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IMHO’s Role in Building Health Systems & Addressing Vital Humanitarian Needs Nanda Nanthakumar, PhD IMHO Board of Directors.

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Presentation on theme: "IMHO’s Role in Building Health Systems & Addressing Vital Humanitarian Needs Nanda Nanthakumar, PhD IMHO Board of Directors."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMHO’s Role in Building Health Systems & Addressing Vital Humanitarian Needs Nanda Nanthakumar, PhD IMHO Board of Directors

2 The Genesis of a Movement… 2003 The idea of IMHO is born 2004 First health care centers in Sri Lanka open 2005 Major tsunami relief efforts undertaken & volunteer teams descend 2009 IMHO launches major relief efforts in final stages of civil conflict 2013 10 years and $3.3M of relief & development assistance later, we celebrate a milestone!

3 Why??? Our collective motivation & vision of a better tomorrow We are building more than just an organization Thousands of lives have been positively impacted by our shared efforts The future of IMHO and our vision for the future…

4 Persistent Challenges in Sri Lanka Livelihoods/Empowerment Hospital Development ( strengthening systems & infrastructure ) Water & Sanitation Mental Health & Psychosocial Rehabilitation Rehabilitation for Amputees Primary Care

5 Serving Resettled Communities

6 War, poverty, and natural disasters don’t discriminate…and neither do we. IMHO has supported communities in need in 14 countries since inception

7 Lives Forever Impacted A statistic is merely a number, but the measure of one life is unquantifiable

8 2012 Efforts & Financials EXPENSES Programs: $279,424 In-Kind: $71,050 TOTAL: $350,474

9 2012 Geographic Focus

10 Ethiopia Development Efforts: $7,205 Gondar Teaching Hospital surgical textbook development Establishment of a deaf education & empowerment center in Bahir Dar

11 India—Cyclone Thane Relief: $5,000

12 Haiti Development Efforts: $3,250 Shipment of medicines for community clinic Providing regular breakfast to school children

13 Livelihoods Support: $61,000 Kilinochchi, Jaffna, Mullaithivu, Ampara, & Mannar

14 Livelihoods Support

15 Example of Livelihoods Support: Women’s Trishaw Driver Empowerment Provided 5 three-wheelers/trishaws to trained women who will perpetuate the program

16 Student/Education Support: $17,800 Photocopier & solar panels for school in Iyankankulam 20 solar panels for schools/homes in Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu Jaffna orphans support (meals & living expenses) Financial assistance to 6 students in Kilinochchi Rebuilt a home for severely disadvantaged youth

17 Mental Health: $23,950 Out-patient transportation facility & 10 bicycles for “Kudil” patients Multi-disciplinary mental health team in Tellipalai Supplies/equipment and facilities renovation in Kalmunai

18 Tube Wells & Toilets: $33,983 Toilets & tube wells for the benefit of disabled persons and their families

19 Amputee Rehab & Support: $17,450 Amputee rehabilitation in Jaffna Wheelchairs for paraplegic patients in Kilinochchi (Livelihoods support, toilets, & tube wells accounted for separately)

20 Nutrition: $10,300 Ongoing nutritional feeding program for low BMI pregnant women & new mothers in Batticaloa, and orphans/youth throughout NE

21 Mobile Clinics: $3,500 Ongoing support for mobile clinics in Sandilipay

22 Hospital Development: $160,545 Batticaloa Teaching Hospital Jaffna Teaching Hospital Tellipalai Base Hospital Vavuniya General Hospital Kilinochchi General Hospital

23 Batticaloa Hospital Development: $23,500 + $70,000 in-kind Ambulance for Cardiology Unit Pneumatic calf compressor & cuffs In-kind: Pacemaker & blood analyzer

24 Tellipalai Hospital Development: $25,200 Operating room equipment

25 Jaffna Hospital Development: $19,246 Diabetic Center Support & Development Bone marrow biopsy needles Biothesiometer Patient warmer Cancer registry, patient support, and cancer center operating support Radioactive iodine treatment

26 Vavuniya Hospital Development: $17,600 Orthopedic Unit equipment Physiotherapist support

27 Kilinochchi Hospital Development: $5,000 Ambulance repair

28 Hurricane Sandy Relief (2012/2013): $5,000 Assisting residents of New York & New Jersey affected by Hurricane Sandy: $5,000

29 “The highest prayer in this world is service, the greatest devotion is loving the people around us: and the noblest character trait is divine compassion for all living creatures.” ~Swami Chinmayananda 29

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