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PROMISELAND LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE New Salem Missionary Baptist Church 2956 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43224 Dr. Keith A. Troy, Pastor Min. Brenda Troy,

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Presentation on theme: "PROMISELAND LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE New Salem Missionary Baptist Church 2956 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43224 Dr. Keith A. Troy, Pastor Min. Brenda Troy,"— Presentation transcript:


2 PROMISELAND LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE New Salem Missionary Baptist Church 2956 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43224 Dr. Keith A. Troy, Pastor Min. Brenda Troy, Director July 9, 2005

3 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 NIV

4 FAQ’S Answers all Team Member should know Q: What ages does Promiseland serve? Q: How can I register my child for Promiseland? Q: Do I need to register multiple children? Q: What kind of security check do the volunteers have to go through?




8 Back to Reality!

9 Vision Statement Win kids to Christ and grow them to maturity in Him

10 Who is our Audience?

11 Mission Statement To Strive to Connect children to Membership, Maturity, Ministry, Missions, and Magnification. Our children’s ministry exists to: SHARE Christ with the children of our community TEAM them with other Christians and ADVANCE them in their spiritual maturity. It helps them to RECOGNIZE spirituals gifts and to SURRENDER their lives to God.


13 You are the light of the world….let your light shine

14 10 Watt Somewhat Shy (possibly new to Promiseland or NSMBC) Not totally committed (feeling his/her way through the ministry) Babe in Christ, serving to the best of their ability Usually needs a boost (self-esteem, affirmation) Shows up with minimum energy 101 Graduate

15 Committed to NSMBC Busy (personal/professional), yet usually shows up or calls Servant Leader if unable to serve Usually consistent with attendance Shows up with some energy 201 Graduate 60 Watt

16 100 Watt Committed to NSMBC Committed to Promiseland Children’s Ministry “Busy Bodies”--guaranteed to serve---High energy leader Builds relationships with children and families Prepared for lessons 301 Graduate (Leadership Status) Regular study with God/Consistent prayer life

17 150 Watt

18 Committed to NSMBC Committed to Promiseland Children’s Ministry Committed to building relationships with children and families. Knows child/family names Usually talks with kids about how school and activities are going; knows achievements Able to identify feelings

19 150 Watt High energy! Servant Leader qualities Team Player/ Serves weekly if necessary Prepared for lessons and activities Goes above and beyond (Revivals, Special Events, treats, etc.) 401 Graduate/ Attends SALT & Dept. Meetings Regular study time with God/Consistent prayer life Great Communicator, Over-achiever, loaded with hugs and smiles!

20 What Watt are You?


22 Encourage Energize EMPOWER


24 Special Needs

25 Specialized Trainings


27 Wrap Up

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