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1. 2 from the “cour des miracles” To one of the most dynamic teams (with basically the same people)

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 from the “cour des miracles” To one of the most dynamic teams (with basically the same people)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 from the “cour des miracles” To one of the most dynamic teams (with basically the same people)

3 From “Tribal leadership” by Logan, King & Fischer-Wright, 2008; adapted by Ledoux Alienated Team “Life sucks” “I’m great” “Life is great” 2% 22% 49% 25% 2% Separate Stable partnership “My life sucks” “We’re great” Language Relationship to People 5 4 3 2 1 Personal domination 5 4 3 2 1 The 5 stages of culture 3

4 Inspired by Isaac Getz (Freedom Inc.) Intrinsic equality Personal growth Capacity to self-direct Team management principles 4

5 1 2 3 Whyway Humility Fairness 5 Everybody wants to take initiatives Intrinsic equality ‐ Open communication ‐ Participation ‐ Diversity ‐ Ignorance’s strength ‐ Transparency ‐ No titles ‐ Wage gap reduction ‐ Bonus sharing ‐ Open space for all

6 6 Personalgrowth 1 2 3 Exploration Trust Benevolence 6 Everybody is able to take initiatives ‐ Open trainings ‐ Collective intelligence ‐ Godfathers ‐ Risky appointments ‐ Tolerance for errors ‐ Resilience faith ‐ Craftsmanship ‐ Dignity ‐ Coherence

7 7 Capacity to self-direct 1 2 3 Adults Engagement Let go Everybody has the liberty to take initiatives ‐ No rules ‐ No credos ‐ No monkeys ‐ Common good ‐ Team practices ‐ Societal projects ‐ Loosening follow ups ‐ Distance ‐ Improvisation

8 OlivierLaurent Marina Triad 8 Structure of stable relationships From “Tribal leadership” by Logan, King & Fischer-Wright, 2008

9 2011 2009 ClarityProudness Progress Autonomy 2007 Excellence 2007 Recognition Department’s work climate (Hay) 9

10 2011 2009 My leadership style (Hay) 10 Résultats en centiles DirectiveMotivatingFriendlyDemocratic Perfect executioner “Grower”

11 Cendrars 11

12 12

13 13

14 Aristotle 14

15 Faber 15

16 16

17 The limit is what a generation owes to the next one Legendre 17

18 Profit is the consequence of the human relation that we develop daily with our shareholders, clients, employees, suppliers & the rest of society. 18 Toniutti

19 Listen to your liberating question Get off the dance floor & on the balcony Learn daily to ride your elephant Let go 19 12 43

20 Listen to your liberating question 20 1

21 21

22 Jankélévitch & the prism of virtues 22

23 Get off the dance floor & on the balcony 23 2

24 24 Sustainability Towards Stagnation Towards Brittleness Greater efficiency (streamlining) Diversity & Interconnectivity Optimum 100% 0% Optimal balance between efficiency & resilience Greater resilience Ulanowicz

25 25 Frydman

26 Heifetz Photo: ΠΑΣΟΚ 26

27 Clear Requires learning Clear Requires learning Physician Physician &patient Patient > physician Technical Technical &adaptive Adaptive 27 Distinguishing technical problems & adaptive challenges Type I Source: “Leadership without easy answers”, by Ronald Heifetz Primary locus of resp. for the work Problem definition Solution and implementation Kind of work Type II Type III

28 28 Modulating the stress Source: “Leadership on the line”, by Ronald Heifetz & Marty Linsky

29 5 strategic principles of Leadership 5 strategic principles of adaptive leadership Source: “Leadership without easy answers”, by Ronald Heifetz, adapted by Ledoux 29

30 30 Diagnose the system Be ready to observe & interpret before intervening Diagnose the system itself Diagnose the adaptive challenge Diagnose the political landscape Understand the qualities that makes an organization adaptive Mobilize the system Make interpretations Design effective interventions Act politically Orchestrate the conflict Build an adaptive culture See yourself as a system Identify who you are Know your tuning “Broaden your bandwidth” Understand your roles Articulate your purposes Deploy yourself Stay connected to your purposes “Engage courageously” Inspire people Run experiments “Thrive” 4 related groups of activities of adaptive leadership IVIII III Source: “Leadership without easy answers”, by Ronald Heifetz, adapted by Ledoux

31 Act & talk as if you would control the situation Give your team & yourself credit for success but also responsibility for part of the failures Talk about the future, while recognizing organizational realities and their limitations Know when & how not to interfere Build an environment in which others can succeed Lessons learned on leadership 31 2 3 4 5 1

32 32 3

33 Spiritual exercises Hadot Philosophy as a way of being 33 Photo: Robin Zebrowsk

34 34 Moral imagination is the condition of free deeds Steiner

35 35 Badaracco

36 36 Semler

37 Courageous conversations & daring to speak into darkness 37 Strom

38 Respect for craftmanship 38 Sennett

39 39 Daily physical exercices & eating habits

40 40

41 Let go 41 4

42 Laozi, 630 BC 42 The best leader is the one whose existence the group barely knows Photo: Radoslav Minchev

43 43 Julien

44 Conche Nature is infinite in time and space 44

45 Extend ethics to nature Callicott 45

46 “It” shoots Awa Be one with the bow, the arrow, the target and everything, everyone else 46

47 Another world is possible 47

48 To the memory of François Vassart (1925 – 2001) who was my first spiritual master and made me copy a thousand time: “If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same… ” (Si tu peux rencontrer triomphe après défaite Et recevoir ces deux menteurs d’un même front) (Rudyard Kipling – “If”) “Gagner pour vous, Pour moi perdant, Avoir été peut-être utile C’était un rêve modeste et fou Vous me mettrez avec, en terre Comme une étoile au fond d’un trou” (To win for you, losing for me To have been, perhaps, useful That was a modest and crazy dream You’ll bury me with it As a star in a deep hole) (Aragon – “J’entends, J’entends”) 48

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