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UIC University of Illinois at Chicago RTC: Randomized Community Trial Community-Based Tobacco Control Program.

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Presentation on theme: "UIC University of Illinois at Chicago RTC: Randomized Community Trial Community-Based Tobacco Control Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago RTC: Randomized Community Trial Community-Based Tobacco Control Program

2 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago Comprehensive Intervention Mass Media Campaign –Legacy “truth” Campaign School –Curriculum –School-wide Policy –Family Involvement Community Mobilization –Youth Access –Smoke-free environments –Other policy changes

3 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago RTC with Matched Pairs 6-12 matched pairs (need power analysis) Community = Defined Media Markets Matched pairs or strata: –Use existing data to match Population, smoking rates, media reach –Possible use of baseline data to match Youth smoking survey

4 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago Randomization Each member of each pair agrees to randomization after baseline data collected OR Randomize to conditions, then recruit

5 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago Design Elements OOxxxxOxxxxOxxxxOxxxxOxxxxOO R OOOOOOOOO Improve Power: Multiple baseline measures Multiple control groups per intervention group

6 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago Steps Baseline studies –Tobacco use prevalence and survey –Qualitative of appropriateness of messages Second or more baselines Implement all components of intervention Monitoring of intervention implementation Follow-up surveys –Awareness of campaign components –Of intermediate changes - e.g., prices, availability –Youth tobacco use attitudes and behaviors

7 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago Specific Measures: Process Pre-intervention measure of readiness Implementation –Exposure to media campaign –# youth involved in empowerment programs –Community organizational structures/involvement Post-study sustainability of intervention

8 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago Measures: Intermediate Policy Change –School tobacco-free policies –Tobacco prices (and change in prices) –Community smoke-free policies Enforcement of tobacco-free policies –School –Community

9 UIC University of Illinois at Chicago Specific Measures: Outcomes Tobacco use by adolescents 13-15 –% ever used –% use currently % of youth “susceptible” to initiation Exposure to 2nd hand smoke –% children, nonsmoking adolescents/young adults Per capita sales of tobacco products –Cigarettes –Other tobacco products

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