposes of government are to make laws, carry out laws, and decide if laws have been broken; C) explaining that government protects the rights and property of individuals. 3.11 Civics: The student will explain the important of the basic principles that form the foundation of a republican form of government by A) describing the individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and equality under the law; D) describing how people can serve the community, state, and nation 3.12 Civics: The student will recognize that Americans are a people of diverse ethnic origins, customs, and traditions, who are united by the basic principles of a republican form of government and respect for individual rights and freedoms. 2

3 Behave with CHARACTER by showing Good Manners…Good Manners Trustworthiness To tell the truth Respect Listen, be polite, be kind Responsibility Make good choices, work hard Fairness Take turns, play by the rules Caring Be nice, be kind, help others, share Citizenship Be a responsible member of your school, community, country and the world 3

4 How do you see these students being quality friends? Do you see any examples of the character traits? trustworthinessrespectresponsibility fairnesscaringcitizenship 4

5 Trustworthiness The Boy Who Cried Wolf Story The Boy Who Cried Wolf Why did the boy cry wolf the first time? Why were the villagers unhappy? What happened when the wolf really came? What can we learn from this fable? The Boy Who Cried Wolf Sing Along Song Listen to the song. Every time you hear the word “wolf,” make wolf ears with your hands. The Empty Pot book or The Empty Pot book The Empty Pot -A School's Character Education Version 5

6 Game Questions What does Trustworthiness or Integrity mean? What are the characteristics a person with Integrity has? Is it easy to always do the “right” thing? What are some reasons people your age find it difficult to “do the right thing?” (Peer pressure, lack of strong values/morals, sense of right vs. wrong, to be funny) What things make it difficult for people your age to be honest? What are you when no one else is around? Do you get another chance to gain your trust back if you lose it? It may not be as easy as in the activity, but you can always choose a fresh start. 6

7 Discussion Questions Truthfulness means being honest in our actions and words. What does that mean to be honest or truthful in our actions and our words? Why is honesty important? Give examples. Are there times when being honest is difficult? Explain. What does the saying, “Honesty is the best policy” mean? 7

8 Responsibility Responsibility: Stop, Think, Act Review What are consequences? What should we set to guide us in the right direction? What should you do if a friend tries to get you to do something irresponsible? 8

9 Responsibility Responsibility Song Responsibility Video Clip - Our Jobs Draw a line from the picture to the correct blank. 9

10 Help this class be more responsible by telling us how you would clean up the room. 10

11 Responsibility Discussion Questions Being Responsible means to recognize and follow through with what is expected of one’s self and things we need to do. What are some jobs or responsibilities you have at home? What are some ways that we can be responsible at school – in the classroom? On the playground? On the bus? 11

12 Let's compare trustworthiness and responsibility: Trustworthiness Responsibility 12

13 Fairness Count the pieces on each plate. Draw a line from each plate to a table that could split the food fairly. 13

14 Fairness Fairness Song The Little Red HenThe Little Red Hen movie book How could they have shared the work fairly? 14

15 15

16 Questions - Review Team 1 Team 2 What do you get when you mix red and blue? 10 + 5 = In what city is the Washington Monument located? How many months are there? Can you say, “Hello” in another language? Who is the Principal? Who is the current president? What colors would you mix to make magenta? 12 / 3 = Name 3 contributions of Ancient Greece. How many seconds are there in an hour? How do you say, “How old are you?” in Chinese? Who is the Superintendent? Who is the president of Italy/Rome? 16

17 Quiz Show Fairness Discussion Questions Challenge Set (Team 1): Did you feel you were treated unfairly? Explain. Easy Set (Team 2): How did you feel about the questions you were asked? Both: In what kinds of situations have you seen people treated unfairly? What groups of people throughout history have been treated unfairly? Who has responded to unfairness in ways that you admire? Why? What have they done? What can you do when you see someone treated unfairly? 17

18 Caring Discussion Questions How did it feel to read what your classmates like about you? Caring means to show interest and concern for others – to be friendly and considerate. What are some ways you can show others you care? How do the following words relate to caring: being kind, sharing, and helping? How does the Snowball activity help demonstrate Caring? Caring Song 18

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20 Fairness Caring 20

21 Citizenship Discussion Questions A citizen is a person who is a member of a group. The group can be a classroom, school, or community. What are some ways that you can be a Good Citizen in your community? At school? At home? Part of being a Good Citizen is following the rules and laws. What rules and laws do you have to follow? Another part of being a Good Citizen is making a positive contribution to our world. What are some of your strengths and things you are good at that you can share with the world? What type of job or career are you interested in for your future? Being a Good Citizen also involves caring about and helping others. What are some ways that you help others at school? In our community? 21

22 Telephone Questions Did the sentence make it around the class correctly? How do others whispering around you make you feel? How do you see, or not see, Respect in this game? 22

23 Respect Discussion Questions Respect means to think well of, to honor, to care about, or have a good opinion of. Give examples of ways we show respect for ourselves? 23

24 Respect Questions What does it mean to show respect for authority? Name some people in authority and give examples of how we are respectful? 24

25 Discussion Questions What does it mean to show respect for others? How does being respectful of others guide us in the right way to treat others? 25

26 Discussion Questions How do we show respect for our country? Review and discuss the words to the “Pledge of Allegiance” and our National Anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner.” 26

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28 12 3 45 6 Clues: Across:1. being honest Down:2. making good choices 3. playing by the rules 4. being responsible in your own community 5. being nice 6. treat others the way you want to be treated Use the clues to solve the Crossword Puzzle Assessment 28

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