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Caribbean Island Presentation By Owen K. April 1 Red.

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1 Caribbean Island Presentation By Owen K. April 1 Red

2 The Location of the Dominican Republic, St. Kitts & Nevis, and Antigua & Barbuda. Dominican Republic -Purple Island Antigua & Barbuda - Red Islands St. Kitts & Nevis – Yellow Islands

3 Low Island-Barbuda (Antigua & Barbuda) Highest elevation- 124.67ft Low lying Made of coral and sand Has a lagoon No Minerals No petroleum

4 High Island-Saint Kitts & Nevis Highest elevation- 3792.65ft Central part of the island has a volcano and is mountainous No minerals No petroleum Good soil so lots of agriculture products like sugarcane

5 Continental Island-Dominican Republic Highest elevation- 10416.67 ft Good soil so many agricultural products like tobacco Many minerals like nickel and bauxite Has high mountains/peaks

6 Timeline Of Dominican Republic 1492- Christopher Columbus visits the island and calls it Hispaniola 1496- Spaniards set up first Spanish colony in western hemisphere at Santo Domingo Santo Domingo serves as capital of Spanish colonies in America 1697- the treaty of Ryswick gives western part (Now Haiti) to France and Eastern part (Then Santo Domingo now Dominican Republic) to Spain 1865- the second Dominican Republic is proclaimed 1916- 1924- U.S. forces occupy the Dominican Republic following internal disorder 1924- U.S forces withdraw

7 Citations Geography of the World and its people National Geographic Society, Glencoe, 2/24/11 Cia World Factbook: Dominican Republic, Author Unknown, 3/16/11, factbook/geos/dr.html, 3/29 Cia World Factbook: St. Kitts & Nevis, Author Unknown, 3/16/11, factbook/geos/sc.html, 3/29 Cia World Factbook: Antigua & Barbuda, Author Unknown, 3/16/11, factbook/geos/ac.html, 3/29 BBC News: Timeline: Dominican Republic, Author Unknown, November 17 2010,, 3/30/11

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