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Национальная контактная точка «Здравоохранение» Рамочной программы ЕС «Горизонт 2020» Научно-технологическое сотрудничество по тематическому приоритету.

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Presentation on theme: "Национальная контактная точка «Здравоохранение» Рамочной программы ЕС «Горизонт 2020» Научно-технологическое сотрудничество по тематическому приоритету."— Presentation transcript:

1 Национальная контактная точка «Здравоохранение» Рамочной программы ЕС «Горизонт 2020» Научно-технологическое сотрудничество по тематическому приоритету «Здравоохранение, демографические изменения и качество жизни» в программе Горизонт 2020 ЕС HORIZON 2020

2 В 24 проектах 7 РП ЕС приняли участие 32 российских научных организаций Участие российских организаций в 7 РП ЕС по направлению «Здравоохранение»

3 Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Здравоохранение, демографические изменения и качество жизни demographic-change-and-wellbeing demographic-change-and-wellbeing Научные исследования нацелены на долголетие, на продление активного и здорового образа жизни и разработку новых, безопасных и эффективных методов терапии Personalising health and care РНС Coordination activities НСО Other activities НОА

4 BIOTECHNOLOGY, GENERIC TOOLS AND MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR HUMAN HEALTH TRANSLATING RESEARCH FOR HUMAN HEALTH – Large-scale data gathering and Systems biology – Brain and brain-related diseases and Human development and ageing – Translational research in major infectious diseases (Anti-microbial drug resistance, HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis) – Translational research in other major diseases (Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes and obesity) OPTIMISING THE DELIVERY OF HEALTHCARE TO EUROPEAN CITIZENS Understanding health, ageing and disease; Effective health promotion, disease prevention, preparedness and screening; Improving diagnosis Innovative treatments and technologies Advancing active and healthy ageing Integrated, sustainable, citizen- centred care Improving heath information, data exploitation and providing an evidence base for health policies and regulation 7 FPHORIZON 2020

5 Deadline PHC 21 - 2015 PHC 25 - 2015 PHC 27 – 2015 PHC 28 – 2015 PHC 29 – 2015 PHC 30 - 2015 21 апреля 2015 года h2020-wp1415-health_en.pdf

6 eHealth PHC 21 – 2015: Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: Early risk detection and intervention PHC 25 – 2015: Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care PHC 27 – 2015: Self-management of health and disease and patient empowerment supported by ICT PHC 28 – 2015: Self-management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him or herself PHC 29 – 2015: Public procurement of innovative eHealth services PHC 30 – 2015: Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment HORIZON 2020


8 Research and Innovation #HorizonPrize The European Commission has launched the Horizon Prize for Better use of Antibiotics This challenge prize is offering a cash reward of €1 million To the person/team meeting the following challenge: Develop a rapid test that will allow healthcare providers to distinguish, at the point-of-care, between patients with upper respiratory tract infections that require antibiotics and those that can be treated safely without them. These infections include pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis and bronchitis.

9 Research and Innovation #HorizonPrize Objectives of the Prize Reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics in case of viral upper respiratory tract infections; Reduce costs and side effects linked to the use of antibiotics; Delay emergence of antibiotic-resistant organisms.

10 Research and Innovation #HorizonPrize How can the challenge be met? As a minimum, the test needs to be cheap, rapid, easy-to-use for healthcare providers and non- or minimally invasive for patients. Timeline Deadline for submissions: 17/08/2016 Award decision at the end of 2016. Website:

11 Спасибо за внимание! HORIZON 2020

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