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Welcome To Mineola ISD Head Start Please sign in and pick-up a packet. Please save all Box Tops and send them to school taped to designated forms found.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To Mineola ISD Head Start Please sign in and pick-up a packet. Please save all Box Tops and send them to school taped to designated forms found."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome To Mineola ISD Head Start Please sign in and pick-up a packet. Please save all Box Tops and send them to school taped to designated forms found in the front office or on our school website. We raised over a thousand dollars last year alone to help buy items to further your child’s education.

3 Staff Introduction Rod Allen- Mineola Primary Principal Veronica Lopez- Head Start Family Service Worker Sheryl Gradick- Head Start Family Service Worker Tricia Gilmore- Head Start Family Service Worker Sueanne Bardwell- Head Start 3’s teacher – Kalisa Craven- Head Start 3’s Teaching Assistant Raquel Palma- Head Start 4’s bilingual teacher – Vickie Wilson- Head Start 4’s Teaching Assistant Darla Seeton- Head Start 4’s teacher – Alayna Palacios- Head Start 4’s Teaching Assistant

4 Introduction Rod Allen Drop Off: 7:30-8:00 Pick Up: 3:00 Picking up early is discouraged and requires permission Remain in the car line to pick up your child Attendance is mandatory Scanning drivers license

5 Childcare We have teachers available in the library to watch your children during orientation if needed.

6 What Do I Need? Backpack- big enough to fit a blanket and folder. Please put child’s name on backpack Blanket- small blanket or beach towel with child’s name on it for nap time. – Bring on Monday and take home Fridays to be cleaned Change of Clothes- Please place in bag – Shirt, shorts, socks, and underwear No school supplies are needed

7 First Day Please take your child to their classroom on the first day of school. After the first day please drop your child off at the car line and they will walk to the first grade computer lab. There will be teachers on duty to help assist your child. To help us transition your child on the first day of school we ask that you leave at 8:00. It is very normal that a child may cry. The crying will stop if you reassure them that you are coming back and leave quickly. Make sure your child wears his or her name tag each day for the first week of school. Sentence Strips- Please place in the window of your car for pick-up

8 1 st Grade Computer Lab Front Office Front Entrance Library First Grade Classrooms Second Grade Classrooms

9 What will my child learn? Letters/ Letter Sounds Counting Number Recognition Recognizing and writing name Recognizing Shapes Vocabulary and Language skills Social and Emotional Skills And much more…

10 What should my child wear? Your child will be painting, running, jumping, and climbing daily. Play Clothes Play Shoes No Flip Flops

11 Nutrition

12 Home Visits Home visits are a part of the Head Start agreement that you signed during registration They are conducted twice a year by site staff and the teacher We are not there to inspect your home. We are there to talk about your child’s education and help you with any personal goals you may have.

13 Family Goals At the first home visit we will discuss setting personal goals for yourself and your family. For example… Getting GED Going to college Taking ESL classes Finding Employment Budgeting Parenting Skills Organizational Skills

14 Health & Safety Lessons on Transportation SafetyTeach Washing HandsBrush Teeth 2X dailyTable Manners Please give medication at home if possible. If your child needs to take medication at school they must have a doctors note. (even Tylenol)

15 How Can I Volunteer? Join the Mineola ISD PTP Please contact your child’s teacher to set up a time and day to volunteer. You must fill out a background check Please sign in with your child’s teacher & office You may not bring other children when you help volunteer. However you may bring siblings to class parties. Volunteer training is in September. Remember you are there to help all students not just your own. Sign In

16 Parent Trainings Parent trainings are classes that are held monthly to discuss topics that are relevant to our every day life. Parent training lasts approximately 1 hour Younger siblings are welcome to attend Snacks are provided Volunteer speakers take time out of their busy schedules please come if you can. Join Us!

17 Dentals & Physicals Your child must have a yearly physical exam that includes shots, HGB and Lead test. Your child must have a dental exam every six months please make your appointment this week it takes time to get in. Your family service worker is available to assist you in making appointments and providing you with forms for your doctor to fill out.

18 School Office 903-569-5488 Head Start Office 903-569-0165 903-569-2134 E-Mail & School Info. Found on school website l

19 Thank you! Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to teach your child. We will take care of your child as though they are our own.

20 Thank You For Coming! Please allow us to take a picture of you with your child before you leave. This picture will be available for your child to help ease their transition into school.

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